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Magna's journey and progress report


I started this journey early june with the flaxseed and soyflour program (with a few things added to it), though as time went on and the more research I did, I want to take a different approach and try other things! While I saw a bit of progress with the current program, I think the soyflour/whole milk is making me gain weight in undesirable areas, but I've come up with possible solutions to counter that.

If you wish to know the steps for my very first program, it can be found on my "introduce yourself" thread, along with some more info about me.

My stopweek starts tomorrow which means I'll stop all supps. I'll start again in july with a more carefully detailed plan inspired by other success stories and information mostly provided by lotus and surferjoe.


1 - 14 (folicular phase)
-> soyflour (50g) and whole milk (400ml) [estrogen source]
-> red clover extract capsules (200mg) [estrogen receptors and aromatase]
-> not taking my BC

15 - 30 (luteal phase)
-> start taking BC (I'm even considering doubling the dose, which would be 4mg dienogest / 0.06 etinilestradiol in total) [progesterone]
-> progesterone cream (contains wild yam and and primrose oil + progesterone 2mg/estriol 0.2 powder that I add manually) [progesterone]

1 -30 (whole cycle)
-> fenugreek extract 50% saponins [prolactin]
-> 1000mg vit c + 3200mg MSM
-> 1 or 2 cups of spearmint tea / fennel tea [antiandrogen]
-> 1 or 2 15 min massage with flaxseed oil + shower fat brushing/lymph massage [prolactin and bloodflow]
-> Regular sleep / Avoid Stress / Occasional exercise / Deep breaths [lower cortisol]
-> Keeping chest warm with heatpad [blood flow]
-> Good foods for NBE (lots of yogurt, fruits and veggies)

Things I'm looking into adding:
-> PM pills. Ordered these today but I think they'll only arrive in august unfortunately :c they'll replace the soyflour. They contain PM of course, but also a bit of saw palmetto, fenugreek and green papaya. By taking PM instead of soyflour, I might be able to avoid my problem of gaining weight on my stomach.
-> Vitex. Would add this to my luteal phase. I've never seen it in stores here and I would like to buy a minimum amount of things online (so far i've ordered the fenugreek 50% saponins and PM pills online as I felt like these were the most potent things, plus I can get a good amount of progesterone from my BC I think)
-> Collagen. I heard it's good in general and Chyomilk had it in her program.
-> Dandelion root extract. Yet again another thing that I can't find here! But my program could use a potentiator.. so i might order this one as well at some point.
-> Coconut oil for massages instead of flaxseed. I will acquire it when I run out of flaxseed oil. Possibly add lavender essential oil to the mix.
-> Maca. I do have maca pills with me, just didn't take them. I bought these without thinking and I don't know what they do :p
-> Grapefruit juice. Heard of the benefits! But I don't know how or when to take this. I guess a glass a day would be good?
-> Something for overall hormone balance. I would appreciate insight on this one! Does anyone know a good supplement for this? I would like to avoid BO.
-> Inositol. Apparently this is a PCOS supplement used to treat insulin resistance. Might give it a shot since I have PCOS but it's the last on my list.

Things I removed:
-> Ground Flaxseed. I just didn't vibe with it! Might pick it up again but for now I'll try other sources of estrogen.
-> Hypnotherapy. Won't remove it entirely, but I will do it less frequently because the only time available I have for this is before bed, and I end up just falling asleep a lot of the times instead.

Things I know that work:
-> Spearmint tea. While it hasn't made my bust bigger, it certainly has helped with my body hair! That's still a win in my book c:
-> Red Clover/Soyflour combo. Took it for only a few days but it has made my breasts sooo plump! I liked the effect of red clover + soy more than the flax + soy combo.
-> Massage. My massage method is to clean the boobs with 70% alcohol, massage for 15 minutes (I alternate between chi and deer) and then let the oil sit for 5 minutes before wiping everything with a warm washcloth. I can literally feel my heartbeat on my breasts after this, plus they have been more jiggly! I also massage my arms/armpits in the shower for good lymph flow, along with fat brushing, can't say that one has worked though, but it's quite relaxing.

Finally, I'll discuss another potential method: pumping!
Saw a reddit post recently of someone having amazing success with a 20 dollar amazon pump. Thing is, I am SO SCARED of getting one because I still live with my parents and I am terrified of the idea of my mom finding it ;w; and yes specifically my mom because she goes through my things. So far I've been able to hide the supplements but I don't know how I'll hide a pump!!

Final notes:
- so the idea behind this approach is to alternate between supps during my phases, instead of something linear. So whenever I enter folicular I supply my body with estrogen, and when I enter luteal, supply progesterone. We'll see how my body reacts to that.
- although I haven't had strong results, I'm quite happy that my breasts responded to something, no matter how subtle it is.
- will continue thread either mid july or early august.

Thanks for reading and happy growing to all!! <3

(25-06-2024, 15:30)magnamon Wrote:  Something for overall hormone balance. I would appreciate insight on this one! Does anyone know a good supplement for this?

I was going to suggest Maca but then I noticed it was on your list already.

(27-06-2024, 16:12)black eyed susan Wrote:  
(25-06-2024, 15:30)magnamon Wrote:  Something for overall hormone balance. I would appreciate insight on this one! Does anyone know a good supplement for this?

I was going to suggest Maca but then I noticed it was on your list already.
Awesome! Well I did buy the pills, it wouldn't hurt trying them if they promote hormone balance, thank you!

Yes Maca is one of the best things you can take for hormone balance (it helps both men and women).

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