Hi everyone, old time user here!! I was an user of Eve's Breast Forum back in 2006 when I was 23. I remember following Fengshui's journey when she was in her 40s and all the others! Now I'm 40 and my breasts did grow in size but it's not anything I did on purpose.
I started drinking coffee this year and my my body likes it so much and I noticed my boobs grew. The caffeine was problematic for me so I went with water decaf (very important). It has to be really good quality coffee that gives you a lot of endorphin/dopamine/other feel good hormones. I joke with my partner that it's the reason why coffee producing areas have well endowed women (south-america etc).
I was an A cup in 2006 and grew to a small B back then doing Fengshui's massage and a few supplements now I'm a C cup maybe a small D and still growing. I just bought a Bradelis night bra size 65-70F/L to scoop and shape them (actually wanted to have a Miour night bra designed by Sakuma Mio but they don't ship to where I live). I gained minimal body weight but I'm also on keto diet and the Root Cause Protocol to become healthier and my boob size is only going up. Thought I would share this with you
I started drinking coffee this year and my my body likes it so much and I noticed my boobs grew. The caffeine was problematic for me so I went with water decaf (very important). It has to be really good quality coffee that gives you a lot of endorphin/dopamine/other feel good hormones. I joke with my partner that it's the reason why coffee producing areas have well endowed women (south-america etc).
I was an A cup in 2006 and grew to a small B back then doing Fengshui's massage and a few supplements now I'm a C cup maybe a small D and still growing. I just bought a Bradelis night bra size 65-70F/L to scoop and shape them (actually wanted to have a Miour night bra designed by Sakuma Mio but they don't ship to where I live). I gained minimal body weight but I'm also on keto diet and the Root Cause Protocol to become healthier and my boob size is only going up. Thought I would share this with you