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Advise as to what to try next (pumping?!)


Hello all! I just discovered this forum and feel like I’ve been thrown back into the early ‘00s! Forums still exist! Haha  Big Grin

I’ve had quite a long journey with my tiny breasts and thought I’d share where I’m at with hopefully some advise as to what to try next (pumping?!)

I’ve always been extremely small chested with both a tiny rib cage and practically non existant breasts. I’m sure I have some hormonal imbalance going on such as cortisol induced androgens since childhood. I never really developed past a AA. Anyways fast forward and I’ve successfully nursed all of my children (yay!!) but have been left with breasts that looked like an ex-plant patient; very very deflated, creases and folds from expanding up to a D while nursing and then dropping down to maybe 75cc breast tissue. I don’t lie when I say I looked deformed. It was terrible!! 
About 2 years ago I had a fat transfer to breast. I’ve had a small but noticeable improvement as I have maybe 150cc breast tissue now and the sagging/folds are mostly filled in. 
My question is this, I’m considering another round of fat transfer sometime in the future but am curious about doing in tandum with the evebra or maybe even just the evebra only if I can achieve a cup or two permanent increase. Has anyone started as flat as me and actually had a permanent cup increase? 

Also, I kind of wanted to try out pumping to see if I even will respond as was thinking of trying the wound vac pump plus some domes. Does anyone have recs of what they liked the most? I really would love to buy out grown evebra or brava small domes if anyone here is done with them and won’t ever need them again!

Thanks for your thoughts  Heart

Hello and welcome to the forum. Yes some of us still exist! It's our 20th anniversary this year, so I guess we must be doing something right. Smile 

I've split the above from where it was originally posted and created a new thread for you, as your post really warrants a thread of its own.

(31-07-2024, 14:36)ChildlikeEmpress Wrote:  Has anyone started as flat as me and actually had a permanent cup increase? 

According to Evebra the answer is yes, although the chances of that kind of result are said to be less than for those who start bigger. What is your BMI by the way, as that is said to be a very relevant factor in your chances of success?

Someone who said she started really flat and has managed to gain through pumping is IttybittyTC. She isn't using the Evebra, but she's a good example of someone who started with very little and with determination has seen results.

Honey Fox, 

thanks for the reply! I actually have no idea what my bmi is. I lift heavy weights (barbell squats, deadlifts, etc) so I know this will throw bmi calculators off due to muscle being heavier than fat. But I weigh 131 and am 5’6in.

I’m planning to try a cheap setup to see if I respond at all (Noogleberry cups and wound vac pump) and if so I’ll consider taking the plunge on a evebra. 

Thanks for the user rec. I’ll look her up! If nothing else I too am very determined and can comply to some crazy strict protocols when necessary. Hoping this tips the odds in my favor!

So your BMI is fine. It's not even close to the level that Evebra feel reduces your chances.

Yes determination counts for a lot with pumping, given that success depends a lot on how many hours you put in and on not missing days. If you're very determined it will certainly stand you in good stead.

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