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JB’s b??b journey


Hello beautiful boob growing community! Time for an update!  Well, a day late bc I forgot, but close enough.

Around: 34 3/4”
Over: 32”
Under: 26”
Left (across single breast): 8”
Right: 7 7/8”
Under Left (nipple to base): 3 1/2”
Under right: 3 1/2”
CD 13 (forgot yesterday)

Current protocol:
50mg DHEA (per Dr)
200mg DIM (Dr)
6mg boron (Dr)
50mg zinc + 2mg copper (Dr)
D+K (20mcg/300mcg) (Dr)
2 heliocare (internal sunscreen)
2 TB Maca in my smoothie (bc stopped BC, will keep taking if cycle not regular, will see)
1 Raw Female BO capsule
Protein2O water (20mg)
1 bovine thyroid (starting tomorrow)
1 bovine pituitary (starting tomorrow)

6 Swanson BO
PC mixed with a drop of Volufiline when put on boobs (2x a week so don’t overload receptors)
PC w/o volufiline if other body parts
Protein2O water (20mg)

Ran out of MK677 so not using rn, looking into sourcing and if I want to continue.  Tastes awful - like chemicals so might not resume, but wanted to finish what I had.

I pumped Monday my usual 30/30, then decided to do another 15/15 on the STIM mode, which is similar to continued pressure, but it looks like it was too much bc now my boobs are marked from the cups, I think I mildly bruised them, they are kind of scary looking rn, so I’ve not pumped since Monday.  Will wait for that to go away before I pump again.  The boobs feel fine, but the skin feels tender like a bruise.  I’ve been rubbing an arnica/vitamin K bruise cream on them the past few days.  The circle around is still really visible on the bottom, but it was a giant ring around both at the start.  Whoops, live & learn.

I also need to get more campers tape for the rim, I put it over the padding but I think that STIM setting on the bosom beauty made it compress too much, so it’s not so squishy/padded anymore. 

They ARE growing some though!  Especially upper, or maybe it’s bruise swelling?  Around was 34 5/8” last cycle at CD13, now it’s 34.75” so yay, also more full up top, as that’s gone up to 32”, the left & right are also measuring more symmetrical across, only 1/8” difference now, and underbust equal rn & also up 1/4”!!!

I hope going off bc helped my hormones take over and get these babies growing

I also ordered swanson pituitary glandular and  evolved elements raw grass fed bovine thyroid glandular, my blood work shows they’re still in range, but my body temp has been low & on the days I get less protein I feel super cold (often indicator of hypothyroid).  I had hashimotos and healed it through diet & neuroplasticity but don’t want it to come back - and since I’m playing with my body’s hormones working on growing boobs, want to support the thyroid too and not mess it up again.  They should arrive today, so will start tomorrow.

Might start taking bromelian and internal arnica too, as a preventative measure for bruising.  I had a photoshoot on Tuesday and the makeup artist spent more time covering the bruises on my chest than she spent on my face lol.  

Images show side by side of before, a beautifully full pre-period swollen to 35.25” before this cycle, and now at 34.75” so looks like 3/4” of actual growth since starting on Sept 12.  I think that’s pretty good for 3 months & 9 days.  Hopefully I can keep that pace lol, I know slow & steady wins the race and I’m SO glad I’m measuring all the ways bc looking at them daily I’d have no idea.  And seeing the middle pic pre-period swell to now without tracking cycle days would be discouraging lol.  

Oh!  I got the organic coconut alcohol, and mixed it with the BO, so the tincture should be ready in 6-8 weeks!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Girl you have got a great figure., you are so slim and fit. Your breast look amazing i don't think they could be any more perfect. Hope you have a Merry Christmas any dates for the holidays your are such a beautiful girl  Smile

Thank you! And happy holidays/merry Christmas to you too!!  It’s 100% genetics, my father was 6’9” and 225lbs solid muscle in his prime (he was trying to body build and that was his heaviest lol), I’m nearly 6’ - I love my body, but would like my pre-kid boob size.  Pic attached from 20 years ago, back in the film days, it’s a bit over exposed but one of my favorites.  

I have 3 of the best dates ever for Christmas - my boys  Heart Heart Heart


Out of curiosity measured bust today, CD20, to compare swell to previous month’s CD21. Planned to do CD21 but we are traveling so won’t be able to.

Currently measuring 35 3/8th as compared to 35 1/4” last CD21 measurement.  That’s 1/8th inch bigger (hopefully growth!!). Both breasts measure 8” across, the left just over the 8” mark. Bottom of each is 3 1/2” (same as CD12) - measuring from under the nipple to the bottom crease.  

All measurements are taken at the very bottom of the exhale so my chest wall is as small as it gets to try to minimize discrepancies in measurements.

Changes to my program in the last week:

Current protocol:
50mg DHEA 
200mg DIM 
6mg boron 
50mg zinc + 2mg copper 
D+K (20mcg/300mcg) 
2 heliocare (internal sunscreen)
1 TB Maca in my smoothie 
1 packet of AMRA colostrum in smoothie
1 Raw Female BO capsule
Protein2O water (20g protein)
1 bovine thyroid 
1 bovine pituitary

6 Swanson BO
Protein2O water (20g protein)
“Boobie growth milk” - will put recipe in this post
3 g GABA (dissolved in a shot glass w/ water)

I intend to use my Bosom Beauty pump 1x a day at night after kids go to sleep, & sip my Boobie growth milk.  I use my homemade Boobie oil for the massage part, and spritz my breasts with rose water prior to putting the dome on to pump.  Rose water has been shown to help absorption of oils into the skin, plus it helps create a nice seal & slippery boobs for when I fill the dome.  I’m definitely getting the massage & Boobie growth milk in, I’ve pumped twice since the last post, I wanted to make sure no pump swell for measurements so haven’t pumped since Christmas Eve while doing stockings lol.  I did do the best/red light/massage.  Will be out of town this weekend, so only massage (maybe heat from a shower) but will resume pumping Monday night.

Pump/massage method:
15 min heat (heating pad or hot shower)
25 min on pump mode
5 min on stim mode
10 min red light therapy (I got a panel on a stand, so it does not touch my skin, red light on the skin can/will burn fat cells & I want to keep my boob fat)
10 min Chi massage (hands move boobs in inward circles)
10 min deer massage (finger tips rub skin in inward circles w/o moving boobs)

Boobie growth milk (drink while pumping - or chug before massage):
5 TB “raw grass fed whey” brand protein concentrate (21g protein)
2 TB raw cacao powder (healthworks brand)
1 TB raw date sugar (let’s date brand)
1 TB maca powder (sunfood superfoods brand, maca extreme blend)
1/2 tsp Ceylon cinnamon (Anthony’s brand)
1 packet colostrum (AMRA brand, unflavored)
16oz raw grass fed full fat milk w/ cream top

All ingredients purchased on Amazon, except the milk I get at the health food store.  Mix/shake it all together well.

Boobie growth massage oil:
2 oz almond oil
20 droppers PM serum
3 droppers volufiline
2 droppers fenugreek oil
2 drops jasmine essential oil

I put it all in a small glass spray bottle.  I shake it up then spritz my boobs 1-2x each before massaging. 

I get it’s nearly 2hrs of pumping/massaging every night, especially since I can’t fit both domes on at once, but it’s SUPER relaxing & I’m getting to “read” a lot more (audio books).  It’s like my own special time for self care.  Sometimes I’ll watch a movie/show & play subliminals on loop on my phone, I like [/url][url=]this one it’s like calming background rain vs the ones that repeat “big breasts” over and over overlapping.  I’m usually in bed going to sleep for the massage part, I set a timer on my phone & lay there massaging, it gets me super sleepy.

Oh! Want to add my nipples are insanely sensitive - having to wear silicone covers (hmmm, maybe I should add BO gel?!) bc clothing/sheets feel like sandpaper on them. 

Also my boobs are super itchy, so the oil/massage feels amazing, and I throw in a few circles using my nails then back to fingertips on the deer massage. 

And my breasts feel tender, especially in the middle where the actual breast tissue is vs the squishy fatty part.

Before NBE my pre period week was asymptomatic, no tenderness or anything.

Hoping these are symptoms of growth for me!!

Hey so updating:

Sh*t hit the fan, life got crazy & haven’t been doing anything for NBE the past few weeks.  I was so stressed my cycle was way way late, I forgot to take my vitamins most days & was barely eating let alone consuming enough protein.  I’m CD 4 today, my periods are only 2.5 days long, so it’s done & to me my boobs feel deflated and squishy, BUT I measured anyways bc know didn’t get the CD 12 update for this cycle in, and I’m at 35”!!! I generally do a full 7 day stop week, but since period done & haven’t done anything might start again today.

Around: 35”
left breast: 8”
Right breast: 7 7/8” (almost even!)
Under: 26”
Over: 32” 


I must say or not having done anything for a few weeks your boobs look great. Smile

Hello lovely ladies!

It’s been a while, my boobs are huge, here’s what I’ve been taking:

Daily supplements not for boobs but may impact:
Heliocare advanced
Bovine thyroid 200mg
Bovine placenta 1500mg
Bovine liver 1500mg
Bovine pituitary 80mg
Biotin 10,000mcg
Dhea 50mg
Boron 6mg
Kelp 325mcg

In smoothie or just in raw milk (using raw milk in smoothie, all dairy/bovine products grass fed)
GABA powder (1tsp)
1 TB Ceylon cinnamon
Collagen peptides (1 scoop, 11g)
Colostrum (1 scoop, 30g)

For boobs:
Traditional peony and licorice formula - only 1 tablet, bottle says take 2
Raw female - 1 capsule
Swanson BO - 1 capsule

Around: 36”
left breast: 9”
Right breast: 8 7/8” (almost even!)
Under: 26”
Over: 33 1/4”

This bra calculator says I’m a 26J/28I 
Bra Size Calculator: Find the Perfect Bra Size - Understance but after a lot of trial and error I finally found some cute polish bras that mostly fit in 65H (a 30H), there still very full and ample cleavage in the bra with a bit of bubbling

I try to pump once a week, 30 minutes each side, some weeks I get it, some I don’t.

I do get 100 deer & 100 chi rotations in on each breast most nights when going to sleep, I oil them up with an oil mix I made with almond oil base, a dropper of fenugreek (I hate the smell), a dropper of liquid pueraria mirifica, and a dropper of volufiline and rub that in first before the rotations.  I can’t figure out how to lay down in bed and get both boobs at once, it takes so long and my forearm/wrists get crampy or I’d do 300, but the 100 are manageable


Oops added wrong attachment meant to show bra size

Hey ladies, haven’t been doing much for NBE since last posted, but they’ve rounded out a ton and while bras still measure the same (26J, wearing 28H/I bc it’s what I can find) they look/feel bigger, like a lot lol.

Daily supplements not for boobs but may impact:
Heliocare advanced
Biotin 10,000mcg
Dhea 50mg
Maca 2g
Colostrum 1g

Massage in the shower - when I wash my boobs I do 20 circles moving whole boob & 20 light touch (deer & chi), and again when out of the shower while I’m oiling up my whole body I’ll do 20/20 on the boobs.

I stopped taking some supplements bc they didn’t have any effect on mho bloodwork, positive or negative so seemed pointless.  I started taking maca for energy.

I’ve gained 4lbs since I started NBE & it’s literally all boobs

Current measurements (CD 16)
Bust: 35.75”
Under: 26”
Waist: 22”
Hips: 33.5”

Pic below bc woah mama these things are massive & everyone likes to see success stories.  Idk if the maca made a change or the little massages really do help, nips feel super tender & boobs have been itching a ton lately


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