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Mirifem / Full potential


Does Mirifem/ Ful potential still exists?

No it's not around anymore. It appears to have been very popular in the early years of this forum, but I can't find any reference to it here since 2012. The Full Potential website still existed until 2016 though.

Here are some pictures, just for the historical record.


I was using Mirifem back then in 2011 with great results. My tubular breasts went to round. I miss it.

It seems strange that this product disappeared, if it was around for a long time.

It was definitely around for a long time. It was Full Potential from 2007 to 2016 but it was Mirifem for years before that. I wouldn't know when it was first available, but it was a prominent NBE brand when this forum began in 2004.

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