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Evebra finally available


Hey ShelaVenna!

Yes, it's been almost exactly 4 months since I stopped. I think it was 4/12 or 4/13 that I completely stopped pumping (which includes that extra week on the smaller breast). Frankly, I was sick of wearing the device at that point, lol. I can't imagine doing the sessions for an entire year. 

I remember some archive posts from Brava users who did it for that long - or close to it - but I think it was because they weren't getting much swelling and growth. I remember someone stating that the Brava coach said they could pump for a year but to take a break after that to give the tissue time to rest. Several wore it for 6 or 7 months. 

Found one thread where a user said they used it for a year -

I remember her now. I rather not get into how long I’ve been on here, and why I never got results, but I’ve been here so long I’ve forgotten more NBE related stuff than most people will ever learn lol. I tended to get discouraged back then, leave for several years, and then come back. A lot of the methods I tried were attempted when I was just too thin. I think it’s possible that she was also too thin. She was definitely a tiny lady. Thinner people should probably aim to hit roughly the middle of the healthy BMI range before trying NBE of any kind, or at least gain weight during the process. Weight gain makes it a lot harder to judge the effectiveness of whatever NBE method you choose, but it’s better than spinning your wheels because you’re too lean.

Edit: How many cup sizes did that 3.5” add up to? According to bra size charts 3 inches is supposed to be 3 cup sizes, but I know it doesn’t always hold true in real life.

Hi everyone, I wanted to chime in to echo Breast4Success in saying that I wouldn’t do a very long stretch of wearing Eve, as well as post an update and explanation. 

It’s been 2 months since I stopped using the device. I used it not as directed for the first 8-10 weeks or so (higher pressure, less time) and then hit a plateau. I then started sleeping in the device and used it as intended- I wore it 14 hours a day for about six weeks, hit a plateau, and increased to 18 hours a day for about six weeks. Like Breast4Success, I shrunk back down to the size I was when I plateaued. The extra hours did not increase growth, only swelling. The early Brava directions all recommended approximately 12 week sessions followed by a few months off and then another round. I don’t know why Eve is now suggesting continuous wear for many more months despite plateaus, maybe eventually one would break through the plateau and they seem to believe this new device is extremely comfortable and concealable, but that was not my experience. I found the device painful and got pressure wounds and rashes, I did not sleep through the night the entire time I wore it, and it made me miserable. The size 5 & 6 domes are so large ppl noticed them from across the street when I had to let the dog out.
I wound up with 2” of growth. I don’t see a tremendous difference, though I measured so I know it’s there. I’d say the 2” shakes out to a full cup size for me. I was swelling consistently to 4” larger than this, and was retaining 2” more than this, and had been retaining 2” more than this for months, so was surprised I went down as much as I did. Essentially, I got no bigger than I was when I plateaued, even with the crazy 18hr wear time weeks. 

I don’t think I will use it again, though I’m not sure. I hated it so much and when I look in the mirror I see so little difference that I don’t know if it’s worth it to me. I still don’t like my breasts in the first half of my cycle, and do like them in the second, just like before I used it, which tells me that somehow they are larger but not much fuller. They feel softer vs dense like before, maybe that’s where most of my difference is. In any case, if I was to use it again, it would be for a maximum of 12 weeks, because I also do not believe I grew past that point.

Thanks for updating. I was wondering what happened to the other people on this thread. It seemed like almost everyone who posted here should be done by now, but there were no final updates from anyone but B4S. I hope more people update, but you guys should now, you can post your own journals in the personal programs section if you want. It would make this a lot less confusing for people looking into Evebra in the future. I might do that myself, if I ever find a way to pump that’s tolerable to me. So far I haven’t. I’m trying again, but I’m having the same issues I always do. I’ll start a journal once I’m convinced that I can do this consistently.

@ShelaVenna. I'm going to say volume-wise I increased to about 1 to 1.5 cups for someone wearing a size 34 bra. I posted earlier that I found out I was wearing the wrong bra size. I would just wear 34A because it seemed like a good enough fit and stores don't usually carry the smaller band sizes. I'm thinking I was probably a 28 B or C when I started and now I'm a 28 DDD - which sounds big but it absolutely is not. 

I forgot I also took pics wearing my 34A bra before, during, and right after pumping. You can tell by the puckering in my before pic that I was nowhere near filling it out. When I reached my "goal" size, the pics show I was completely filling out the bra and probably could have moved up a cup. Volume-wise, a 28 DDD is equivalent to about a 34 C. Of course with the bra band being so loose, I can still shove all my breast tissue in the 34A w/o any discomfort. I wear it from time to time instead of the 28 DDD underwire I bought.

I didn't know there was a personal stories forum here, lol. That would've made things a bit easier to follow. Since I have some time this week, I may post my bra pictures in there so people can get a better idea of what to expect. I don't feel comfortable with the nude ones even if they show the growth much better, esp. from the sides.

@Blue792 Congratulations!!! 2 inches is great growth. I'm sorry you went through all that but at least you do have something to show for it even if you don't feel it's significant enough. It's also interesting that we both experienced the same issues with plateauing and not gaining more tissue despite the extra wear time and pressure and increased swelling we went through. 

I don't blame you for not going through another cycle. There was definitely a learning curve and it took me a while to find the right sleeping position and right dome (and cushion) placement for me to tolerate Evebra. My scars and discolorations did heal after sometime. I just noticed my main one is almost back to normal. If I had to do what I did before, I wouldn't even think about a second round. Now that I know I can just stay at 20 mmHg for 12 weeks tops, I think I can do it.

B4S, I’m confused. If you went from a 28C to a 28DDD, doesn’t that mean you grew 3 cup sizes? Either way, it’s an impressive amount of growth. 

This next comment is directed at everybody reading this in the future. I’m surprised to here that Evebra seems to cause sores just as often as Brava did. Skin barrier film can be used to help prevent sores, but I make no guarantees. It could be worth a try, and I hope people report back if they try it. I’m pretty sure it would have to be used in place of the lubricant Evebra is currently selling, not in addition to it. If used at the same time, I think the lubricant would probably just break down the skin barrier film, making the film pointless. Lubricants and adhesives both make it easier to form and maintain a vacuum seal, but skin barrier film is neither of those things, so it might not work well for our purposes. I’m not sure completely sure about this whole idea, but it can’t hurt to try it. Skin barrier film is relatively cheap and you can find it on Amazon.

It is 3 cups sizes, but again, I think it's more accurate to think of growth in terms of volume size versus cup size because cup size is relative to band size. Going from 28B to 28C is nothing like going from a 36 B to a 36 C. That amount of growth for a 28 would barely register for someone with a 36. 

In the booklet, Evebra does advise to use a certain skin barrier film if you get a blister/sore. I had a couple at the beginning but they were small and went away in a day or so. They still left some discoloration. I got a larger one when I was using increased pressure so that was my fault - that is the one that is almost back to being its original color. 

When I was using Evebra at a higher pressure, I used thick silicone bandage cushions at certain pressure points under the rims and they worked just fine. I didn't lose suction at all. It can be done and with the lubricant but must be placed in a certain way.

I’ve decided to start a log of my experience with Evebra and Noogleberry in the “personal programs” section of the forum. I finally gave in to curiosity and bought the evebra even though I know I probably will never be able to put in the number of hours they recommend, and I’m not sure it’s a great investment for someone who already owns a “smart pump” and doesn’t want or need to pump during the daytime. I have mixed feelings about my purchase which I’ll explain in my log.

Hi everyone!

I am almost at the end of week 15 of my second cycle of EveBra, so I wanted to chime in on this interesting conversation about how long to wear EveBra. 

As I posted earlier, my first cycle was 17 weeks and I averaged 14.66 hours a day with a total of 4 missed days and 15 days where I pumped for less than 12 hours. I took progress photos throughout (always after at least 12 hours of having EveBra off to get as accurate a sense as possible of how much tissue I had gained without excess edema), and I undoubtedly gained breast tissue even though my measurements didn't change. I started out with nearly no detectable breast tissue, and I'd say my breasts increased in size by 50% based on the photos. I stayed the same cup size, I just filled it out a little better. Based on the photos, I also didn't experience any "recoil" after two weeks of no pumping. 

I started cycle 2 after two weeks off, and my thought process was that I'd just pump as much as I could for as long as I could without significantly disrupting my life to do so. It was kind of an experiment to see if some degree of progress was possible without adhering to the strict EveBra protocol. As a result, my hours aren't as good as they were during cycle 1. My average has been about 10 hours a day with 3 missed days so far. BUT, my growth has been unbelievable! I have gone up one full cup size now since before I started EveBra, from a 32AAA to a 32AA. Based on my progress photos, my breasts have now doubled in size since before I started EveBra. I actually have breast tissue for the first time. I bet my measurements have gone up by this point, I just have to get around to taking them. Now, I'm not done this cycle yet so I don't know if I'll have any recoil once I stop pumping. But if this is anything like my first cycle, then I expect that what my breasts look like after 12+ hours of having EveBra off is more or less what they'll look like after I stop (I hope!).

All this to say, I certainly have not hit a plateau yet. I am not getting any skin irritation now that I've dialed back my hours, sleep is tolerable enough, and I no longer plan my life around EveBra, so I tentatively plan to continue this program for the rest of the year just to see how much growth I can get. After reading your latest discussion, I'm really curious to see if I hit a point where I plateau. I was reeeeeally slow to start seeing any gains (probably not until 14 weeks of intensive wear during cycle 1), so maybe my timeline is shifted and since I started gaining late in the process, my plateau will be later as well. I pump with just a handheld squeeze ball pump to as strong a pressure as is comfortable for me, and I have to give it a couple squeezes over the course of the night as I slowly start to lose pressure. Even still, I have good swelling each morning and am seeing steady gains. 

I will keep you all updated on whether or not my growth plateaus, and what my final stats are at the end of this second cycle!

Here2learn - thanks for sharing your progress! Your new more relaxed approach to evebra really resonates with me and it’s great to hear you are having success despite everbra claiming you must follow their very strict protocol to be successful. I’m only just 3 weeks in and already feeling burnt out by the strict hours you must keep. This weekend I have started being more flexible with my pumping time to allow for a social life and I think I’ll continue and not sweat whether I get the full 14 hrs I’m striving for. Disappearing every evening at 6pm just isn’t a sustainable way to live!

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