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3 months into NBE and feel aching in the kidneys?


Hi, so I'm a female 32A, 57 kg (125 pounds), 168cm (5,5ft), 25 years old. Currently on the third month of NBE with BO methods, massage, and sometimes pumping. My remedies are :

First Month: 
250mg Swansons Ovarian Glandular  (before breakfast)
1000mg Omega 3 Fish Oil 
10000 iu Vitamin D3 (once per 3 days)
40mg B130mg B2 30 mg B6 20mg B12 (in one capsule)

20mg zinc 

1000mg Omega 3 Fish Oil
250mg Swansons Ovarian Glandular (before bed)

I usually felt pain in the lutheal phase before starting NBE, then the pain were so much often and worse in the first month on NBE. I also got swelling and grew one inch in the first month but then back to my normal size again after my period..

In the second month, I added more:

500mg Swansons Ovarian Glandular  (before breakfast)
1000mg Omega 3 Fish Oil 
1500mg MSM 

Change my vitamins to multivitamins

20mg zinc 

1000mg Omega 3 Fish Oil
1500mg MSM
500mg Swansons Ovarian Glandular (before bed)

In this second month I got swelling too but didn't get as much as the first month, just the pain in the breast and also aching in the ovaries.. I stopped BO in my period to reduce the aching in the ovaries.

And now I'm currently going in the third month, I also added 500mg GABA before sleep and pituitary glandular 160mg (split to morning and evening).

Also, I am eating high protein 100-120 gr proteins per day since one month before started NBE (now in the forth month). Mostly I eat animal protein and take whey protein. I also try to balance my diet with veggies and fruits. 

20 days into my 3rd month of NBE, I always feel the pain in the breast come and go, but still the swelling is in the lutheal phase only and after pumping. I also notice that in the first month, I sleep earlier most of the time (before 12 am) and got the most swelling. In the second and third month, my sleeping schedule was so bad because of works to do and stress (1 am is the earliest I slept). So I notice a lot that sleeping early is a must for NBE and also our general health. (best before 10 pm)

Now I also felt aching in my lower back especially in the night.. And last night I just got home late and fell asleep at 4am.. And now the aching is not only in the night but also until this afternoon. I suspect it's my kidney due to the high protein intake, lots of supplement, and lack of sleep.. I know it's a really bad thing Sad 

So now I'm deciding to take a break from BO and other the supplements, also lower my protein intake. I will just continue to do massage, pumping, and making BO gel (with alore vera), and try to fix my sleeping schedule for my own overall and especially kidney health..

Has anyone had felt the aching in the kidneys too and any recommendation on how to detox the kidneys? Thank you  Heart

Yes I had a kidney ache and this is the guy that fixed it for me.

I looked around trying to find some advice and this is the best.

Aching in the lower back is likely to be the kidneys, so I think your suspicion is correct. Can I ask if you're taking enough fluid, because a high protein diet needs a high fluid diet too. Lack of sufficient fluid by itself can result in kidney ache as it will lead to the kidneys struggling to function properly.

(25-08-2024, 17:58)Rozu Wrote:  Yes I had a kidney ache and this is the guy that fixed it for me.

I looked around trying to find some advice and this is the best.

Hi, thank you for your replies! I'll try to follow the advices. Oh and yes I drink a lot of water too about 1.5-2 L a day actually. How's your condition now? Did you take a break from the NBE pills?

I also want to update

I'm currently taking a break from the BO pills and all of my vitamins, lower my protein intake to about 60 grams a day. I also eat a lot of chicken thigh and drink a lot of water. I do pump about once per 3 days, massage 300 rotations per day, and using BO nipple gel (4 pills of swansons BO and 30 gr of aloe vera gel) 2 times a day, progesterone cream in the lutheal phase only. I did this for almost 2 weeks and now I'm in my lutheal phase. My bust size normally 32 inch, and 33 inch in the lutheal phase. Now it's 33.5 inch. I know it's just a little difference but they also feel fuller than the usual, especially I'm currently taking a break from all the pills. I also drink spearmint tea sometimes because I did get a lot of acne and now they also gradually gone.

(03-09-2024, 07:53)kittycatcat Wrote:  How's your condition now? Did you take a break from the NBE pills?

I'm completely fine now. I did take a break for one month, which I found was plenty enough. The most beneficial thing I took during that month seemed to be the apple cider vinegar. That really helped me, although all the suggestions in that video appeared to be helpful.

(04-09-2024, 07:36)Rozu Wrote:  
(03-09-2024, 07:53)kittycatcat Wrote:  How's your condition now? Did you take a break from the NBE pills?

I'm completely fine now. I did take a break for one month, which I found was plenty enough. The most beneficial thing I took during that month seemed to be the apple cider vinegar. That really helped me, although all the suggestions in that video appeared to be helpful.

Wow glad to hear that. I'll try the apple cider vinegar too. Thank you!

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