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Chun Mei


This is a thread for Chun Mei who followed a form of traditional Chinese breast enhancement and saw a 4 cup sizes increase over 2 years. I think she warrants having her method reported here and accordingly I'll post her 3 step program below in as much detail as I have.

Step 1
Make sure you have a healthy BMI. Avoid being too thin because not many clearly thin girls have adequate breasts. Build yourself up by drinking 500ml of whole milk every day and as often as possible eat roast pig's trotters or stewed pig's trotters and soybeans. Avoid too much aerobic exercise.

Step 2

Unblock your mammary glands. The single most important principle of secondary breast growth is thorough massage to stimulate the acupuncture points. The techniques are easy, but massage must be done every day, otherwise most of the work will be wasted. Use your hands, not massagers.

Step 3
Replenish your chi and blood and regulate your endocrine system by adding siwu soup to your diet and other good soups such as ginseng yangrong, buzhong yiqi and kudzu, eat foods rich in collagen, vitamin E and vitamin B, and snack peanuts plus ginger and red date drink. Don't go on a diet.

Do we know the exact massages she used?

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