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Why My Breasts Hurt After a Basic Massage?


It began with a question I couldn’t stop thinking about: Is it possible to naturally make your breasts bigger without surgery, pills, or creams? Like many women, I wanted larger breasts but didn’t want to have surgery. This curiosity led me to look into natural ways to enlarge breasts.

I started massaging my breasts every day, taking herbal supplements, and trying to eat better. But after a few days of these massages, my breasts started to hurt a little.

At first, I was concerned. Was this normal? Should I stop? Or was this just part of the process?

Let me share my experience with natural breast enlargement, what I discovered, and how I finally found a lasting solution with the Boost Your Bust program.

My Original Plan: A Natural Method

Before I discovered Boost Your Bust, I was concentrating on a natural way to make my breasts bigger. I began with:
  • 400mg fenugreek capsules (I intended to slowly increase the amount)
  • 1-hour daily breast massages using flaxseed and almond oil
  • 3 tablespoons of flaxseeds each day
  • 2 cups of spearmint tea each day
I had read a lot about how fenugreek might raise estrogen levels, which could possibly help my breasts grow. Flaxseed oil and spearmint tea were also known for helping to balance hormones. I also tried to eat more protein and generally healthier meals.

My body mass index (BMI) was about 19.5, and my measurements were 70 cm under my breasts and 87 cm around my breasts — basically an A/B cup. I didn’t expect a big change right away, but I hoped that in a few weeks or months, I’d notice some changes.

Unexpected Symptom: Breast Aches

After a few days of regular massages, I noticed something unusual. My breasts began to feel a bit sore. It wasn’t a sharp pain, and it didn’t bother me too much, but it was enough to make me wonder if I was doing something incorrectly.

The massage technique I used was very gentle — I made sure not to press too hard. I used soft, circular motions as suggested, but the sore feeling remained. Naturally, I wondered: Is this soreness a sign that something is wrong, or is it part of the natural growth process?

Is Breast Pain Normal During Natural Enlargement?

After researching, I learned that mild soreness during breast massage is quite common, especially when using oils like flaxseed or fenugreek to stimulate the breast tissue. This could be a sign that the tissues are reacting to the increased blood flow, which often leads to growth.

But for some people, it could just be the body adjusting to new feelings. As long as the pain is not too strong or sharp, it’s usually seen as a normal part of the process. It’s important to pay attention to your body and not use too much force.

Simple Ways to Naturally Make Breasts Bigger

There are a few natural ways that are often suggested to help increase breast size. These include:
  • Herbal Pills: Herbs such as fenugreek, fennel, and saw palmetto are often suggested to naturally raise estrogen levels.
  • Massage Methods: Massaging the breasts with oils like almond, flaxseed, or olive oil is thought to improve blood flow, which can help the tissue grow.
  • Diet: Eating foods that raise estrogen levels, like flaxseeds, tofu, and chickpeas, can also help with breast tissue growth.
  • Exercise: Working out the muscles under your breasts with moves like chest presses and push-ups can make your breasts look bigger and lifted.
But remember, these methods need time and regular effort. They can bring some changes, but they might not give you the big results you want.

The Big Idea: Finding the Boost Your Bust Program

Even though these natural ways made me feel like I was working toward my goal, the changes were small and took a long time. That’s when I found the Boost Your Bust program.

At first, I wasn’t sure. Could an ebook have the secret to naturally making my breasts bigger? But the strong promises and stories from other women made me curious. So, I decided to try it.

I bought the ebook and was happy to see how easy and clear the instructions were. The program gave me:
  • 10 Best Foods to Enhance Breast Size
  • A Secret Supplement Proven to Boost Breast Growth
  • 5 Exercises to Make Your Breasts Look Bigger Right Away
This wasn’t just another basic guide; the tips were detailed and practical. The best part? It wasn’t just about massaging or using supplements — it was a complete plan that included diet, exercise, and natural hormone balance.

My Experience: A Real Success Story

I committed to the Boost Your Bust program for six weeks. In just two weeks, I noticed a change — my breasts felt fuller, and my bras were fitting more snugly.

By the four-week mark, I had increased by a full cup size, moving from an A/B to a B/C cup. But I didn’t stop there. At six weeks, my breasts were visibly bigger and fuller. I was thrilled with the progress I made without any surgery or costly creams.

After seven weeks, I achieved my goal — a full two-cup size increase. I went from a small B to a full D cup, and I felt more confident than ever.

Why Boost Your Bust Worked for Me

Boost Your Bust is different from other methods because it uses natural strategies that focus on balancing hormones, eating well, and doing specific exercises. These are the main things that help safely and effectively grow breast tissue.

By using these methods together, I was able to get the fuller breasts I wanted without surgery or expensive treatments. The ebook provided a clear plan, and all I needed to do was follow it.

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