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My new pumping and PM log


I mentioned padding a few days ago and thought I would follow up with a cheap and easy way. Buy some yoga mat and cut it up like the picture included. Also Noogleberry have some very good alternatives, but a bit pricey.

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Last week was week 16. I’m officially 4 months in. I thought I would post before and after pics by now, but I’m not sure if I will. I feel like the difference is still barely visible. 

It’s still time to update my measurements. I tried measuring using the displacement method today. I I clipped shut the tubing on one of the domes. Then I measured how much water it takes to fill my small domes. Then I filled up my bathtub, submerged the cup fully, dunked each boob in the submerged dome, and made sure the edges of the dome were perfectly flush with my skin. I measured the remaining water in the dome after dunking and subtracted the result from the total volume of the domes. This is where everything went wrong. The result I got was 87cc and 94cc respectively. This seems impossibly small. The average volume of my breasts according to this method is 91cc. That’s equivalent in volume to a 28AA. I haven’t been a 28AA since I was 104lb and size 0 in highschool. Now I’m 125lb, size 6/8, and a small 32B. Clearly the majority of my breast tissue did not make it into the dome. When I fold myself in half to submerge my chest in the tub, and put a hand to steady myself, my breast stretches into a weird shape, and I think that’s causing most of my breast tissue to move to the edges outside of the dome’s diameter.

I could try using a syringe to fill the domes while lying on my back with my torso slightly angled up, but that sounds annoying. If I were lying perfectly flat on my back, I think my boobs would still disappear into the ether and be impossible to measure accurately. If I were in a swimming pool I could stick my boob in the cup while standing completely upright, which would be ideal, but that’s not gonna happen, lol. I think I might measure again, but pump up to 1inhg (very mild vacuum pressure) to force my breast tissue into the dome. Obviously if my breasts are slightly expanded the measurement won’t be perfectly accurate, but at least it will be more accurate than the bonkers measurements I took today. Either way, I don’t really need the total volume measurement to be very accurate. I only need the difference in volume over time to be very accurate. 

I also tried hydronoogling for the first time today. Hydronoogling is pumping with water instead of air. I’ve always heard that pumping with water is superior but too inconvenient for people who pump for an hour or more at a time. I think I agree on all counts. The difference was amazing. I was able to pump at 4inhg continuously for a whole hour without needing a break. I can only normally only handle that pressure for a 2 minutes tops, although I stopped doing that because even that was way too uncomfortable after an hour or two of pressure cycling. The higher pressure is drastically more comfortable with water in the domes, and it’s not just because of the warmth. To me eat seems like the warmth is the least important part. Does the prolonged high pressure mean that water pumping is a lot more effective? I’m not sure. I just know that I don’t really want to take an hour long bath everyday. I could maybe handle half an hour a day, but I’m not sure if doing it for only 30 mins is worth it. 

Anyway, I’m going to measure my breast volume again tomorrow using the new method I just described. I’ll also take my measurements the normal way, with a measuring tape, hopefully for the last time. I’d like to switch to measuring my breasts in CCs from now on, if I can find a reliable way to do it.

Edit: It just occurred to me that if I pump to pull my breast tissue into the domes to measure, breaking the seal without spilling any of the water is going to be damn near impossible. Can’t believe I didn’t think of that earlier. Oh well. I’ll try it anyway. But I’m much less optimistic about this new measuring plan now.

(05-01-2025, 06:11)James98 Wrote:  I mentioned padding a few days ago and thought I would follow up with a cheap and easy way. Buy some yoga mat and cut it up like the picture included. Also Noogleberry have some very good alternatives, but a bit pricey.

Thanks James, but I have very good padding. I actually tried yoga mat along time ago and found it much less comfortable and secure than what I’m currently using, but I know other people have used it and liked it a lot. I have a strong preference for silicone over any sort of foam.

I tried the displacement measurement method I described earlier. The results are definitely not perfectly accurate, but they are reasonable and probably accurate enough to measure growth reliably. I’ve also decided that I’m probably basically a 30A despite still fitting into the 32B bra I bought specifically to test to my size. I imagine it’s just because the bra is a push-up, and push-ups are very often designed to be unusually small to create cleavage.

Week 16 Measurements 
Weight: 125lb
Left breast volume: 171cc
Right breast volume: 191cc
Underbust: 30
Bust: 32.5 (+0.75” from start)
Bra size: 30A

I know that bust measurement is 0.5” less than the measurement I last posted, but it’s still 0.75” up from the very first measurement I posted. I don’t think I’ve actually shrunk half an inch over the last month. I think I’m just fundamentally incapable of taking accurate measurements with a tape measure, despite trying really hard to measure consistently. Hopefully the volume measurements will solve my issue.

I went on vacation for 12 days, and chose not to do anything NBE related. I could have started pumping again last night, but I decided to wait until I could do a volume measurement today. Also, I forgot to mention that the displacement measurement method turns out to be pretty damn easy to do in the sink. I’m not sure why I thought it would be very difficult. It’s a bit harder to break the seal on the domes and pour the water out to measure it without spilling any, but it’s still doable. It will be interesting to see how many CCs I lost over the 13 days of not pumping.

I took the volume measurements yesterday. I was thinking about posting them next week when I post my monthly measurement update, but that doesn’t make much sense. I’ll take them again next week instead. 

The measurements I got seem a little suspect to me. I explained my volume measuring method earlier in the thread. I think there are problems with my method but hopefully I’ve come up with a decent solution. First of all, with narrow round domes like the ones I’m using, it just isn’t possible to get enough of my breast tissue into the dome without suction. It’s probably possible to get all of the breast tissue into the dome without suction if you use a large teardrop shaped cup like the ones that come with Evebra, but I sold my Evebra so I can’t test that idea. I think the main problem with my method is that I’ve been using the pump gauge to decide when to stop pumping and remove the dome to measure the remaining water. I was pumping up to 1 inhg. It’s hard to put into words exactly why this was a bad idea, but after doing ithis a few times I now understand that I should just do a predetermined number of pumps instead, and ignore the gauge completely. 3 full pumps should be enough to pull my breast into the dome, and if I do the exact same amount of pumps every time, the measurements should be much more consistent.

Anyway, here are my new volume measurements:
Left- 183cc
Right- 220cc

My last measurements from around 5 weeks ago were:
Left- 171cc
Right- 191cc

I definitely pumped the right one much more than the left even though the gauge still read 1inhg. Either way I think these measurements might mean that I didn’t lose any size during the break which is a little surprising to me. Taken at face value, these measurements indicate I grew around an average of 21cc per boob during the 3 weeks after my last measurement and before my break. That’s a little over 1 tablespoon of volume each, which may not sound like much, but if I continued growing at that rate I’d I’d be 5 or 6 cups larger a year from now. I understand that breast growth isn’t actually linear, but as much as I like the idea that I’m growing at breakneck speed, the truth is I’ve only grown around a cup size, or maybe a smidge more, in 4 months, so I think it’s a whole lot more likely that my measurements are just incorrect. My measurement methods still need some refining, but hopefully the changes I explained above are enough to solve the problem.

I’m just over 5 months in now, but I’ll be honest, I fell off the wagon hard over the last month. I’ve been pumping and taking my supps only 2-3 times a week each. I’ve only been pumping for about an hour each session.  I’m not even going to bother measuring. I’ll do a measuring update at 6 months. I absolutely have to start being consistent again. No excuses. My motivation tanked mainly because I still can’t actually notice a difference with my eyes. To me they look exactly the same. I’ve been obsessive about my measurements, trying different methods to try to get the most accurate measurements possible, because honestly I think most of us our biased toward thinking we’ve grown more than we actually have. The measurements I got were a bit inconsistent but they all showed a slow and steady increase. I have to keep that in mind and not be sidetracked by the fact that I don’t look noticeably different. 4 months was way too early to be freaking out about that, especially when the measurements do show an improvement. My reaction wasn’t exactly based in logic though. I can’t really help feeling that way, but I have to get over it.

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