I had stumbled upon this forum and joined a long time ago, when I was considering trying herbal supplementation. In the end I decided against it, and thought I was just going to accept my size.
Fast forward to my forties, and they began getting even smaller " alt="
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I decided I was going to get a fat transfer breast augmentation and went in for my first consult this past February.
I was told they thought at max they would be able to add 150cc of fat to each breast because of how little they are. They felt anymore would just increase the liklihood of additional fat loss. That number didn't mean much to me, so I found an app that visualizes what X-cc breast augmentation will look like on you. After playing with that app, I was pretty certain I wouldn't be happy with anything less than 200cc each and ideally I'd like 250cc.
That seemed to match a lot of the outcomes I was looking at online for the procedure, so felt like there had to be a way!
That was when i rediscovered this forum, and brava and now evebra systems. I landed on the studies, and felt very excited there was a chance that I might be able to get my desired outcome without implants.
I went ahead and ordered the evebra and before it arrived I went in for a 2nd consult with a different doctor that had a couple of women quite small with outcomes similar to my wants in his gallery of fat transfer successes. He felt like *IF* he could get enough fat from me we could get there. But he is concerned with my low body fat %, and feels like if I can gain 5 pounds it would increase his confidence in being able to get enough fat to transfer. I mentioned me recently purchasing the evebra, he had no problem with me using it ahead of the procedure *IF* I decide to schedule.
Trying to gain 5 pounds and maybe have a fat transfer breast augmentation in August.
Began using the evebra beginning in March. And might postpone or cancel the augmentation if I can get to my desired outcome with just the evebra.
Week 1 with Evebra takeaways:
- uncomfortable
- lots of pressure points/deep bruising underneath my breasts and more on the left side.
- I wasn't using enough seal lubricant the first couple of days, it was much better once I used a bit more.
- I probably wore it an average of 6-10 hours per day this first week
- wearing it to sleep was near impossible this first week. I made it a couple hours a night and dreaded putting it on
- because of my inability to tolerate it over night weekend wear time was only a few hours.
Week 2:
- discomfort and pressure points getting worse
- purchased a set of rechargeable batteries!!! This really is a must for the device.
- I was able to tolerate wearing it for the 9 hours, but not straight in a row, I'd wear it for 2-4 hours and then take a 1-2 hour break, I was able to increase continuous weartime throughout the week.
- I purchased a pillow wedge set to attempt to sleep sitting up for a bit more comfort at night, and was able to increase overnight wearing to 3-4 hours
- weekend wear time still super low due to night time issues
- At the end of this week I noticed the outer edge of the rim skirts have small chunks missing - I am super gentle and careful, so at week 2 this occurring definitely has me concerned. I reached out to evebra and provided pictures, followed up with a phone call, they are looking my situation over and I am awaiting a decision.
- I upsized from the 1 domes to the size 2 domes on Monday
- By Thursday I upsized to the size 3 domes
- I am wearing 9 hours during the day, and about 4-5 hours every evening (M-F)
- The size 3 domes are HUGE compared to the size 1 and 2 and there is SO much excess space
- I also began wearing silicone pasties during weartime to prevent nipple growth and discomfort
- The painful bruise- feeling pressure spots on the under side of my breast and now also the center of my chest have returned at the end of the weekend, but since I also was able to increase wear-time that might be part of the process of my body adapting to the device. If these get worse, I will go back to reducing hours of wear in a row, but still wear it at least 12 hours each day.
- began breaking out around the areas the evebra seals to my chest - made an appointment with the evebra nurse to discuss alternative seal lubricants or other ideas to help.
- Was able to wear it for a full 8 hours overnight Saturday and Sunday!!!! Still not a "comfortable" sleep and several waking periods and using pillow to prop/support. Still difficult to get it to stay sealed when in bed.
under-bust: 29.5"
bust: 36" (not true growth as I took off the device at 5:30am and measured before putting it back on at 7am, measurement after removing was 37")
Goal: 41" immediately after removing device, would like to keep 37-39" (evebra's 75% guideline)
Opinion so far, the results are worth the discomfort and learning curve... I am so excited about my initial progress, and can't wait to see where I'm at in another 3 weeks now that I can wear the device the recommended time period.
I'll share pictures once I a have completed wearing the device, and have not worn it for at least a week, to document growth vs swelling.
While the 'cinderella effect' I am seeing now is exciting, I know it isn't permanent (yet).