Cycle 4 Day 1
Hmm, so got my period today. That's pretty annoying it came so soon. It's because I've started on this new birth control pill and on the first pack you seem to get your period much quicker than normal. grrrrrrr.
Had lots of pains today, twinges and then in the evening heavy aching pains. 4/10.
Have started taking 1 cup of spearmint tea, because I've noticed I seem hairier than before. Still sitting at 50.4kgs.....
Went to the dietician last week and they said I can start introducing a few more things into my diet, but only one at a time. And then see if I have any adverse symptoms 3 hours after eating something. Try that 3 times over a few days with the same food, and then move on to a different food to try.
They also said that I have a great 'diet' and am getting lots of protein. So that is good. The only thing I am going to change is to eat a bit more carbs for my lunch time meal. Generally I just eat a big tin of red salmon, so I need to add some carbs with that.
I measured myself before and only got 31". I seem to fluctuate wildly between 31 and 31.5". I'm not getting to hung up on it (ok I may have sighed disappointedly when I measured!), because my breasts feel a bit wider than they used to. I read on the BB website that for some women they find the circumference of their breasts widens before it starts to fill out. I think that is what must be happening to me. I've also noticed that the top of my breasts seem to have alot more tissue on them. So I'm not going to get upset with the measuring tape when I see no measurement change..... for another 3 cycles. Then I will get upset if there is no change!
I've considered whether I should stop posting each day on whether I feel any breast sensations or not! But I kindof like doing it because I can look back on it and see hmm I seem to have had x number of breast sensations this month. I also think it may be useful for other people to see so they can compare what kind of sensations they get and how frequent, intense etc. And it also shows how LONG it takes to try and grow anything! And that it IS NOT easy.
I'm hopeful enough that BO can work for me that I'll keep going with it for 3 more cycles. At that stage I'll reassess.
I have some ridiculous large number of posts now, which I guess shows how long this breast growing really is. It's great that some ladies report that they grow 1", 2" just in a few months.... well the reality is for other people like me it takes SOOOOO long to see any change whatsoever that is lasting.
I think it's nice to share in each other's successes and encourage each other when we are frustrated with this process. But also if we can't grow whatever we try and do, that's ok too. And I'm OK with knowing that at least I tried my best, researched, and stuck to my program, even if it doesn't work out with any growth for me. Then I will just wait till I get pregnant one day to grow some breasts!!
Right, enough rambling. I'm slightly optimistic and excited that I'm now on cycle 4 of BO..... I'm assuming this means that I will MAYBE (PLEASEEEEEE!!!!) get some growth this month or next month!!!!!! I must be closer to that elusive growth!!!! I can smell you growth... I can find you!