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08-02-2011, 19:28
(This post was last modified: 08-02-2011, 20:02 by
So I've been trying to grow my breasts since the start of the new year...
My stats:
Age: 15 (16 in April)
Ethnicity: Black African
Cup Size: 32A
Weight: 115lbs
Height: 5ft5
I have been cutting out caffeine from my diet, massage using the female deer method (I think it's called that) and Boobster Hypnotherapy. Is there anything else I'm missing out? I'm not considering herbs because it will mess up my hormones.
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The only other thing you could try is BO, if you've had regular periods for more than two years. (note: regular) Otherwise, boob friendly foods, massage and hypnosis are your only options at 15. Look around and research, we have a couple young people here. Other than that, just get through adolescence and learn to love your body, then when you hit (I suggest at least 21) a proper age, you can start trying to grow some boobies.
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i agree with Rabbit, especially the loving yourself part, that is SO important! Good luck! Oh and read around and do some research.
We're so alike; same age, ethnicity, size and height! only difference is weight =P I know we can both reach our goals quickly if we try hard.
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09-02-2011, 18:04
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2011, 18:10 by
Thanks a lot guysss
I'm not going to lie but I'm really happy with my figure, I just feel that bigger breasts would look better and improve my confidence when all my friends get changed for PE.
I woke up today and did some massaging during my shower and went to school with some pain in my breasts =/ It was only about 3/10 but it still hurt

Is this suppose to happen? And when listening to Boobster the next day, my breasts just feel heavy?
I considering buying some strawberry jelly cubes to help build collagen and it would look much less suspicious to my parents if I got some
P.S What is BO? Because I'm sure you can't try Body Odour
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Hey Taelia
BO stands for Bovine Ovary.
Here is a page with more info
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09-02-2011, 23:26
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2011, 23:29 by
breast pains are good; it means your boobs are waking up and getting busy

I'm feeling a little pain as i'm typing now.
I don't listen to boobster so i don't know but heaviness is good also.
I read that for us(our age group) massaging before a shower is best.
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We've all been there honey, I remember when I had to take PE in middle school and how completely inadequate I felt. We all want those boobies but you can only expect so much. Sounds like you're on the right track, but don't obsess or get impatient. Just do what you can now and if it helps you grow then, great! If not then don't despair, good things come to those who wait.
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Okay guys, I think i'm ready to grow now

Thanks for all your help but I still have one question...
What are the boobie friendly foods? I heard chicken feet soup was good but I think it will just taste vile. Plus my mum will ask why I want to eat it and I have to tell her I'm trying to grow my breasts... We're not really THAT close
Much love ♥
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Hi sweety, there is a section on the forum here for bovine ovary if you didn't check it out, as others said it would be an option as long as you've had a period for at least 2 years, when I was 15 I had mine for 2 year haha wish I knew about it then. But the best BO (bovine ovary) supplements come from Ultra Breast or Bountiful Breast, so yea mom would have to know for you to get it. Maybe an excuse you can use for wanting to take collagen if you want to use tablets or even the chicken feet soup, is if you have problem skin or want to grow nails collagen is said to help that. You could use that as an excuse. I took tablets for collagen but they are very big pills so if you aren't use to taking pills they would be tough to swallow. I've taken big pill vitamins since I was about 9 and been on medications since even before then that were big pills, so I'm use to taking pills. It sounds to me like the massage and hypnosis is helping you. Pain, tingles, heaviness are all signs you are growing! Congrats, keep at it! There is a list somewhere on the forum for booby friendly foods. But I've also known people that grew during my teens just from drinking things like soy milk or even homogenized whole milk. If you go with one of those get a few glasses in per day. As far as the chicken feet soup, I tried some for the first time a couple weeks ago. I went to dinner at a Jamaican friend's house, it's originally a Jamaican dish, so if you can get a Jamaican recipe it's very tasty. I been meaning to ask her for the recipe. It sounds vile but it's not. I'm living on a military base where alot of Jamaicans work so that's why I got close to a few. I also love their jerk meats mmm so good. I can understand how it is to not want to tell mom what you are trying to do, but moms are more understanding then you may think. I'm a mom and I know if I had a daughter and she told me she was unhappy with her breast size I would help her. If you go to her with saying that you want to do this to naturally grow or help you to grow during your puberty so you won't have to consider implant surgery in the future I'm sure she'll be understanding. Any parent would rather you do something natural than mutilate your body with surgery. Hope all this helps and good luck!
Oh almost forgot on top of your options being massage, hypnosis, booby friendly foods, BO, also pumping devices, I always recommend Noogleberry the most as that's what I use. There is a section of the forum just for pumping devices also. But again would have to probably talk to mom about that one because you'd have to order it online.
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Thank you

Mum's not really the best person to talk to :L But I'll try getting collagen from other foods

And are you really sure chicken feet tastes good? My mum is half Jamaican and she's never mentioned yet alone tried to cook it.