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Twister_Mama's Program

I'm the same as you, no stretch marks on my tummy (thank goodness) but got some on my breasts and my hips/sides of my butt. The cocoa butter stick is what helped me with them. I also tried mederma for a while too, it helped some, but for me the cocoa butter helped the best, and cheaper too. I would rub it on the skin 1 to 2 times per day where ever the stretch marks are. Some people say if you brush the skin first before applying the cocoa butter it speeds up the process also, because it brings blood flow to the area. I guess same reason why massage and pumping work for NBE lol. If you had breastfed you may have gotten bigger haha. I engorged to a full 34C the first day he was born, then as it went on I would engorge more and more, I say I was a 34C, but I probably got at least another 1/2 cup size bigger than that but I couldn't breastfeed past 3 months, I ended up drying up, grrr. Dr say it was because I was too young. I was 17 when I had him. So I'm guessing if I could have done it longer, the older he got, the more milk he would have needed, so the bigger I would have gotten, but oh well, maybe it'll happen next time haha. I plan on having another one in the next few years once we are settled somewhere.

I had tried Mederma on my scars from my hysterectomy, and I didn't care for it. It had a funny smell, and I hated how it left a yucky film on my skin. Plus, it was very drying; and my scars got real itchy. As soon as I started regularly applying plain old Jergen's Ultra Healing lotion, the itchiness went away. I am definitely gonna try that cocoa butter stick on them, too. I had that new technique for my hysterectomy, where they make four 1-2" incisions on your abdomen for the robotic "arms" of the DaVinci machine to go inside and make the cuts and stitches. The doctor controls the "arms" and watches the progress on a screen. Well, my bottom two incisions are nice and small; and they're flat and white. My upper two incisions are larger; raised; and have a border of brown discolored skin. Looks ugly! I think at least one of them is visible in my pics. Hopefully the cocoa butter can help them a little. I'd also like my husband to try it, too, cuz he had plastic surgery on his nose a month ago to remove a large growth (thank God it wasn't cancerous), and he has quite a bit of scarring from it now. Sad

I'm still doing those massages and rotations 4-5 times a day. I am able to do 200 Chi rotations at once now. Big Grin I love how it firms my breasts. And the swelling from massage lasts way longer than NB swelling, at least for me it does. Also, I find that when the initial swelling "settles down," it tends to settle in my lower boobs, which is exactly what I wanted! I love that "heavy boob" look; and my underboobs were pretty empty-looking.

I fell asleep while Noogling last night. Usually, I have the left cup clamped off, and the right one unclamped so I can do pump and release on that side, since it's smaller. Well, when I woke up a couple hours later, that clamped left side was still on there nice and tight; and my un-clamped right one was totally off. Dodgy Obviously there must've been some air leakage somewhere, probably through the pump or the t-connector or something. I should've just pumped up that right side good and tight and clamped it off when I started getting real sleepy. Oh well, live and learn I guess. On that note, my husband said he doesn't like how I'm losing so much sleep Noogling; so he volunteered to keep an eye on the kids and our pets and stuff for an hour every evening so I can go upstairs to Noogle. Smile It'll be nice to collapse into bed every night and actually get to relax and sleep. I'll still use my heating pad, though. It shuts off after an hour, so I won't bake myself under the covers. I'm sure I'll get overly ambitious and try to Snoogle again at some point, though. Wink

Oh yeah, and I'm a total idiot. Rolleyes I finally figured out what the hell was going on with my screwy temperature. My sleeping schedule has been WAY off the past couple weeks; like going to bed at 4 am and getting up at noon. I've always been a night-owl for as long as I can remember; being in school was horrible for me, having to get up in the morning, even as a kid. Both of my kids have taken after me, cuz even when they were babies, they'd be more awake at night than during the day. I homeschool, so we don't need to get up early for regular school. We've made numerous attempts to get onto an earlier schedule, and it's HARD, let me tell you! Anyway, I was taking my temp after being awake for like 10-12 hours, which is usually when temps are highest (late afternoon-evening, for normal people). Except my 10-12 hours of being awake was like 2am. And my temp would only be like 97.9. I took my temp yesterday morning at like 10am, which was right before I went to bed (in the middle of transitioning our schedule again), and my temp was 98.6. And I was no longer freezing cold, despite being sooo tired, which usually makes me cold too. I was like WTF? Then I realized that even though I was used to sleeping during the day and being awake at night, my body temp was on a day/night schedule. I'm guessing Melatonin plays a role in this, since that is usually only released when it's dark (night) and signals the body for sleep. Body temp of course is lowest at night. Or maybe it's whatever gets secreted during daylight that signals the body to wake up, I don't know, haven't researched this (yet!). So at 10am, even though I was ready for bed, the sun was shining; I was no longer cold; and my temp was totally normal. I'm glad I figured it out, cuz I was really concerned that my body was getting used to the raw adrenal glandulars I was taking, and they weren't effective anymore. So I'm an idiot! Blush

Fortunately, despite my crazy sleeping schedule, I'm still having those pains behind my nipples; and my right nipple is still quite itchy. And I truly believe higher levels of protein helps. My breasts have been a little "fatter" since I added like 20g more protein to my daily diet, about 10 days ago (before I started massaging). I think I get around 90-100g a day now. And thank God I'm not gaining weight from it! I never eat big meals; usually a couple small meals and a few snacks throughout the day. That helps to speed up your metabolism and keep your weight in check. I would love to start some kind of exercise thing that would tone my body, increase my stamina, and possibly drop a few pounds (I'm currently around 122-4; would like to be 120). But it has to be low-impact because of my arthritis, and EASY. Like 5 minutes a day, maybe twice a day. If it's any longer or more involved than that, I can't commit (my ADD kicks in, lol). I may look into yoga, as Anastasia suggested, or maybe one of those gazelle-type machines. My aim is to have a toned body to go along with my nicer, firmer, hopefully bigger boobs for summer. It would be nice if I could clear up my stupid acne, too (had it since I was 12). The forums on have been very helpful; so I'll be trying a new regimen next week, after me and my hubby go shopping. I'm sick of spending so much money on Proactiv when it doesn't clear me up as much as it *should* for the cost.

And oh, I'm so excited cuz I've made an appointment to get a tattoo next Friday! It's gonna be a butterfly, on my lower back, with some pretty scrolls on either side of it. It'll be my first one. Big Grin

As far as acne, I'm a ex-Proactiv user, I used it in my teens when it first came out before all the celebrity endorsements. And it only worked a few months then stopped completely. Also the people it works for, if they stop it for even one day, I've heard they break out like crazy, so who needs that? What if something comes up and you can't use the dang crap? Life happens. The things I've found best for my acne, I've had it since I started puberty also, I'd say about 11, is the collagen tablets, a multi vitamin everyday, the necessary water intake everyday (this also helps with cellulite and of course swelling for noogling Big Grin ), and for facial cleansing and such, I either use Nature's Cure the papaya kit, it comes with a cleanser toner and moisturizer, usually runs about $16 and lasts a hell of alot longer than bottles of proactiv and it works better, if you accidentally skip a day it won't matter, also it's gentler on the skin. I have psoriasis and I have sensitive skin, some product make me break out in a rash or red for a while after using, I would be red for an hour each time after using proactiv, that should tell you something. If I don't use the Nature's Cure, like if I can't find it in stores, which happens alot, then I get the apricot scrub by St. Ives or one of their regular cleansers and I use their collagen moisturizer. These two brands are the only ones I trust now.

And yea I'm a night owl too for the most part, except I have a kid that goes to regular school cause I work, so I have to get up in the morning. But I can run on 4-6 hours of sleep. If I get more than 7 hours I feel sick all day, no clue why.

i would like to raise a toast to boob-growing vamps in this forum. i just looked at the clock and it is 3 minutes to 4 am! why! again? sigh. if i go to bed before 3, it is a miracle! must go brush teeth massage and turn in... now :]

Thanks for the zit-zapper suggestion. Smile I will look into that! I've also heard that baking soda works too as an exfoliator or a mask; have you tried that?

Glad to know I'm not up all night alone! Cheers, Char and Anastasia! Big Grin

I still can't do more than 200 Chi rotations at once. Oh well. I still do multiple sessions throughout the day, with an extra 100 or so rotations on my smaller right side each time. I've noticed that my breasts are no longer sore at all. Is that what's supposed to happen with continued massage? Your breasts get used to it, and don't hurt anymore??? Huh Sometimes I'll feel a mild, dull ache on my right side, but that's about it. I do like how the rotations are shaping my breasts. They are rounder. My measurement has not gone up yet since starting the massages; but I'm gonna keep at it, since I know this whole process takes A LOOONG TIME! Rolleyes

I'm able to get a good hour of Noogle time most days, like 6 days out of the week. I overpumped on my right side a bit a few days ago and got some red dots, darn it. Dodgy They are pretty much gone now. I know that slow and steady wins the race with NB; I really need to work on my patience! I get too ambitious with it sometimes. I did notice that I'm retaining a little bit of swelling for at least a couple hours after pumping, though; so that's an improvement for me already! Maybe the 5 minutes of massaging before Noogling is helping that!

I discovered a really quick, tasty breakfast meal that's loaded with protein, in the frozen breakfast food section at the store. It's Jimmy Dean Breakfast Bowl. I get the bacon one. It has bacon, eggs, cheese, and potatoes. And 31 grams of protein! I can get it for about $2.30 at Walmart. Only 3 minutes in the microwave, and it's ready to eat. Mornings are pretty busy at my house, getting my kids and our pets fed, and getting all ready, and homeschooling and stuff; and I'm always last to eat. So frequently, I'd just be skipping breakfast and have lunch instead. I don't have time to fry up eggs, boil potatoes, and cook bacon every day for just myself (my kids prefer cereal); so these Jimmy Dean breakfast bowls are a really neat solution for me. I like to add some maple syrup to it, too. So tasty! Big Grin

Yay, I got my tattoo last night! Big Grin It turned out pretty good. It's a bit bigger than I pictured in my mind; but I still like it a lot! My sister went with me and took a picture of it when it was done. I could post it here, if anyone is interested in seeing it. It's not an NBE picture; but it was my NBE program and finding this forum that has given me the confidence and self-acceptance I have now; I'm like a whole new me (hence the butterfly symbol). Smile

Yay! I hope it wasn't too painful!!!! Yeah, definitely post it! That's great that you feel more confident about yourself now. I can definitely relate, that by doing NBE it feels like you are gaining control of your body and being proactive about growing some breasts!

200 rotations per time! I think you should also post photos of your arm muscles!!! hehe I can barely do any. I have to constantly stop and take a break! Better go back to the gym!

Doing 200 rotations is hard! My arms are like wiped out after that! My subsequent sessions during the day are only like 150 rotations, since the 200 I do when I first get up wears me out! I am considering starting up my chest exercises again with my Easy Curves bar, because that really helped to strengthen my arms a little too. And exercising does help to get blood flowing and stuff. So yeah, I'll probably start on that again. Smile

OK, here's the new tattoo pic. This was right after he finished it. I gotta admit, when I first saw this picture on my sister's phone after she took it, my first thought was "OMG, my butt looks so small in that pic!" Tongue Seriously, it's nowhere near that small. It's gotta be the angle the pic was taken at, plus the black pants that sit a little lower on my hips. I should wear those pants more often!!!

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Woohoo tramp stamp to go with new boobies! j/k you know I got to joke haha. It looks good though, I've seen some lower back tats that look so horrible, yours is actually cute! I've contemplated so many tats in the past but have yet to get one. And pfft, my butt looks big no matter how the camera is angled! Embrace your curves stop trying to hide em! And lol I find it funny you gals are having issues with the chi massage doing all the rotations, I do them with no issues, just I end up hot and sweaty in the chest area after and have to towel off a bit. But then again I have used the easy curves for 3 years now, at least twice per week. And I work out as I can. Also carrying heavy bags of cat litter and dog food probably help and carrying in groceries lol. Also before we sold it, I use to use the speed bag on my hubby's punching bag set.

Thanks Anastasia. And lol, when I was getting it done I said to my sister "Hee hee, I'm getting me a tramp stamp!" Tongue I figured if I put it anywhere, may as well accentuate the only curves I got. Wink

I was able to do 300 rotations at once this morning! Then I rested my arms a few minutes and did another 150 on my right side. I really gotta start my Easy Curves again. My arms are pretty strong from moving our furniture during our three moves last year, carrying around my 36-pound son around, the endless heavy laundry baskets ... it's just that the muscles used to do rotations are muscles I'm not used to using (yet!). I remember when I first started using Easy Curves last summer how my arms ached in the beginning because I wasn't used to doing that. Hopefully I can strengthen my arms enough to do all 360 rotations someday! I'm loving how nice and round my left breast looks now; but my right one is still so much smaller. I think I'll focus only on the right one with NB for a couple months again and see if that makes any difference.

It's so frustrating to have such great growth during the first 4 months, then have it slow down to barely anything for these past 4 months. Sad I'll definitely keep doing what I'm doing for at least the rest of this year. If I get to an A cup by the end of December, then this would all have been worth it; and I'll keep going to see if I can reach a B cup. If I'm still an AA at the end of December, then I will probably stop it all. That will be 18 months after starting all this. Granted, AA is better than AAAAA; but I'd still have to order bras online, since I can't find anything other than training bras in AA around here. I'm still optimistic, because my Mom is an A cup; and both of my younger sisters are B cups; so I should theoretically be able to grow to at least an A/small B, if genetics have anything to say about it!

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