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itsjust4fun91's Program Page

Hi Itsjust4fun91!!!
I wanted to ask you which brand of Raw Adrenal are you taking? or took.
I have a body temp of 36.8 in the day time. but when I wake up it is lower. Before I ovulate my body temp in the morning is really low...some times it is 35.8 - 36.1.
But in the day time it goes up....last time I checked it was 36.5 before I ovulated.
Now I'm after my ovulation and my body temp is 36.8.
I was thinking maybe to add the Adrenal to my routine. But I am not sure yet.
I found this product that is good for the Adrenal function. it is a herbal supplement. AdrenaSense.
What do you think?...
I am still taking the BB's. I am now taking them for 3 months. Smile
I am waiting to have my period so I can measure and see if there has been a difference this month. My period this month is coming late. Sad
O.k. I hope to hear from you soon Smile
Good Luck hun with the Grape seed.

I use VSL#3 they ship them in a styrofoam insulated box with ice packs over night for free. They are a little higher than others, but like I said have large amounts of probiotics compared to the others. There is 112.5 bilion CFU's per capsule. I take 2 capsules a day, but someone else without all the other immune stuff probaby could take just one a day to maintain after an initial month of taking 3 a day to get things under control. They cost 52 dollars for a bottle.

If you compare to the other brands you can get. The cheapest I found was 27 dollars for 35 billion CFU's and I tried those for several months, but never had near the results that I have with these.

If you're sick of the stomach pains and all that goes along with IBS, I'd say a month on VSL #3 and you should see a difference.


I figure I am long overdue for an update, so here it goes. I was having really good success with the noogleberry once I finally got my swelling started. I increased to 39 1/2 post swelling and then I began having some health issues. My illness decided to flare, so I stopped all supplements and tried to only pump, but I will confess it wasn't enough to actually achieve anything. There were too many skipped days, so my fault completely.

I will not be going back on the BB pills mainly due to the fact that raising my hormone levels have begun really messing with the concha bullosa I have and creates horrible headaches. I've been put on lo estrin BCP to help get me leveled out and to stop the headaches, mainly to avoid surgery if possible, since sinus surgery is really painful. It seems that high hormone levels cause swelling and if you already have sinus pressure, it just makes it worse.

I really hate not being able to take them since they did such wonders for me when I took them and and yes, mine has stuck! I still am so grateful to BB for their product.

Anyway, I'm going to really buckle down with the noogleerry and see what I can get out of it. I bought the new cups and love that they are so much lighter, but they cut into me terribly so I'm going to have to make padding for them also. In the mean time I am back to using my XL cups...

It's also time to start geting back in shape, I noticed the worse cellulite on the back of my legs recently...ick, so back on the elliptical for me!

My current program is simple

2 multi vitamins
2000mcg b12 per day (illness related)
and on a protien rich diet.

That's it, simple and sweet so from here on out any breast growth will strictly be noogleberry.

Hope everyone is doing great and seeing the results they want.


I will admit I don't know anything about your condition, never heard of it until now. But maybe something that would even out your hormones might help? Like Maca or something? I don't know, just a suggestion. Tragic that you have to stop BO, I am going to start it up again soon once it gets here.

concha bullosa is rather common but weird. It's a large air pocket that has formed in the sinuses and causes pressue sometimes. Weirdly enough for me, if I'm not taking BCP I'm in ALOT of pain. Within an hour of taking the BCP pill the pain goes away... I ried taking the BB pill on Sunday with my BCP and ended up with a migraine that made me want to beat my head against the wall, so I seem stuck right now. I use to take the DIM, but I never got any growth while on the dim with my BB, though other gals did.

Anyway, I've been trying to think of a way to be able to take the BB again. I might have to stop the BCP and see how that works...


I feel so sorry for you. I have never heard of your condision.

Oh, don't feel sorry. I had amazing results with BB pills while I could use them. It's disappointing that I can't for the time being, but I'm really grateful for what I did get from them.

I can have a surgery for my sinuses but I'm a big chicken. It's supposed to be a really painful surgery. So as long as the BCP pills seem to keep the swelling down enough not to bother me, I remain too chicken to have the surgery. LOL So can't blame anyone but myself.

I enjoy the noogleberry, so for now I'm just going to stick to that route.


I feel your (sinus) pain, Mel. I had a very large abcess in the way back of my right sinus about 13 years ago, when I was 21. It was pushing against my eye, and caused a constant, unrelenting migraine for two whole freakin' months, cuz every doctor I went to only wanted to prescribe pain meds rather than find out the cause of the pain. When I got to the point I was vomiting and crying from pain, my parents took me to the emergency room, where they did a CT scan and found the abcess. The only treatment was surgery, of course. The surgeon said the infection was dangerously close to invading my brain. Apparently, the "channel" that connects the back of the nose to the sinuses was really narrow and twisted in spots, which prevented my sinuses from draining correctly. So the surgeon had to open that "channel" up during the surgery, too. She also corrected my deviated septum. So I had a lot of cutting and whatnot done up in my sinuses and nose; and I had to have sponges stuffed all up into my sinus and stuff. The first several days were the worst, pain-wise; I still had that headache, and my nose felt sore. But what really annoyed me was not being able to breathe through my nose at all until those sponges were pulled out like a week later (which wasn't pleasant, of course; but my surgeon wasn't particularly gentle either, so that was probably half of the problem, lol Tongue ). They gave me good pain meds during the recovery period, so that was good.

You seem to have your condition under control with the pill; so I can see why you'd be hesitant to undergo surgery now. All my surgeries were medically necessary; or the pain could not possibly be controlled; so that was my only option (I've had 6 surgeries in the past 11 years alone, including 2 c-sections and a hysterectomy). If you do decide to have the surgery, know that the recovery isn't really too bad. Smile

Good luck with your program! I'm glad Noogleberry has been finally working for you. Gives me hope that maybe someday it'll work for me too! Big Grin

I've been gone for a very long extended break. That included all forms of nbe. For anyone that has asked if BO is permanent, it has been for me. I still have all my growth from taking BB, I also haven't pumped since early June. Without any pumping or supplements, I seem to have held a steady 39 1/2.

I'm thinking of going back on BO, but this round using the UB since I don't want to use pituitary this time. I want to get about 5 - 8 pounds off of me before I do, but I ordered 2 bottles to get me started so that when I get to the weight I want to start with, I will have it on hand to start with. I'm 144 right now, compared to my normal 137 to 136. I just don't want any growth on top of a weight I don't normally keep, that pretty much would mean I would lose any growth I might see if I lost weight back down to my normal weight.

I hope everyone has made the progress they have wanted and had a great summer.


I have a pre nbe regiment that I am on right now to prepare myself for my next round of nbe. Without nbe I have gone right back into all of my premenopausal symptoms, which has been a bugger to say the least.
Here are the last results from my hormone panel
test/ result/ normal ref range

DHEA/ 8 normal/ 3-10
Testosterone/ 11 low normal/ 10-38
Estrone/ 6 Depressed/ 30-58
Estradiol 4 low normal 3-16
Estriol 7 low 12-25
progesterone 30 low 65-500

As you can see, my production of hormones is pretty low and in some areas none existent. Not to mention what little was showing on the test was partly from the bcp I was put on. scary huh?

Anyway, I was temporarily put on the bcp to stop my period for awhile and just recently came off of those. While waiting for my cycles to become normal again, (still no period) I am on the following program to prepare for nbe again.

2 one source vitamins
1 adrenal gland pill (adrenal produces estrone)
1 b-complex pill
natural progesterone cream
natural estriol cream

I am running on my eliptical 3 miles each day and use the 40 minute program on my ab belt every day(I love that thing!!!) I seem to be stuck with those few extra pounds I'm still working on, but they're being stuborn so far.

My UB arrived yesterday and I stuck it in the cabinet until I'm ready. My hope is that in a month or two I will be able to start it. I plan to start noogling again when my kids school starts back in a couple of weeks, then add the ub in as my hormones begin to feel more normal. I will probably run another hormone test and see where I'm sitting at before doing it and then moving forward from there.

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