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The commitment is frightening


The commitment is frightening
June 5 2006 at 8:30 PM Teela (no login)


It's great to have places like this where there are people willing to post their experiences with the Brava breast enhancement system. I've been wanting to try Brava for a while now, but I still don't know if it would be such a good idea because of all of the time required to do it. I find the idea of making the commitment of that much time quite scary and I don't want to waste money because I find I can't keep up the programme. I guess I won't be making a decision anytime soon, but if anyone can encourage me to believe I can make that commitment your comment would be welcome.

Author Reply
(no login) Re: The commitment is frightening June 5 2006, 8:35 PM

You have to be incredibly determined to finish that regime. I lasted about 2 weeks before I couldn't take no more. I wore the system EVERYWHERE and I looked ridiculous. I got used to it pretty quickly but for others it takes quite awhile to do things like sleep (pillows under every body part), and move about with those domes. You can't let the thing lose suction so you have to be very careful when maneuvering around. Also, a lot of women develop rashes and things on their chests. I didn't (though I wore the thing 17 hours per day) but I also used like 10 times the amount of lotion I probably needed to and was vigilante about keeping everything clean--besides I only used it for 2 weeks. There is a forum BRAVARGH! ,I think, where a few women vent their frusterations and also offer helpful tips. Beware it is really negative and there are plenty of women with positive results as well--I just liked it because they did offer useful information about wearing the system.
Moreover, you don't have to buy BRAVA from BRAVA. If you want to look for deals check out ebay. There are a bunch of 'em there being auctioned at greatly discounted rates (like mine!!!)
Hope this helped...

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Desert Queen
(Login desertqueen)
EVE MEMBERS Re: The commitment is frightening June 6 2006, 9:16 PM

I have heard that a lot of women buy Brava and then find they can't commit to it. That's why there are always brava systems being sold second hand. I would say that anyone really needs to be sure that they can commit to it before going ahead and buying it, otherwise you will be making what seems to be a common mistake. But I can understand the difficulty in making that kind of commitment. I don't think I could manage it myself, because I couldn't wear it every day, bearing in mind that's what's required, to wear it EVERY day.

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(Login Sunflower22) Re: The commitment is frightening June 7 2006, 4:47 AM

My sister's breast size is B (i wish I was that size) she tired Brava and only lasted 4days lol.

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(no login) Re: The commitment is frightening June 9 2006, 11:56 PM

thankyou for saying that thing about BRAVAHH you are right it is really negative. i was so happy using brava and determined for four weeks untill i read that site and got depressed, i gave up and my boobies had shrank so much that i hadnt even realised how small i was before. this time im really going to try :o)

Is Brava breast system worth the time and commitment?
April 30 2008 at 8:13 AM Gina (no login)


I can't help wondering about this, especially when I found the following said by the Brava company itself: "The Brava system is not for people who want to look like Pamela Anderson or Dolly Parton – if they want that, they should get implants. This is for women who want subtle change. And that is what good plastic surgery is all about - subtlety.” It's hardly a ringing endorsement is it?

Author Reply
(no login) Re: Is Brava breast system worth the time and commitment? April 30 2008, 3:08 PM

'Brava Breast' is possibly BB. The proper brand name Brava system gave me a good result. To make your body grow real tissue will take time. At least the boobs you get are a normal shape and don't look or feel fake.

(Login Tori365)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Is Brava breast system worth the time and commitment? May 1 2008, 4:43 PM

Well I'm not aiming to look like dolly parton or pamela anderson, and am pleased with what results I have already!

(no login) Re: Is Brava breast system worth the time and commitment? May 10 2008, 6:20 PM

Unfortunately the Brava system did not make me give me any lasting growth at all.
I was however left with some unsightly shrinkage marks - which look like stretch marks and very depressing.
I wore the system exactly as required.

Sorry, but it is worth considering that, for some, at least there is no growth but there are side effects.

(no login) Brava system or implants??? May 10 2008, 11:15 PM

I am really confused and don't know what to do. I am extremely unhappy with my 34A chest and would like to increase to a larger B.
I've read a number of reviews on implants and the Brava system but would like to know what people who've had experience, think.
Please could you tell me if you've used the Brava system and if so, how long have you used it for, have you had any side effects and most importantly....does it work?


(no login) Re: Is Brava breast system worth the time and commitment? September 2 2008, 5:25 PM

Unlike a lot of girls here, I did have success. I was a small and pathetic prepubescent looking 34 A. I hated my body. My hips are big and I felt like I looked as sexy as my 10 year old daughter. Brava was a last resort for me...I didn't even tell anyone but my husband that I was going to try it because I didn't want to look like a fool when I wasted $1000 on a scam. I was sure it wouldn't work, so much so that I almost sent it back when it came in the mail, without even opening it. But I had felt so desperate, even to the point of fantasizing about implants (which I would never get) that I decided to try. It was horribly uncomfortable at first and I hate sleeping on my back, so I had lots of sleepless/restless nights. But it does get better, you do adjust. I committed to 10 5 weeks, I could see a change. My A bras fit better. But I wanted MORE!!! By the end of week 10, I had to move into 34B bras. Hallelujah!!!!!! I kept going for 32 weeks and ended with a good solid size B. (even after being off the system for months) The following year I decided I wanted to go for the very desired C cup...I went 20 weeks and discovered I was pregnant. At that point I was a C. After pregnancy and 1 1/2 years of breastfeeding (which definitely took it's toll on my perky breasts) I am trying again...after I weaned my son I was a small B. So, I definitely lost some of my breasts, but it was mostly because of nursing so much. I am responding quickly this time....on week 5 and my bras already look better. I am going for 20 weeks, hoping this time to end with a good full B. I hope this helps....for me Brava was definitely worth the pain and aggrevation. Feeling good about your body is worth it!

Great deal of time and effort
March 6 2006 at 7:20 AM Sky Princess (no login)


Brava seems to require a great deal of time and effort. Not to mentuion cost. What is there to convince me that it is all worthwhile.

Author Reply
(no login) Re: Great deal of time and effort March 7 2006, 8:53 AM

Anything that is worth doing requires time and effort. Don't expect something for nothing. Brava does take some persistence but anything worth doing requires persistence. If you get satisfactory results in the end you will not be concerned with the time and effort you put in. Of course you will feel that it was worth it.

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(no login) Re: Great deal of time and effort March 7 2006, 10:53 PM

Yes it does require time and effort, but you have to consider how badly you want something and whether you want it enough to put in the time and effort to achieve what you want.

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Sky Princess
(no login) Re: Great deal of time and effort March 17 2006, 7:19 PM

Okay I might be convinced that it's all worthwhile. I said I was open minded, and I'm willing to give it serious consideration, but it would still depend on whether the results are going to last. Reading some of the other messages in this forum, I get the impression that results with Brava don't always last.

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(no login) Re: Great deal of time and effort March 18 2006, 5:56 AM

thats intresting- i was just about to order brava.... i have lost any volume from breast feeding- and didnt get any stretchmarks with my3cup increase so hopefully my skin is elasticy! but not maintaining the results is a bit daunting-after going around with dopey domes on your chest for months!- any more stories out there?

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(no login) Re: Great deal of time and effort March 22 2006, 11:06 AM

brava say that women who have breastfed get the best results from brava because your skin may be looser, unless you do lots of chest exercises, and if you did'nt get streach marks throught pregnancy i think brava would really suit you

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(no login) Re: Great deal of time and effort March 30 2006, 9:59 AM

It's worth a try if you have the time and can be dedicated to it. There are at least 3 ladies in this group who have all had long lasting success with Brava.

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(no login) Re: Great deal of time and effort April 11 2006, 8:14 PM

This system does work, if and only if, you are committed to invest the time required to wear the system for a minimum of 10 consecutive weeks (more likely 12 to 14 weeks) for at least 10 consecutive hours per day (more likely 12 hours per day) to see lasting results. This is a huge committment of time and money - don't kid yourself, it is not easy - but it truly does work if you keep up your committment

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(no login) Re: Great deal of time and effort April 28 2006, 11:06 PM

That's a good assessment. Brava works but it's not for the faint hearted. It does require a lot of commitment, at least 11 hours wear every day for 12 weeks. I wore the domes throughout the night and you have to lie on your back, difficult in my case. It's not at all painful to wear the domes, but it restricts your movements so it's uncomfortable. Don't be tempted to miss a day. It's got to be every day and on average you put in 77 hours a week. A lot of effort yes, but you could get a good reward at the end of it.

Brava straining on the relationship?
March 6 2009 at 1:36 PM CousinRose (Login CousinRose)


Has this time of wearing Brava affected your relationship with your husband/boyfriend?

I feel my relationship has changed those 9 weeks I have been wearing the domes but I only have 3 weeks left to finish the cycle and I don't want to stop. It's all those little things. I had a bad dream last night and woke up my bf but the couldn't hold me. He can't spoon me while we watch a movie in the evenings, we can't be spontaniously intimit and I feel we are less close than before.

I am just wondering if this is a "normal" part of the process! How do you keep your relationship going?

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(Login Beeper12) How long? March 7 2009, 12:23 PM

How many hours per day do you wear the Brava? I know for me, I usually can only do the 10 hours, but that gives me time to snuggle with my husband and hang out a bit before I put these bad boys on. If you put them on the second you come home from work I'd imagine things would change a bit...but I wouldn't worry because he obviously supports you so just hang in there and make up for lost "time" when you're done! Smile

How's your progress??

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Brava straining on the relationship? March 7 2009, 1:44 PM

Hey Beeper12. Thanks for the encouragement.

I average around 13-14 hours a day but I usually put them on late evenings (between 10-12) and wear them in the morning and sometimes afternoon while my bf is working and I am studying (I only have classes in the afternoon). The reason I am trying to do longer hours is because I am only doing 12 weeks.

My progress is really good and that's the reason I wish I could go longer. I just started week 10 and I am retaining 5 cm (2 inches) after 12 hours off and 3 weeks ago I was retaining 4 cm which should be my final size since week 6 was my halfway point.

How is your progress? How many weeks have you done?

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(Login Beeper12) Great! March 7 2009, 4:04 PM

That's fantastic! You should be happy with your results! What is your desired cup size?

Are you using the smartbox or airlock?

I just started so I'm only wrapping up week 2 so I don't have much to show for it yet! In the morning my boobs are definitely swollen and it lasts a good bit before deflating.

I hope to do this a long as I have to - to get to a full 34B...I hope I can hang in there!

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Brava straining on the relationship? March 7 2009, 6:32 PM

I am aiming for a 34C, was a small 34B to begin with, and I actually fit in a 34C in the evenings. (Before my NBE quest I was a 34 A but I always wore padded B bras, so this is a big difference for me). I guess I have reached my desired cup size if I don't loose everything in the end. I am prepared for anything Wink

I am using the smartbox, I once tried to airlock and woke up the next morning with no swelling and a lost night! That was in october and I quit after 1 week and began again this January using only the smartbox. It seems to be working for me.

The first 2 weeks are the worst! Then you get more used to it. My only problem is my boyfriend and an occational itch.

What is your starting size?


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(Login Beeper12) Wow! March 8 2009, 2:41 PM

You went from a 34A to a 34C? That's awesome!! 34C is definitely a dream of mine but I'm aiming for a B first - then if I have the energy to keep going I will. I'm starting as a 34A myself, using the airlock because I couldn't afford buying brava through the company itself. So I got the domes on eBay and made my own airlock!

Did you do anything other than Brava to achieve your results??

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(no login) Re: Brava straining on the relationship? March 8 2009, 11:04 PM

Yes, it's definitely been a challenge on the marriage with the big domes on. Try being intimate or snuggle and it's a comedy of errors - the Smartbox goes off and you both start laughing Smile I try to put them on as late as possible - hence why I'm only getting in 10 hours a night. Also no snuggling while sleeping right now but I keep saying it's short term.

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Brava straining on the relationship? March 9 2009, 10:49 AM

Beeper - I come from a family of C's and D's so obviously A's isn't in my genes so I realized something was wrong. I read the forum and saw that sugar is really bad for breasts and protein really good. I was a sugarholic and had sweets everyday and ate little proteins. So I changed my diet from excess sugar and high carbs to normal levels of carbs, no sugar and normal proteins. It was so hard to change but my body did change a little, I gained muscles ( I work out a lot), my face changed to the better and my breasts grew to a small B (about one cup size). I did gain 2 kg (about 4 pounds) but very little of it was from fat other then on my chest Wink

Rox - I know exactly what you are going through and if I will ever do another cycle, I will only do 10 hours a day. We sometimes plan a romantic evening together in advance when it fits my schedule to wear the domes late!

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(Login elusia)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Brava straining on the relationship? March 9 2009, 11:51 AM

Cousin Rose,

yes, your progress from A to C is amazing and an encouragement to all of us! And yes, it can be a huge strain on relationships, but I think it depends a lot on how your man is! My husband is pretty much going crazy when I can't spend endless hours cuddling and being close to him, but then again, I aim for 12-14 hours a day and I need to put the domes on early every evening. I don't even know if I'll be able to finish my planned 12 weeks - if things go too bad with him...

I think that single ladies should use Brava to test the caracter of their bf - if he can handle 12-50 weeks of Brava - he will be likely to last a lifetime ; )) If not, great, dump him and find someone who's willing to sacrifice some of his pleasures in order for you to achieve your dreams (we women tend to do that all the time, but in my experience, not many man can do it!) Just a thought! ; )

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(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Brava straining on the relationship? March 9 2009, 3:13 PM

Agreed, Elusia!

social life
October 3 2007 at 1:15 AM Jess (Login wigirl83)


So, I have been checking out this forum for a few months now and I finally bought my own system ($900 even on ebay - ouch). I figure the amount of money I spent on the thing will at least keep me motivated to do it, right.. hopefully. I was wondering, is it possible to maintain a social life while doing this? Has anyone tried dating while using brava? (lots of hmm I have to leave before I turn into a pumpkin situations.. haha) Just curious. Thanks!

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(Login dandelion1) Re: social life October 3 2007, 5:36 AM

I'm also curious about this - i am currently seeing someone (only been two months so i will not inlcuding him on this journey) and i'd like to know if skin legions and blisters are so common that he would definitly notice them, even in the dark...and if you get big red rims where the domes are placed all day. I am ordering mine on ebay as well, just waiting for the auction to finish in 18 hours!

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Sorry turned into a novel! October 3 2007, 9:59 AM

I had one terrible acne-like rash that wouldn't have be concealable (but that was after wearing almost solidly for 5 days so it was my own fault). Otherwise you can usually cover with makeup and should def be ok in the dark. However, I was just about a 32B before I started and the swelling has got as big as 32DD (not sure about E as never tried E cup bra but DD was v full) - so surely he'd notice that sometimes you had huge boobs and sometimes you didn't? If you move around and the seal breaks the silicone edge makes a loud farting noise which could be embarassing - beware this when on the phone! Don't think men are too clued up about these things so maybe you could tell him you have to wear it for asthma or a bad back or something and not show him the actual tit-shaped apparatus?!?!

In general you can either go to work or go out, not both. If you have to take them off at 7am to get ready for work you need to be wearing them at the latest 8pm. Also Brava keep changing the goal posts in terms of wear so most of us are doing a lot more than the original 10 hours per day for 10 weeks. Apparently if you only wear for 8.5 hours for one night in a week and at least 11 hours every other night this doesn't count as a missed night - however less than this or more than once and you need to add 5 complete nights to you total. Also remember when the tissue expansion theory behind Brava is applied to other body areas they implant a balloon under the skin to give a 'push' tension rather than a 'pull' and they leave it there 24/7 for several months so you need maximum hours for it to be worthwhile.

If you want to wear the domes out and about (in situations where you won't move your arms too much and let out a huge dome-fart) then wearing a loose dress, shawl and large cardigan or coat makes you look fat / pregnant rather than deformed - I've done this with the narrow large domes and others have with wide medium. The XLs just look stupid but you shouldn't need them for a bit. Even in this 'disguise' you'd look funny to someone who knew you so you'll probably spend a lot of time locked up indoors - I'm thinking about taking a correspondence course!

All this said, my husand works abroad so I'm not getting out much anyway. I'm averaging 15 hours per night over nearly 13 weeks and had to leave off to fly out to visit him so they were off for over 30 hours and I seem to have 0.75 inch extra remaining after that time so hope something's happening. I'm aiming for 26 weeks, 4 month break then another 26 weeks if I got at least in inch the first time. Someone on another forum used on and off for 3-4 years and got 3-4 inches which is amazing so gives us all hope.

Good luck girls, keep us posted as to how you get on x

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(no login) Re: social life October 4 2007, 8:42 AM

I don't see how you can really expect to conceal this from anyone. I had blisters which hurt when they were touched and a rash later on which I also didn't want touching. Assuming they could be hidden in the dark, you might still need to guide someone on where to touch and where not to touch. Too much touching in the wrong place could be seriously painful. You really don't want to find a blister being rubbed by someone.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: social life October 4 2007, 9:59 AM

Well boob-squeezing is definitely off and pressing them hard against his chest hurts if either you just took the domes off or have very big swelling and the bigger they are the more he'll probably mess about with them!

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(no login) Re: social life October 4 2007, 2:34 PM

I wore wide large domes and you CANNOT hide them. I about cried when I opened the box and saw how huge they are and realized you can't leave your house in them. I wouldn't even consider wearing them around my house in front of anyone but my immediate family. If someone drops by, you probably want to hide unless you don't mind them seeing you with torpedos under your shirt. I could only wear a baggy men's extra large T-shirt over mine. I would not wear this in nice weather and be confined to the house again (wore from April - June last time). I like to go outside and be active. With that being said, I will start a second cycle from December - April and not be as obsessive about getting in mega hours. I was happy with my results which were bascially being more filled out and lifted. I plan on wearing from about 7:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. next time and a few hours longer when I can. You cannot cuddle while wearing the domes or pick up a child. You definitely have to sleep on your back too. I did not have any skin problems but I also did not use extra suction - only the sportbox attached and I used skin prep and dome cleanser. You do get used to it and looking back I think it's worth it if you don't let it interefere with your life too much. I am married with two kids and we stay home in the evenings a lot and hang out together with most errands and activities in early evening so this did not interfere with my social life outside the home. I don't know about dating. The "footprint or outline" from the domes remained on me for several hours. Even though my husband and I both loved the morning swelling, I did not go around with tight shirts because I didn't want to look like I obviously deflated throughout the day. I think I will be more likely to show off "my final results" and keep the "swelled" look in the bedroom. Also, I don't think Brava is being accurate about later you have a greater proportion of true growth to swelling. Swelling is huge and I don't believe most people keep that amount of growth otherwise there would be photos showing it. If you took a photo of yourself when the domes come off, it would look like a boob job, but it doesn't last all day. It gradually shrinks. It's all in your expectations. I do believe you get growth, but you need to be happy with probably not getting a significant amount. In my case I was saggy and deflated from pregnancy, weight loss, and breastfeeding. Brava "fills in the gaps" so it is more noticeable to say yourself and your significant other. I also don't believe Brava when they say that when you see the breast size you've always wanted when you put the domes back on, you're half way there. It is a process that takes time and in my case it was just gradual growth over the 11 weeks. You should definitely take before pictures so you can see where you started out because all the swelling and deflating make you forget where you were. It is worth it when you're done IF you were persistent and wear it everyday because when you've completed that cycle, you keep your growth and you can build on it again later or be happy with what you've attained and all the aggravation is behind you. Just don't let it ruin your relationships by avoiding friends or family. If this boyfriend is special to you, you might want to fess up to what you're doing. Just don't let it control your time. Try to wear it when you're at home or sleeping anyway. Also, exercise, eat right, and take care of yourself so that whatever you end up with, at least you're in good shape.
Good luck!!

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(no login) Re: social life October 4 2007, 3:31 PM

I agree with most of that but remember you have to put in the hours to get any result otherwise you'll just be wasting the time you do spend. If you want a boost for an evening there are cheaper machines that will give swelling quicker. I stayed with hubby for 2 weeks (he works abroad) and was hoping to put it on when he went to sleep and take it off before he came home from work so getting 18 hours per day, but if I made any movement in the night it let out a huge farting noise and disturbed his sleep so he banned them and I didn't go all that way after not seeing him for 3 months to sleep on the couch - even just turning slighly so I could put my leg next to him was enough to break the seal, you need to be very much alone unfortunately.

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(no login) Re: social life October 4 2007, 10:10 PM

I am currently seeing someone, but he has been abroad for the past 6 weeks so I've managed to get in some good hours without him. Otherwise it really would have been tricky.

I work full-time, so do approx 8pm-8am every weeknight, 8pm-2pm Friday to Sat (so I can go out on Sat night) and 2am-4pm Sat to Sun. If I see the boy I keep the domes on until about 8pm on Sat night and then make an excuse as to why I need to leave at 8am in the morning. It is very difficult.

In short: no, you really can't. I am at week 9 and, looking back, just don't know how I've done it. Am going to struggle on for another month and then jack it in. It will be like leaving prison.

Why not see this guy for a while, and if he doesn't have a problem with your breasts, there's probably no need for Brava anyway. I think us women are far more obsessed with size than they are!

But whatever you decided... good luck!

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(Login dandelion1) Re: social life October 27 2007, 6:59 AM

thanks everyone for your responses
I do have high hopes, but at the same time I've hear horror stories (lots of wear, no gain, bad rashes all at once). I'm in for the long run (or at least as long as my domes last me). I will weart them consistently whenever I'm at home and overnight when sleeping at home, until i read a 34C and I realize that this might take me a while. I read that a lady on another forum got 3-4 inches in 3-4 years of on-off wear. If thats what it takes I'm ready (unless celution becomes available, then I'm just gonna for that). reading all your posts made me realize that I can't get too optimistic, so thanks for the reality

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(no login) Re: social life October 27 2007, 7:39 AM

You are not supposed to have a social life whilst using Brava. It's something you put on hold until Brava is over with.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: social life October 27 2007, 7:37 PM

Dandelion, Celution is available in Japan for 12k - see posts on the surgery forum. I would consider celution as a last resort but someone said they can come out lumpy. On the bright side I'm also aiming for 34C (or equivalent 32D as I'm a small person) and the last 2 days I feel that I'm beginning to see a definite increase remaining at the end of the day (on week 17, averaging 15hrs per day so just past 1700) and once you get past the crappy 'new' stage where it's all itchy and nothing to see you get used to it. I want to do 2x 6 month sessions separated by 4 month break. If I have no growth after that I'll assume it's not going to work but feeling positive at the moment (and I've lost 15 lbs since starting Brava so lucky not to be even smaller!). Stay motivated!

What to tell the kids
June 21 2007 at 4:02 PM Lost Sheep (Login momXseven)


I have a crew of kids ages 10 and down and having to wear Brava for 10+ hours per day they are sure to see me in it at some point, I don't have a clue on what to tell them. I'm only a 36 B and I got the wide-large domes and they are HUGE. Anyone have kids that you have told what that HUGE thing on your chest is?

Author Reply
(no login) Re: What to tell the kids June 21 2007, 4:19 PM

I was thinking the same RE my'll look weird enough that I walk around with it it indoors but then to take it off when I go out?! Dunno if I can hang a towel round my shoulders or something? Could you say it was something to help you breathe like an asthma will be difficult as they'll also see your increased boob size if you have a good result.

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(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER What to tell the kids June 21 2007, 4:55 PM

Get a blond wig and start doing Kareoke to Dolly Parton songs. HEHE rofl. That is a tough one. Try the truth? Or hide in your bedroom after they go to sleep and wear it. Hard enough wearing it when your single.

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(no login) Re: What to tell the kids June 25 2007, 7:07 AM

Well I told the kids the truth and they were like OK and when back to playing, they didn't care, LOL.

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(no login) Re: What to tell the kids June 26 2007, 6:19 PM

I told my kids it was for my posture and to help replace fat lost in my chest after pregnancy and child birth. Older child wanted to look at all the "parts" in the box. Both said "weird" and then ignored it after a few days. I wore it with husband's extra-large T-shirt over top.

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(no login) Sense of Humor Imperative July 28 2007, 6:33 PM

I said as little as possible to my kids- almost 10/girl and 8/boy. The first day I wore it after they were in bed, I locked myself in my room and put the system on. Then, the "mom" calls started and I had to open my door. "What's that?", she asked. Since I had hoped to never have to answer that question, I was not prepared and said, "Mommy wants her clothes fit better and this will help." "Oh", she said. And that is the only response I've ever had to give after this 11 weeks to any child who has asked.

My mom, sister, friends and neighbors however... get a good laugh every time they reflect on their first vision of "Dolly". I tell them, "It's my job to provide sunlight and laughter to all the would-be depressed or gloomy individuals in my life!"... And all with a simple glimpse of "Dolly".

About 2 weeks ago, I decided a visit to one neighbor was overdue. She lives alone and is terminal with diabetes complications. It was time for cheering up! I donned my "costume" and walked through her front door. She was stunned. (I just love that first look - SHOCK!) I walked closer and knocked on them, she bust up laughing. Weeks later, she says she still laughs out loud at the thought of "Dolly". Laughter IS great medicine. And I'm glad to help.

All that being said, there are many in my life that I haven't yet shared my secret with. However, if they are having a bad day... there I'll be to help in only a way that I can.

Incidentally, my mom just called and said another friend has had poor results back after kemo. Mom wants to know if "Dolly" is willing to go with her for a visit? Boy, I sure hope the Lord has more in store for me than this. (Just slightly humiliating, ya know?) But, it's for a good cause. Off I go!

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(no login) Re: What to tell the kids July 28 2007, 8:39 PM

Thank god we are having a cold, wet summer. I try to stay in my room but if I have to go down to the bathroom I dress up in warm clothes with a blanket round my shoulders or take a bath towel with me bunched together and held in front. My dad's not very inquisitive and I think mum may have snooped in my room but at least they haven't asked any questions to my face! Hope my husband doesn't laugh too hard when he comes back from abroad!

To Caree
April 20 2009 at 3:21 PM StacyEllen (no login)


Just wanted to tell you what I told my 6 year old, and he seemed satisfied with it. (I personally don't think your 3 year old will need an explanation, my 2 1/2 year old just bangs on them like drums) He knew that I had breastfed his little brother (you mentioned you also nursed) so rather than tell him "mom wants bigger boobs", which sounds ridiculous to them, I told him that breastfeeding Owen changed mom's breasts and now they are different and I don't like they way they feel. I wear these domes on my breasts at night so that they will go back to normal like they were before. This explanation seemed to satisfy him without seeming too vain. i also had to explain to him that this was a family secret, something that only the people in our house would know about and that it was private to me. He only slipped once in front of my mother and said something about how funny I look at night when I put on my glasses and daddy's t-shirt and my domes. I almost died. My 13 year old daughter covered his mouth and somehow we managed to distract my mother before she could say "what are domes????"

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(no login) Re: To Caree April 20 2009, 11:51 PM

Too funny. My five year old bangs on them like drums too, and asks me where my "medical device" is. I told them it's a secret and not to tell grandma. My seven year old and my husband just laugh. My two year old daughter said "I like your boobs" and knocked on the domes and laughed. You do have to sneek around the house though if someone knocks on the front door like one of the neighbors. I can't imagine doing this in the summer. I think I will noogle over the summer to retain the growth.

(no login) Re: To Caree April 21 2009, 12:47 AM

Do you find you live in fear of your kids saying something by accident in front of friends or family??? I especially worry about my 7 year old. He has a blabber mouth and loves to talk!

(no login) Re: To Caree April 22 2009, 12:11 AM

Yes, my 7 year old (sounds like our three kids are the same ages - 7, 5 & 2) is curious but mostly just laughs at me in the domes. He asks where my medical device is when it's off but he never tries to touch it. My five year old is the one who knocks on it. So far, they haven't said anything to the family yet, thank goodness.

(Login caree) To StaceyEllen May 2 2009, 3:33 AM

Thanks for your reply. Your right about my three year old. She has banged on them a few times. I told my five year old that it was a blood pressure machine that I had to wear at night. Neither one of them seem to care very much at all about it. I'm scared if I tell him that it is a family secret, that it will make him more tempted to say something, but he hasn't said anything yet. This is night number 4 for me. I feel like Dolly Parton walking around, it's pretty funny actually. Did anybody get a rash or blisters? I got one the first night, the rash seems to be getting better and the blister is hardly noticeable. I've been putting benadryl cream on during the day and lots of prep wipes on at night with the domes. The rash isn't getting worse, but it doesn't seem to go away. I'm hoping in time my skin will adjust. I've never really had sensitive skin, but for some reason I'm reacting a little to these domes. I should have probably waited until winter to do this so I could wear a bikini without a rash showing, but I couldn't wait. I've been wanting to get one for a while now and finally did it. Thanks again for your replys!

This seems like an extreme thing to do
October 24 2007 at 7:54 AM Rachel (no login)


Using these devices for months on end all seems very extreme to me. Is this strictly for those who are really desperate or would anyone consider doing it? What is your opinion on making such a commitment?

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(Login Alcest) Re: This seems like an extreme thing to do October 24 2007, 2:40 PM

Funny, because to me slicing your nipples open, and/or having silicone shoved up your belly button and forced into your mammary glands where it will sit and harden, or burst, or need to be re-done, seems a little more extreme to me. Oh and the fact it takes months to recover from said procedure. And there is no slow growth so it's painfully obvious what you've just done to the whole world.

But that's just my little opinion.

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(no login) Re: This seems like an extreme thing to do October 24 2007, 2:47 PM

I did it to fill out my sadly deflated post pregnancy and breastfeeding boobs. I am 42, workout and was able to tone everything but my breasts. I also eat very healthy and hope that may have helped. I didn't expect to have the "implant look" which you do have by the way when you first remove the domes and it looks fabulous and is easy to wish for as an end result. Realistically, I don't think most women keep the morning swelling as an end result or we'd see a lot more "after" photos showing that. See I wore for 11 weeks and although my breasts are not much larger, they have filled out. As long as you don't let it control your life and you wear it during sleep (you have to sleep anyway), I think you can fit it into your life because when you're done, it's over, you hardly give it a thought and at least you're happier with your breasts (provided YOUR EXPECTATIONS of what you will end up with are not too great). I personally would never get implants because I don't want the risks, revisions, and a foreign object in my breasts. I found it easiest to put on a couple hours before going to bed so that I could get in the 10 hours. It does temporarily interfere with your sleep (you have to sleep on your back - pillows help you stay put), it takes about a week to get used to getting everything on, and you CANNOT wear it in public or pick up an infant/toddler very easily. The domes are HUGE and look nothing like the picture of the model wearing on the Brava website. It would be great if someone put a picture out there of a woman actually wearing the large or extra large domes. I think Brava doesn't let on about what you look like wearing them or I probably wouldn't have bought it. Now that I'm done, I have no regrets and I am much happier with my perkier breasts. Persisitance is key even when you are frustrated and feel like giving up. Deal with each day one day at a time and pretty soon the system is easy to use and you'll be sleeping through the night. I think this system works best at a time in your life when you can get the 10 hours in. I could never have done this when my children were small. Good luck to all.

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: This seems like an extreme thing to do October 24 2007, 7:24 PM

Extreme? Possibly. I'm desperate. Also, having spent over £1000 on Brava I'm determined to give it a good shot - don't want to put it away wondering if it would've worked if I'd tried harder. I've done 16 weeks so far, averaging 15 hours per day. I work full time so I am either at work or wearing Brava - no time for socialising. It looks ridiculous and the first week I was lucky to get 1-2 hours sleep per night but now it's just normal, have no trouble sleeping and can do most household things with it on. I've worn it outdoors a few times (where no one knew me!) and if you wear a baggy dress, big cardigan and a shawl you just look fat / pregnant. It's too weird for anyone to guess what you're up to! Admittedly that was in the narrow large domes, I can't wear the XL outdoors without look deformed. I'd say don't do it unless you're determined to put the hours in, most of the people who've had a good result have worn past 15-20 weeks so you'll probably be putting in more weeks and hours than Brava suggest. It is also initially quite claustrophobic and uncomfortable and can give backaches. A lot of people have trouble with rashes, personally I haven't been too bad, only had one rash when I really overdid it. I'm aiming for 2x 6 month cycles with 4 month gap between then will reassess. If you do buy Brava, buy new domes not used and don't pay for an airlock because you can make your own very easily and cheaply.

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(Login Alcest) Re: This seems like an extreme thing to do October 24 2007, 10:05 PM

Hey Louise,

Girl I have a question... Nothing to do with the original post but here's as good a place as any---- I will be needing new domes at some point. Is it possible to buy new domes through Brava when everything you bought before was through a seller on ebay?

Would i have to buy everything all over again or will they just sell me domes? Can I do that through ebay?

Thank you so much, and if anyone else knows the answer to this please fill me in. =)


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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: This seems like an extreme thing to do October 25 2007, 6:24 AM

Hey Alcest,

Brava will only sell the complete kit and then will give you replacement parts. This allows them to rip you off as a set of domes from Brava costs £200 and I think the smart box is maybe similar price. The dome prep roll-on is £30, yet for some reason all that with a large cardboard box, instruction booklet and plastic 'drying rack' costs RRP £990! So they double it just for fun! I got mmine on some special offer for £790 and not sure if I'd advise others to buy direct, the only good thing is you get a 90 day warranty. On Ebay I've seen domes only for £350 - I think they know that Brava won't sell them to you so the Ebay sellers can charge what they like so another rip off. Make sure you buy new domes with the plastic seal over the silicone bit - or maybe you could contact LucyB on this forum, she only used it for 2 weeks because she couldn't get a seal. My domes peeled pretty quick but both are going strong with nearly 1700 hours between them, done maybe 75% of that with the large which are pretty much non-sticky now but I didn't like the sticky anyway. I think main thing for dome care is not to suck so hard that the silicone bit turns in because that causes it to rip away from the dome very quickly - mine are still properly attached all round.

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Woolly Sheep
(no login) Re: This seems like an extreme thing to do November 1 2007, 9:04 AM

I think the commitment required to make this work is pretty extreme and that's why there is a steady stream of this stuff onto eBay. Because women do not realise how much of a commitment they need to make.

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(no login) Re: This seems like an extreme thing to do November 8 2007, 8:20 AM

Yes the amount of commitment required is extreme. In that sense I agree it is definitely an extreme thing to do. You can say that implants is extreme too, but in an entirely different way.

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(no login) to alcest November 9 2007, 8:53 PM

about the domes purchase question. it depends. did you buy from an authorised brava seller on ebay? those come with a 1 month guaranty, sportbox and the system is brand new. if yes, you can order new domes without any problems direcly from brava. that's what i did. if you buy seccond hand, then no. hope this helps.

January 7 2008 at 6:31 AM
Charity (Login Charity)


Hi Girls...

I'm considering Brava but concerned at the extent of the commitment required. Also, is Brava something that a B cup can benefit from? Any wisdom is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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(no login) Re: Untitled January 7 2008, 8:48 PM

I think Brava should work for most people if they put the hours in and it's hard going, if you work full time that means no social life or maybe going out for a couple of hours 1-2x per month, it's hard enough to put in enough Brava hours around a job never mind if you have other things to do as well. Also you probably won't be able to wear the domes outside your home without looking deformed!

I've been a good girl and worn it for just over 6 months, averaging 15 hours per day, only missed one night but have had a couple of reduced sessions and tried to make up by wearing a lot when I'm not working. If you can hang on until the end of the month I'll be able to let you know my final result but don't spend your money unless you're sure you can make the commitment. I intend to do another long session next winter, I think it would be hard to sleep well in it if it's hot.

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(Login PrincessPearl) Re: Untitled January 8 2008, 6:26 AM

WOW. That is great Louise and Good luck! Please keep us updated! I live in a hot climate, that is something I didn't consider.hmmm...
Do you just sleep on your back? (if you don't mind answering)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how uncomfortable would you rate the Brava???

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Miss Jones
(Login miss.jones) Re: Untitled January 8 2008, 8:22 AM

Since you say 'driven to tears', perhaps you should read the About page on Brava. Hardly any of the women there got results with Brava and some of them seemed driven to tears by it. Just a warning.

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(no login) About pages on Brava January 8 2008, 12:55 PM

I read the About pages on Brava too (not recently). They were posted quite some time ago and Brava has probably made some improvements in the system. It is possible to function while wearing Brava. Many of the About pages have some truth but are also exaggerated. If you put on the system in the evening a few hours before bed and wear all night I think you can get in the 10 required hours. I would not recommend Brava to someone with infants or toddlers as you cannot easily pick up a child wearing the domes. Intimacy and hugs from children would also be difficult with domes on. Even cuddling in bed in nearly impossible. Don't plan on wearing outside your house. The domes are huge and you cannot hide them. Swelling decreases throughout the day, so that nicely fitting larger bra will gap later in the day. Don't plan on showing cleavage right after removing domes because "footprint" from domes is visible for a while. Sleeping on back is a must and hard the first week. You do get used to it. I recommend using the system now when there is less daylight so you don't give up your outside time. My last cycle, I started the end of March and I really missed being outside and enjoying nice weather in the evenings. I started my second cycle after Thanksgiving. It's worked great. It's dark in the evening and I'm in the house anyway. If you have an active social life in the evenings, you may find it hard to get in your hours. I am home with my family in the evenings so it's not a problem for me. I usually put on system about 7:00 p.m., work on my computer, clean up around kitchen, watch TV, fold clothes etc. until bed. It was hard to wear during Christmas as we had out of town guests so I had to wait to put on domes until after we all retired for the evening and then stay in my room in morning a while because I didn't want them to see me. If you don't want guests to see you, you'll have to stay out of sight. Either fess up and tell them what you're wearing (you can't hide it under clothes) or hide from them. I chose the hiding option. You do not have to be confined to your back while you're awake. Unless you're sure you can commit to the 10 hours for 10 weeks, don't spend the money. It is hard to adjust to for the first week or so, but it does get easier. I'm using the wide-large domes and they look nothing like the picture on the Brava website with the model. They are huge and obnoxiuos looking - much bigger than I expected (I was shocked the first time I saw them in the box and then on me). I was not prepared for their size, but you need the room for swelling and air circulation. I gained about 1/2 cup my first cycle (mostly more filled out and perkier) from having 2 pregnancies and breast feeding. I always had smaller breasts but they were deflated looking. Brava filled that out. My second cycle is to aim for a slightly larger size and hopefully offset any further "delation" while I try to lose another 10 lbs. This second cycle will be my last and I'll take what I get. I'm working on exercise and healthy eating to be in just better shape and I'll accept the boobs I get from Brava. I'm not expecting to keep the swelling I see every a.m. (swelling looks like boob job) which husband loves but it gradually shrinks throughout the day). I just want improvement over what I had. I figure I can put up with this for a few months - I have to sleep anyway and when I'm done with it, I probably won't give it another thought and then I can forgot about boob issues as I would never consider implants so this is my only option. I am also not interestd in pills or creams. I need to work on my legs. My husband likes my stomach and butt, so if I don't have Hollywood boobs so be it.

Good luck!

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Untitled January 8 2008, 6:45 PM

Have a look at my post about my first night with Brava. When I first got it I was shocked at the size of the narrow large domes as I had planned to wear during the day under loose clothes. I first tried it for 3 hours and had small but visible swelling after that but it was very uncomfortable - itchy, tight, pulling on boobs, squashing my chest - it was only te fact that I just spent £790 on it that saved it from the bin! I really overdid it the first week and got really itchy so I left it off totally for a few days then started again with more sensible hours. I've only had one rash and one small area of broken skin, both healed in a few days and didn't cause me to miss a night. I don't think 10 hours per night for 10 weeks is going to give you much, that would be the very minimum. I only filled the domes about 25% when I first put them on and it took 6 weeks of long hours before I could touch the end, I can now touch the end in about 30-60 mins and can also touch the end of the narrow XL after a long session so I hope something's happening!

The first week I was getting about 1-2 hours sleep per night because it was so uncomfortable, but you really do get used to it, you get to a point where you're so tired you sleep regardless - so make sure you have the domes on tight so they don't get knocked off! If you use the smartbox / sportbox it sounds an alarm if you lose the suction but you don't have this with the airlock. It's less likely to happen with the airlock though because the domes will fit tighter.

I use manual suction (I suck the air out with my mouth then use an airlock) - this is a stronger pull than the smartbox. Because the suction is stronger and I have worn it a lot so I'm used to it, the domes stay on better, I can cook / clean / work out in my domes and with the right arrangement of pillows I can sleep on my front / back or side. I generally sleep half on my back half on my side with a lot of pillows to sit me up a bit and a pillow behind my back. Brava also gives you back ache the first couple of weeks.

Most people who have finished 2 weeks with Brava have managed to finish the course.

I've found it easier in cold weather as I've lost quite a lot of weight (about 30 lbs, half before and half during Brava) so I have a lot of jumpers that are big to cover up with, I then wrap a blanket round me and pin it in a messy way so there's a lot at the front - this is reasonably discreet in front of family and friends. At the end of the day no-one would guess that you were trying to grow breasts by wearing huge suction cups - it's just so odd! No-one would think you were trying to make your boobs look big because the domes are so huge it's not a boob job it's a deformity.

I would also wear loose clothes as your boobs will be very up and down with swelling and shrinking (I've seen up to F cup which looked scary!) and you'd rather people thought you'd grow at the end than shrunk because they're used to seeing swelling.

(Login PrincessPearl) Re: Untitled January 11 2008, 7:12 AM

Thank you all for the details, it is definiteley a life-changing commitment for the duration, from what everyone describes. A project to be taken seriously!

motivational matters
April 6 2007 at 5:39 PM minhina (Login minhina)


Hi all,
I had been reading this forum prior bying Brava sport system and found it quite informative and normalizing. I thought i was weird to want to buy this system and was glad that there were lots of women that like me, wnated to give a goal to something that might shape and enhance a little bit owns breasts without surgery... I feel so not alone...Although have not been able to tell anyone but my partner (who lives with me, hence sees my Dolly Parton look alike 15hours periods....)... will laugh if i say i have only worn it for 4 days..but well yes, there is a begining for all of here we go, I am in week 1.
I am half motivated, cause i find hard to sleep during the nights and the device hurts in a sense... first night i took it out at 3am, i was finding it hard...second night, managed until i had to wake up for work...third night managed until 12noon (bank holliday here in UK so did not have to wake up early)...I tend to find the morning swelling fun, but...I wonder, how have you gilrs and women, managed to keep it up for 15 weeks? or 10, or even 5????
how do you manage???
how do you keep your motivation up high??

Personally i know it will become a pain, since i am evry active and the smartbox becomes active quite frequently coz i cant stay still...then you cannot have sex with the device..and well, i worry this might have a bad effect if i have to wear it for 20 weeks (5months....)

just wondered, whether people could comment on that matter and let me know how they have managed so far...
you must be very proud of yourselves, requires dedication and commitment!

Good luck to all,

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minnie cooper
(Login minniecooper) Re: motivational matters April 6 2007, 7:00 PM

hi chick, well yes the sex thing can be a problem, for me i only see my honey at night so i tend to have had a few missed days but i have and will make up for the lost time, i am only in my first couple of weeks too and Brava Sport has just now become second nature, make sure you take really good care of your skin, and domes, you will have no delays if done properly. i am soo glade their are newbies like you, i'll tell you, you will start to feel great when your swelling stays till your next "Brava wear time" that will keep you motivated, just remember don't ever go longer than 16 hours during the day without wearing the Brava and try to wear at least 12 to 15 hrs once you really get going. good luck Smile keep me posted

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(Login minhina) wear time April 6 2007, 8:17 PM

so this thing about 10 hours/10 weeks was all a lie...I see!!!!you say must be worn around 15h...god how do you people manage...i barely spend 12 hours home...mmmm
hope this is enough and does not mean i have to wear this device for years...

it is good that you say it has become a second nature for you, coz I cannot imagine this happening quite sternum hurts and so does my back, and when i walk around the house i keep on running into things with the domes(gently but still colliding) like when i open a door or try to pick up something and the domes get in the way.... because of them being so big and me being used to my own morphology and not this pam anderson alike body...

so what does your "honey" he supportive?
my partner is but I can't stop feeling very weird...we live together so he sees me all the time with the device..and he says he does not mind it (although at first he did not want me to buy it, coz he said i was fine as i was and all those sorts of nice things...but once i said to him i wanted to buy I guess he decided to be supportive and so, but i have been feeling funny about it, like it is weird to be carrying this thing around..

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(Login Seri_Flamehair)
SENIOR MEMBER Give it time April 10 2007, 7:02 PM

You will get used to it. I have worn it now for a total of 1548 hours as of apr 10 11:00am. On day 109. I love the swelling i get when i take it off especially after 14+ hours of wear. And if you think your domes are large check out the wide/extra large ones. sheesh they are HUGE

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(Login Ange23021980) Re: motivational matters April 11 2007, 7:16 PM

I'm glad that we all seem to be at the same stage. I'm into about week 4. It is hard to stick to but the swelling keeps you going!. I'm finding that although I am not huge (maybe a half size cup increase) but it stays almost all day. Thats the real motivator. It's still there when I put brava back on.

I had loads of back trouble at the beginning but I find if I can get the domes right and sleep with my arms above my head then it archs my back and I sleep better.

I think it's nice to have forums like this to keep everyone going. It's a long slog but after almost getting them 'done' I decided to give this one last try and i'm happy with the results so far!
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