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Urgent Question about NBE Program....PLEASE HELP!!!!!


Hello All,
I am a newbie to the site but have been reading the threads for quite some time now. The questions I have about NBE are:

I plan on starting my program in the fall, (which has been suggested as being the best time) because I want to slim down some before I start NBE. Now my fear/question is should I still massage and take Fenugreek & Saw Palmetto to help my breast not shrink/get smaller while I'm losing weight?

My other Question is once I start my NBE program, I plan on using the Greenbush 90 day kit and I wanted to know should I supplement that with MSM and GABA?

not being one of the gals that has used herbs, I can't answer as to whether you should or not, but personally I have heard a lot of women say that they used noogleberry while doing weight loss and so barely lost anything from the breast area. So that throws another option for you as well to consider.

Personally, I took the individual herbs from greenbush being fenugreek, saw palmetto, and wild yam, I gained weight during this period and I was working out regularly and my diet was healthy. I also got cellulite and my acne went awall. I'm not saying this will happen to you, everyone responds differently. But from my experience, you can work out and diet while on a NBE program and maintain your breast size and add more to. I did with a few things I've done. I diet and exercise all the time, as my biological mother is obese. And I never stopped just because of a NBE program, I have altered my diet to the program, for example, while taking herbs or an herbal product, I don't have any caffeine, chocolate, etc. while on Bovine Ovary I increase protein. But either way I still work out. And currently maintaining what I'd call an average figure doing light exercise weekly and eating healthy. The things I used for NBE that helped me maintain size and add to while exercising were zoft gum, ultra breast and noogleberry. Now I don't know how these things would have worked had I not exercised, but I feel if I stopped I would end up like my mother, so I refuse to stop doing at least light stuff like light cardio, pillattes and yoga. Currently I'm doing noogleberry, Ultra Breast, and I work out lightly. Reason I say lightly is while not on a NBE routine I do weight training, while on NBE I don't as much. I might do chest exercises to maintain a firm chest, but that's about it, anything else I just use my body weight as resistance for working out. If you are going to go the herbal route just cut out caffeine all together for a month or so prior to starting, and do a cleanse. Between everything I've done and right before, I do a complete body cleanse. And sometimes while taking stuff I take a break during a period and use milk thistle to cleanse my liver. If I don't have milk thistle on hand I do an apple cleanse, which is a cleanse that cleanse out the liver and gallbladder using regular grocery items, like apples, apple juice, water, apple cider vinegar, etc. I have a link to how to do it somewhere, will just have to find it if you want it. Just know it's a type of fasting cleanse, if you never fasted then it could be hard to do and takes alot of discipline. I personally fast when not doing NBE. Hope all this helps, oh and if you still want to try greenbush, I have a ton of left over pills, I believe some unopened, the ones opened have plenty left. I have pills, herb powders, bustea, etc. If you want it, I'd be willing to send it to you if you pay the shipping. I don't get mad about "wasting" money on NBE as I know it's all trial and error.

Hi guys,
Sorry about the late response haven't been on in a while. I want to thank both of you for you're responses they were extremely helpful! I decided that at this point right now I am going to focus on getting the weight off first and then start a NBE program. I am going to try to avoid losing more boobage (sp? lol) by starting a massage routine with fenugreek and hope for the best! I plan on working out still once I start my NBE program too and hope that won't effect my results too much!!

Thanks ladies and happy growing!

I can tell you that SP is notorious for weight gain and cellulite. I gained weight with it when i started taking it 3x a day. So i quit taking it. A couple months later i began a workout cuz the extra weight was klilling me. i lost the weight(and was getting it much better shape) then decided to add it back but only 1 at night, which i only did for a ver shor period od time. I did notice some boob gain, however not as much as when i was taking it 3x daily. Then i played around with my boob routine most of the summer, including stopping the SP altogether, with no success. But i didn't lose the little boobage i had gained. So the SP Sp is a wieght gain culprit, as is possible MSM. I began takng it about 3 wks before noticing a wieght gain(again!!) in sept. Not realizing this may be the culprit i con't taking it. After reading differnant posts here)and on the old site) i have discovered that MSM may also cause weight gain. I stopped taking it 3 days ago.

It really is best to lose the weight you want and getting on a workout routine before starting on a boob routine. Def keep up on the massage.....there have been a few women who gain only by using massage, and i believe it helped me. I got lazy with mine and feel it has kept me from progressing.

Hope this helps.

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