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Why Men Grow Bigger Breasts Than Woman?!


I was wondering....why men have better success in growing boobs then women?! I mean it's not supposed to be the oposite?
But Dang it! I am now taking BB for 7 months and I grew only 1 cup size! Sad I see that men have good success when they want to grow breasts of their own.
I hope I didn't sound rude in any way! I really am happy for the men that reach their dream!
Good Luck to you all!

You know, I was kind of wondering the same thing. It seems as though men can grow breasts easier than most women. The conclusion I come to is that with men, it's a big influx of brand new hormones so their bodies will react almost immediately. Women on the other hand, already have all of these hormones and that balance had been set for a long time until we start to manipulate our hormones to try and grow bigger boobs.

...or something like that. Cool

Yah..probably that's the reson. Smile
But then again....they take a higher dose than us...
if they take the BB then they need to take 8 per day. and women only take 2 per day.
also PM....they need to take 2000g per day and women only 1000g a day.
so...I think that I will just wonder and wonder....I don't know if there is a clear answer to that. ???? Smile

Well, being one of those men who have done extensive research into hormones and their phyto equivalents, the answer is fairly simple.

Everyones basic breast size is determined by genetics, women who have already been through puberty have already reached this size (unless some imbalance has prevented it), men haven't because the testosterone inhibits the growth of breast tissue in response to the limited amounts of estrogen that we do produce. So for men to reach their genetically predisposed size, all we need to do is increase estrogen and decrease testosterone. This is easy in men because as we add estrogen (or their phyto analogs) it acts on the pituitary to inhibit the gonadotropins (LH and FSH) which signal the testes to produce testosterone (in women they stimulate estrogen production). Therefore as we add estrogenic compounds to our body it naturally suppresses testosterone. (not as effectively as androgen blockers, but enough) When women add estrogenic compounds to their body, this feedback cycle causes them to reduce their production of estrogen to maintain a constant level, and unfortunately, the phyto estrogens are not nearly as potent as the natural ones your body produces, so the results can be the opposite of what you expect as the phyto estrogens compete with your own natural estrogens for binding sites.

what's really unfair is that some men have c cups and they don't even WANT it while we A cup women (and girls) would kill for it (well not literally).

Hi everyone, i think Mynewgyrlz has kinda hit it on the head, most genetic women have reached pull development by the time they start NBE so in tanner stages we are talking a stage 5. Your boobs have reached there maximum genetic size and to increase them is a tough long road, some women have underdeveloped breasts caused by hormone problems during puberty or other problems that has limited there growth, again these women are more like a tanner stage 3 so NBE in general has a better chance of working and can be alot faster if the hormone balance is corrected to take them to a tanner stage 5 and complete what they missed during puberty. Men produce very little estrogen as you know so when high amounts are introduced into a males body it has a huge effect, men tend to need a higher amount in general to counteract there testosterone but this is not always a good thing, it can cause men to develop fairly fast but with overall limited size and development, Maybe a tanner stage 2 and then it stops. Thats whay many male to female transexuals have fairly small breasts and choose to have implants. But in a best case scenerio a man would lower his testosterone first and then introduce estrogen slowly and gradually increase it over time, and then add a progesterone after development has occured to mature the breast to maybe a tanner stage 4 or even 5. This is basicaly how a female puberty occurs, gradual increase in estrogen followed by progesterone after a few years. More is not always better and faster can mean less in the long run. But to put it simple men have no breasts atall and then they induce a female type puberty which women have already gone through so i guess its why men seem to be getting better results, we are not really we are just going through what you have already been through and it can seem very dramatic but its completely different to what women enlargeing there breasts go through so dont feel down about it, it will happen for you you just got to keep going and working on it. Its hard and takes time but stick with it.Like i always say sometimes i wish i had a magic boobie wand and i could give you all the boobs of your dreams but sadly i dont lol so i guess NBE is the closest we have, Big boobie wishes all and good luck Smile

Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Cheryl!!! Love the new pic! Did you go emo on us??? HAHA from what I can see the hair looks hot! And I agree about NBE being a gradual thing, and that women who are under developed respond faster. I also think having a child and breastfeeding makes a difference also. Like I wanted to get to the size I was while nursing, and I have, I think it's achievable, now can I go past that? Not sure, I haven't yet, but we'll see. I do think genetics play a role and you can't expect to defy them, unfortunately.

Eva, I think maybe you are expecting alot too soon. Some people are slow responders, mainly those fully developed as Cheryl said, and those who haven't had children. I have seen women do NBE for years only taking a 2 week break every 6 months to cleanse, to achieve the size they desired. You have to realize puberty takes an average of 7 years, you can't expect to recreate that and grow breasts over night. I myself tried many things over the years. And yes I went from a 32AA to a 32D, but it was definitely not over night, and definitely not within 6 months. Lets see, the things that worked for me were Zoft, UB, and NB. I took Zoft for 6 months to grow 2 cup sizes, then did UB for 6 months while using NB, and did NB for a year. So if you think about it, it took me 18 months to grow 4 cup sizes, and I had a child and breastfed, and with those 18 months only got to the size I was while breastfeeding. So if you are fully developed, never were a bigger size than you are now, you can expect to take twice as long as I did to achieve the same result. I tell people all the time, NBE takes time and patience, the only quick fix is surgery. So just keep at it, a cup size in 7 months isn't bad! I've heard much worse before.

ooooo.....thank you girls! Cheryl1989 and Anastasia!!!!
I like both of your pictures!!!! You both look AMAZING!!!! with BOOBS!!!! hahahaha...I wonder when I can have such an avatar picture?!
Anastasia, as always you are so right that I am expecting the NBE to work to fast.....I never had a baby before me I guess that when I will want a baby I will have to stop the NBE for a year to a 2 years! Yekis!!!! that sounds so long!!!! Sad But I rather to have a healthy pregnancy...So I for sure will stop the NBE.
You all are so great!!! I love this forum!!
You all give me so much hope that the NBE will work at the end!!!!
Thank you so MUCH!!!!!
I really mean it from my heart!

I see no problem with men growing breasts, but most of the pictures of men who have them did nothing to shape them and as a result they go off in all directions as opposed to women whose boobies look great no matter the size. There is more to men growing breast than just size. Hair on the chest in most cases is very unattractive. Massage is necessary to shape and to keep boobies looking good. Good luck to all.Smile

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