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My experiences with Brava in the 3rd week


My experiences with Brava after 18 days
January 19 2007 at 4:13 AM Mindy Lou (Login MindyLou)


Hi, I am new to this forum but have found it very useful. I appreciate learning from all those who have experienced Brava or tried other methods. Being flat chested is not an easy thing, so it is good to be able to hear about other women's experiences are and find out what works and what does not.

I have been self conscious about being flat chested all my life, beginning in junior high when we showered after gym class and it became very obvious that I was not developing like other girls. The boys in my class used to tease me to put lotion on those "mosquito bites". I still have painful memories of those days. Going to the swimming pool or picking out a bathing suit was torture. I could never fill out the tops.

I've worn a "highly padded" bra for most of my life to hide my flat as a board chest. Finally I decided to try Brava. I'll try to post my experiences here in order to help others who follow.

My stats:
Height: 5'5" tall
Weight: 125 lbs.
my scale says my percent fat is 25%. so I'm not super skinny or slender
rather pear shaped, probably a size 6 on bottom, but size 4 on top.
Age: 40
Bra size: 34 A - maybe 34 AA.
Age: 40
One child -- went up to a full 34 A or small 34 B when I was pregnant, but it didn't last.

I'm 18 days into wearing Brava. I have medium wide domes, and the smart box. I purchased this directly from Brava.

The first two weeks I averaged roughly 11-12 hrs a day. Unfortunately, since I did not go through a doctor, Brava did not activate my charts and all my uploads were lost. I was pretty bummed about that. I called them several times in the morning as I was trying to leave for work, but they were not there at 9 am EST when they said they would be. I left a message and also wrote an email but got no response. Finally a week later, I got a hold of someone (and was late to work in the process) and they set it so the wear pattern and pressure graphs work. Nevertheless I lost the data I previously uploaded and was pretty disapointed - particularly as their customer service never really responded to my first two inquiries. That would have been an easy thing for them to do and turn on. Of course I am not going to have dr.s measurements as I had purchased it directly from Brava.

The first few days were awful. I could not sleep well on my back and my back would cramp a bit. The domes kept coming loose because I would sweat at night as I like to sleep with a lot of covers.

But I learned to adapt. Now I can sleep on my back with no problem. I use pillows under my head and arms and sometimes under my knees or upper legs.

Even though I get cold easily, I used to load up on the covers and then later would get too warm (sweat). Now I just use a lighter cover and only use the comforter to cover my lower half (my feet get really cold). This keeps me from sweating as much and loosening the seal.

I've figured out that the skin preps are a must. If you wipe down with those things you get a much better seal and less chafing. I do have a reddish rash down the middle where the two domes lay side by side but tried hydrocortizone cream as suggested by one of the posts and that does seem to be helping.

Also I clean the domes religiously each morning with quite a bit of the Brava green spray and my domes are looking pretty good and quite tacky.

On the manual air lock, it took me a while to figure out what the posts were saying but I did buy a few for $1.95 at Walmart. Not really sure how I can use them because of how the tube ends work....but I do start out by sucking the air out of the tubes / dome with my mouth and that usually creates better suction to start. Sometimes when I do that my smart box doesn't even start pumping until later in the evening.

I figure if my smart box ever breaks and I get in a bind until I get a new one that I could use this manual method to get by and avoid missing days.

What about growth?:

I think so. My breasts definitely feel fuller in my bra now even at the end of a work day. The longer I wear Brava, the more it seems to work, so now I am pretty motivated to keep it on and try to prioritize my schedule towards it.

This week I was able to keep it on one day for 18 hrs and another day for 22...I definitely noticed more progress after those days (retention).

The effects of Brava dont' seem to be ratable. The rep told me that every minute over and above the 10 hours really matters. Each minute over the 10 hour point seems to add more than any minutes under the 10 hour mark. After 10 hours it appears the breast has been extended for a period and the cell memory really starts getting affected. From my own personal wear pattern, this theory seems to be true. (However, I have only worn it 3 weeks and I don't know for sure that I have permanent growth).

I don't think Brava is easy. Its a lot like takes will power, ambition and perseverance. I don't know for sure whether it will work, but so far I am happy with the extra fullness I am seeing. I hope it will last. I'm willing to wear Brava more than 10 weeks. Winter is the best time to be cooped up in doors wearing Brava, so I'm glad I'm starting now.

I'd appreciate hearing from other Brava users out there. I hope you'll share your experiences and progress too. Eventually when I can, I'll try to post pictures.

Best of Luck to all of you!

Mindy Lou

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER hi! January 19 2007, 4:49 AM

glad you are doing well so far. tomorrow night is my last night of my fourth week. right now i think is when i an definitely seeing my breasts retain alot of the swelling. normally i am a 34a but now i wear a 34b all day. completely overfill it in the morning. should really get a c cup. but i can still decently wear a 34b at the end of the day. good luck to you. i an usually around. i think there are a handful of us around the same wear time frame. it will be nice to give our results. Smile

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(no login) Re: My experiences with Brava after 18 days January 19 2007, 11:37 PM

Hi Girls! I have been reading posts on this forum for a couple of weeks and wish I knew about it a long time ago since I had been thinking of getting Brava for years and it would have been nice to have read others experiences before getting it.

I am just finishing my 9th week and I remain hopefully optimistic. I started wearing Brava as a very small B and even smaller in one breast. When taking brava off in the mornings I am usually a very full D cup and end the day as a C or very full C. So I am hoping when I finish wearing brava I will remain at least a C cup.

I too am glad that I am wearing this thing at this time of year, during the summer would have been too hard to get the wear time in, I am out too much and too late to get the 10 hour min. in.

I think I average about 12 1/2 hours wear time aday and I wish it could be more because I really want boobs!

I look forward to talking to and sharing experiences with all of you here. I think that only someone that uses this system can really understand and offer advice and encouragement to us.

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Mindy Lou
(Login MindyLou) great to hear from you and a question January 20 2007, 3:16 AM

Thanks Diana and Ann for responding! It is so cool to have someone else to talk to about Brava. It sounds like you both are making good progress. Glad to hear that and keep us posted.

I have a question for you, Ann. At the end of your session, when you take Brava off, you mentioned you are a very full D cup and by the end of the day still are holding in as a C cup. (you lucky girl!) However, you are quite a ways along in that you are at 9 weeks -- almost near the 10 week milestone. Gosh, I hope I have progress like yours!

My question is this: After your first few weeks, were you a full D cup when you finished your daily session?

I note the Brava website says at approximately week 5, when you finish a session, that the size you see is the finishing size , but you must wear it another 5 weeks to make it last and really acheive that growth. (Of course that is all predicated on 10 hour days minimum and they obviously recommend far more than 10 hour days and most typically need more than 10 weeks.)

I'm just curious as to when you started to see your max size and how long that took. How long did it take to reach the size you are seeing now?

Also, how long do you both think you will plan on wearing Brava?
-- 10 weeks
-- until you are the size you want
-- until you can't stand it any more :>)

I'm hoping to go until about May. (I think I'll need more than 10 weeks). I started on Jan 1.

Best Wishes!

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER ooo good questions! January 20 2007, 6:03 AM

That is exactly what i would like to know. and did you out grow your domes? mine are almost filling the wide large, well my nipples are imaging their way towards wanting to touch the inside. i try to position them better. any suggestions? and i guess i plan on wearing them for another 12 wks. i started on dec 23rd. my early xmas present from my hubby! so today makes 4 wks. wow. its flown by! (thank god.) it is nice to have people on here actually wearing it and giving support. good luck, all.

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(no login) Re: My experiences with Brava after 18 days January 21 2007, 8:54 PM

I just want to tell you that I am glad to be able to talk to someone who is going through this at the same time as me. My friend is impressed with my results and wants to use my system when I am through so I talk to her but she has no clue what I am REALLY going through.

Ok I didn't start seeing the full D until about week 6 or 7 and then only when I wore Brava for more hours than I normally do. Most days I was a large C or small D. I am wearing a 36D bra to try to keep the swelling as much as possible, but when I want to wear a bra that fits I put on a 36C and fill it up very nicely through the day. I am getting the 36 now so they will fit loosely. I originally wore a 34B and when I finish with Brava i will go back to that band size and figure out cup size then.

They say that you are half way through your treatment when you are the size you want to be when you put Brava back on in the evenings. I am just now seeing that now with the size C when I put it back on in the evenings. So I guess I am going to wear it until I can't stand it anymore or the outside world makes me quit wearing it because of having a life.

I wear the wide large domes also and I do fill them up completely especially when I get to wear they for more than my ususal hours. I have the extra lg domes and I guess I really need to go to them.

Now let's keep up the good work!

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER hi January 21 2007, 9:04 PM

i posted my pics yesterday of what i look like before i put the domes on again, after my initial morning swelling has gone down. i am thinking i need to wear it at least 8 more wks, For a total of 12 wks. at least. if i foot outgrow the domes first.i think i might have to stop sooner than that tho at the rate of my swelling. let's keep it up!

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(no login) To Mindy January 24 2007, 4:57 AM

Hi Mindy,

Glad to see you got positive results. May I know whether you are an Asian? I am an Asian and I have been heard that Brava does not work so well on Asian as on other races due to the body nature (more densed tissue).

I am also age 40 and not thin (5'2" and 122 lb), but I got very little (or no) growth after wearing Brava about 10 weeks. I started in Nov 06, but have missed many days in between for Thanksgiving and X'mas break when we had vacation somewhere else, such as friends' home (impossible to wear them!!). I wore for average of 11 hours daily for 4 weeks, but getting less and less hours due to the disappointment and fatigue. I was 34 AAA, and might be 34 AA now... in fact, it is hard to tell at all...

Thank you for your responding.

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Mindy Lou
(Login MindyLou) Mid western US girl January 24 2007, 5:38 AM

Hello Lila -
I am happy to answer your question. I am from the mid-western part of the U.S. and am caucasian. From what I can tell, my family origins are northern and eastern europe. I have fairly fair skin, and blue eyes with hair that takes on a bit of a honey blonde or reddish hue.

I'm sticking with the Brava, and trying to be very disciplined about wearing it every single day (although today I will likely only get 7-8 hours) date I am averaging about 11-12 hours.

I do think Brava is making my breast a bit fuller, but after almost nearly 3.5 weeks, I am somewhat disappointed that I am not bigger at the end of the day, when I've gone a whole work day without them. This said, it is clear that this takes time. For example, if it adds fullness at the rate of a drop a day, it is going to make many days before those drops add to much

I'm sorry that Brava hasn't worked out so well for you so far. Good luck to you and take care. Let us know if anything has changed in your progress or you get any insight as to what works or doesn't work for you. Best wishes.

Mindy Lou

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(no login) Lila January 24 2007, 5:50 AM

Hi Lila

I am an Asian myself, I do feel that Brava might be less effective on Asian woman than other races. However i think the most important factor is still your wearing pattern, the longer you wear the system, the better the result will be. Most people here wore the system for over 20 weeks and seldom(if not never) miss a day and still have very modest gain. If you have only worn your system for 4 weeks consecutively, you obviously have not given it enough time to allow it to work. Missing a day could set you back 4 days, missing a few days or even weeks might just set you back to square one.
I do hope to see more ladies here with good results, as we all know the Brava journey is definitly not an easy one and we all derserve some gain!!

I pray that all of our bosom buddies here who'd sufferred with Brava long enough will get some satisfatory growth at the end. Amen!

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER hey girls. January 24 2007, 6:52 PM

I remember talking to the brava coach and asked her which one did i think would be the ideal situation for best results, longer hrs or more wks? she said more wks. and that anything more than the 12 or so hrs a night would only cause more sensitivity to your skin.i think that was a load of baloney.i think you need to do more hrs and more than just ten wks.i am a couple of days away From my 5wk halfway point and while i do think i have a cups worth of swelling at the end of the day.i'm not done

(no login) Thanks January 25 2007, 7:34 AM

Hello Mindy and Nicole,

Thank you both so much for encourgement and caring. I am still wearing them, and will try to put more hours daily. I am so glad to see we have formed a group of mutual supporting. I do need some motivation to continue on... I will keep watching your posting...


week 3 update
May 6 2007 at 9:29 PM kat (Login misskatherine)


hi everyone! this is my first time posting on this page. i've read a lot of negative and postive feedback on this forum and have decided to add on. maybe this will help some of you!

i started brava april 18, 2007. it has been almost 3 weeks and so far there are very minimal results. i suppose thats normal because on the brava instruction manual real tissue growth doesn't begin until after 2 weeks. i absolutely LOVE how my breasts look in the morning when i first take off the system. the swelling is absolutely beautiful and if my end results is anything like the swelling i get, i'll be very pleased. to address other questions, i noticed swelling the very first day.

i also noticed a lot of people that share their experiences here do not give us a background on your body type. according to the brava manual they categorize people into rapid responders(usually had a pregnancy, lost a lot of weight, or have sufficient fat tissues), average responders(gain about 1 cup size) and slow responders(usually small framed girls, athletic, low body fat in which they need to wear the brava system for more than 10 weeks for better growth).

so anyway, before i get back to my experiences let me give you all a quick background on my body type. i am turning 23 in less than a month, 5'8'', 130 lbs. i've never had any kids but i have lost 20 lbs after college. i think that puts me in the average responding group. oh and also before i started brava my breasts were a very small 34B. i'm hoping for a full 34C after using this system and won't mind using it for more than 10 weeks to achieve those results. currently my 34B bra is looking more fuller. i am very happy to see the cleavage when i put on my bra in the morning and at night before i put on the system, i have noticed they are a little bigger than before. i took some pictures before i started and if i get enough guts, will be posting them on here to show you if this thing actually works!

when i first started wearing this system, my breasts felt so itchy! ONLY when the system was on, when i took it off, they were fine. it feels like a bunch of ants crawling all over my breasts and i would pound on my domes to try to relieve the itching. now when i wear it, its better, it still feels itchy sometimes but not nearly as much. i have developed a couple blisters, the suction domes do take a toll your skin. i have an aloe vera plant in my backyard and i have noticed that applying aloe vera helps calm your skin a lot!

also, the sticky silicone part of the domes are very flimsy. i noticed on the sides of them, they ae rolling off into small balls and coming off! i am going to call customer service and get them replaced before my warranty expires. oh and btw, the customer service at brava SUCKS!!! they are rude and will put you on hold for a long time for a simple question. i even called and left a message for a brava coach to call me back and never got a call back!!

ok so far thats all i have to say about brava. i try and update every few weeks to let you all know how this is going.


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(Login misskatherine) Re: week 3 update May 7 2007, 12:45 AM

oh yeah, i forgot to mention i wear my brava system for 12-14 hours a day.

6-week Brava experiment
November 29 2008 at 3:13 PM roakie (Login roakie)


Well, I am just finishing up my fourth week. I have good swelling that basically diminishes to about 1/3 of the size about 6 hours later. I have been averaging about 16 hours per day since Day One since I am hoping to retain something before I leave for my week's vacation in 2 1/2 weeks where I can't bring my domes. I don't know what my breasts would look like if I waited twelve hours in between sessions, but it is possible (and likely) that they would go right back down to total flatness, which is where I started (negative AAA!)

I had some hopes for a little bit of growth until I read an old post on this forum last night that cited information from a Brava coach. I am now thinking that my six weeks of long hours are all for nothing. Discouraging. If initial growth only starts around Day 30, then I will basically see no real growth during these six weeks of wear. I truly will go back to square one and start completely over when I get back.

"There is no actual growth until the 30-45th day of wear for anyone, not matter how many hours you wear it. Everything you see up to that point is only swelling and would not be permanent. However, beyond that period of time, the body finally begins to multiply breast fat cells, slowly but continually, just like gaining weight and continues to do so throughout the program. You must still wear Brava for the minimal 10 week period no matter how many hours you wore it during the initial weeks. It is the extended length of time in weeks that encourages more growth."

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(Login indecisive1) Re: 6 week experiment November 30 2008, 5:09 PM

Hi roakie i was just wondering where u found that quote, it acutally answered a question for me. I was just about to post a message saying how discouraged i was because i have been using brava for about 4 weeks now and i have been doing it anywhere from 15-21hours a day and my swelling was beautiful, but because i never really had my domes off for too long i was fooled into thinking swelling was growth until last night when i decided to let my chest breathe for a little bit and didnt wear my domes to bed and woke up looking not too much different from my before picture! I guess since i was allowing little time for the swelling to go down in between usage i was given false hopes that i was just a quick responder. So i would like to see what else this coach was saying.

(Login Boo_Boo_Bear)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: 6-week Brava experiment November 30 2008, 8:23 PM

Hey V, it can from the following thread:

(Login roakie)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: 6-week Brava experiment December 1 2008, 2:35 PM

Yesterday I had to leave the domes off for 13 hours due to some holiday travel. At the end of that time, I still had a tiny bit of swelling on the underneath portion of my breasts when viewed from the side and at an angle. I don't know how they would be after a few days, but I was slightly encouraged. I just wish I wasn't having to stop for 8 days right in the middle of this first session, but maybe I will start up again with a slight advance. Who knows? I am trying to stay optimistic!

Thanks for all your useful info, from a new Brava user
March 13 2009 at 1:41 AM J.J. (no login)


Hello to all the current and past Brava users here. I just wanted to say thank you for all the useful information you have posted. I started Brava about three and a half weeks ago; but probably would never have done it if I had not been able to see some honest info about how it really is.

Thus far it is not too bad for me. I started with the smartbox but have switched to using the airlock as it is less noisy and thus far no problems maintaining pressure overnight. When I started I had zero boobs. I had a baby about two years ago and then after breastfeeding for nearly a year I had lost a lot of weight...including all of the fat that had previously resided on my not so well endowed chest. I was down to about 6% body fat and it was not pretty. It turned out that my thryroid was hyperactive. So now that is under control and I have gained back the weight. Unfortunately none of it went back on my chest. I was really unhappy because my chest was so out of proportion with the rest of me. It looked like something that belonged on an anorexic 13 year old. The good news is that after only three and a half weeks using Brava, my chest in the evening before I put the domes on is back to looking like it did before I got pregnant (34AA. I am sure that a lot of people consider 34AA the same as zero boobs, but believe me, it is NOT the same). I am not sure how long I intend to do this; originally when I started I only wanted the original very small boobs back anyway.

But, while I am here I have one question. I have some asymmetry between the two sides (left side is a little bit larger. It isn't really noticeable; but I was wondering to what extent they even out just using Brava the normal way. Has anyone tried doing separate airlocks on the two sides and putting more suction on the smaller side? Or, just continuing Brava use on one side while discontinuing use on the bigger side? Thanks for any advice or information on your experience with this.

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(Login CousinRose) Re: Thanks for all your useful info, from a new Brava user March 13 2009, 10:13 AM

Hey J.J.

You are retaining after 3 and a half week??? That is a very good sign!! Smile

I also have a little asymmetry, (about half a cm), it has never bothered me but since I am doing this Brava thing I think this is the best oppurtunity to even them out. Wearing the domes didn't fix my asymmetry but it didn't make it worse either.

I was going to wear the dome for an extra week or two on my smaller breast in the end but I have to stop after 12 weeks (that's in two weeks) so now I am doing 12 hours on my bigger breast and 16 hours on my smaller one. If I do this 3 weeks, have done it for one, I will have gained an extra week on my left one.

So you can do it either way. Have longer hours on the smaller one or add some weeks in the end on just one.

Good luck

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(no login) Re: Thanks for all your useful info, from a new Brava user March 13 2009, 2:57 PM

Hi JJ. Welcome to the Brava club Smile I have been wearing the domes for almost 8 weeks now and haven't gained much yet but here's hoping. I have about 1/2 inch of growth at the end of the day. Started as a 34A (bras were not tight). I used to be a 34B before having three kids and breast feeding as well. You definitely lose it with pregnancy. I also have the left boob bigger than the right (even with the swelling, the right doesn't swell as much!). I called Brava and they said to wear one dome longer than the other at the END of your cycle to correct, not during. So that's the plan for me too. Good luck and keep us posted. Even if you/we gain ONE cup size, it's all worth it in my mind!

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(no login) Re: Thanks for all your useful info, from a new Brava user March 14 2009, 11:30 PM

Thanks for the info on asymmetry, Rose and Rox3. I guess I will wait until a bit later and maybe start longer hours on the smaller side, as well as continuing with the right side for a few weeks longer than the left. I was kind of worried because the larger size swells considerably more than the smaller side...obviously I don't want to accentuate this situation. Usually in the morning the left side is a large A small B, but the right is more like a medium A.

I was really surprised that I retain anything at the end of the day this early on. I expected to be a really slow responder due to body fat percentage and the fact that I never had big boobs to begin with. Maybe for me it will be easy to get back to where I started before breastfeeding, but hard to increase beyond that? I am not really sure. I bought the Brava system on Ebay, so I am not registered with Brava and can't talk to their coaches. All in all I am very pleased thus far. I have been averaging about 11 and a half to 12 hours per night up to this point. Last night was the first night I did 16 hours straight....that is a long time to be wearing BPB (big plastic boobs). I am impressed that some of you do 14 to 16 hours a day on a regular basis.

Brava 4 Week Results
4 Week Results
August 15 2009 at 6:21 PM Aline (no login)


Hi I've worn Brava for 4 weeks without a missed night and after 12 hours with the domes off I am back to where I started. I'm getting a bit worried too because my nipples look a bit stretched. I guess we'll see what happens.

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(Login Valerie1) Re: Brava 4 Week Results

4 weeks is not very long. I don't think you're supposed to get any lasting difference in such a short time. You have to give it a chance. About your nipples maybe you can tape them up for protection as some others have done.

Brava update - 4 wks.
January 31 2007 at 2:11 AM Mindy Lou (Login MindyLou)


Hello Brava Beauties -

Here's my periodic update.

I have completed 4 weeks. The smart box graphs say that for the last 20 days I have averaged 13.38 hrs. per day and average pressure of 19.8 mmHg. (The website didn't capture my first 11 days -- bummer.) The smart box lights just switched me to level 3 a few days ago.

I notice more fullness now when I am ready to put the domes on, (after 10+ hrs of them off ) but when I look in the mirror from the front view, I don't see much gain. Yet my breast definitely feel fuller and the side view looks like there is some growth. I wish it were faster -- or that I was getting the nice perky boobies I see when I take the domes off in the morning.

This experience has made me realize that in all actuality I was probably a 34 AA rather than a 34 A when starting . This said my 34 A bras feel very tight even at the end of the day, so I switched over to a 34 B. (Maybe thats just because I have spent most of my life in loose, padded bras, I don't really know what its like to wear a true bra that provides support!)

Anyway, there is progress but it is slow. Brava is not for the faint hearted and you have to be committed, I think. The graphs have been motivational for me so in that respect the smart box helps. This said, one could keep the graphs themselves and motivate oneself that way.

I am thinking about ordering the airlock because I suspect you can get higher pressure that way, and I do think one makes more progress when the pressure is nearer 30 mmHg than 15 mmHg.

On weekends, I continue to try to wear it as many hours as possible...trying to get to 18 hrs a day or so. I really see a lot of progress after the weekends. Now that I am in my 4th week I also see more retaining at the end of the day. It took about this long before I was really for sure that it was staying.

I'm rather ashamed to say I didn't measure before starting Brava. You see, I ordered it last summer but didn't start it until Jan 1. I did look at a picture I took of myself in the mirror and its kind of embarrasing how small I am. I think the Brava pamphlet is correct in that "we forget how small we were to begin with after growth is already experienced"....or something along those lines.

I probably need to measure from now to track progress from here on.

One thing...not that it matters but maybe it does for me I am getting a divorce. After 20 years of marriage, I'm moving on. I found out in December that he was cheating on me for the last 2 years and while he is now begging me to take him back, I'm tired and out of trust. I want someone who loves me and wants to be with me and doesn't give me the silent treatment and doesn't use me just because I bring home a darn good paycheck.

Maybe its easier for me to wear Brava now that my (soon to be ex) husband is not here in the evenings as I think he would have laughed at me.

Part of the reason I think I am so committed to this is that its a new me, and I don't want to face my insecurities over a flat chest with whoever may be waiting in my future.

Its a long story. But heres to the new me and to all the brava beauties on the board who are trying to better ourselves, or accept ourselves as is. Either way, we're moving forward.

Best Wishes!

Mindy Lou

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(Login Diana1978)
SENIOR MEMBER mindy January 31 2007, 2:35 AM

So sorry to hear about what is going on in your personal life. like the brava system isn't hard enough. i am glad you are taking the steps forward for yourself. good for you. be strong. its easier sleeping alone with this thing on anyhow. i sleep in different bed than my hubby. he sleeps with too many pillows. i rather sleep alone Smile i am happy you are seeing results. i have pictures where i am even flatter than my starting pic. it is very easy to forget. i am now in my 6th week. good luck to u
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