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Please help!


I am really self conscious when it comes to my breasts, i am 18, almost 19, very flat and I hardly have anything there at all. I have been to the doctors about it and all they suggested is me putting on weight as i am very naturally skinny, a UK size 8.

However, it is very hard for me to do this, i eat alot but nothing changes. I am a 34AA and this actually takes over my life. I wont go swimming, I wont dress in certain clothes, I will avoid clubs due to the fact I have no boobs, i feel like a boy and I hate it.

I have been thinking of surgery for a while but i am really scared and do not have the money. I have been doing alot of research into this since I was 16. I have come across a breast pill called wonderup, please can anyone tell me if this works? I was told by the doctor that no pill or cream can change the size of a womens breasts, but I need opinions of people who have actually tried these things. If not wonderup, is there anything else you could suggest please? Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thanks to those who reply. x

Hi Emma, i feel for you honey and your not alone, there are alot of women in the same position as you and it can be very stressful and take over your life to some extent. The good news is there are lots of things you can try, wonderup is a herbal pill that some women have had success with but there are hundreds out there some good some bad, but with anything that is herbal different things work for different people, so if someone had success with wonderup doesent mean you will, you might respond to another method, so it is in many respects trial and error hun. Now its not advised for anyone under 21 to take herbs and that would include wonderup, the reason for this is they can mess your hormones around and at 18 or 19 your body is still changing evn if you dont notice it, so taking herbs can mess with that and cause some problems in the future, but you can use other methods like massage or use a breast pump for breast enlargement, not a nursing pump lol. You can also take BO which stands for bovine ovary and this comes in various pills like ultrabreast and bountifulbreast or the cheaper generic BO like the one from a company called swansons. Now these work in a different way to herbs and aslong as you have had your period for atleast 2 year you are safe to take it. I suggest looking down the forum at the above products i have mentioned and see what you think, take alook at breast massage and breast pumps aswell, read as much as possible and then see what takes your fancy and what you think you would like to try, if your unsure after reading just ask hun. Good luck Big Grin

Hugs Cheryl xxxx

Hi Emma, I know exactly what you are going through... I am now 30 years old and my bra size is still 32AAA (which is actually even smaller than yours).
I wish I had started doing something about it when I was younger. As Cheryl said you are not advised to take herbs until you reach 21 but you can try to do a massage and eat booby-friendly food. I have attached below links to the Tiger Lily's program, her technique simplified and her picture page. I am using her massage technique and really like it. There is also Chi massage which a lot of the people on this forum find very helpful. I hope this helps. Good luck and keep us updated on your progress!:

I'm the same age as you. I hate my boobs. When I was younger (like 12-13), I had very small a cup boobs and I remember being happy with them because at that age any boob is better than none. But, very soon after my self-esteem plumetted. I think it's becaue I was a big fan of The Girls Next Door. I wanted to be a playmate, and I wanted the body of a playmate. So, I started to realize that my boobs were not the ideal size. I still envy the "playmate" body, which is why I definitely want breast augmentation. I've been saving up my money, and plan to get the surgery within a year now.

Little boobs have caused me a lot of self-esteem issues. Pretty severe self-esteem issues, actually. I always wear extremely padded, push-up bras that give the appearance of much bigger boobs so other people don't know my secret, but it's a constant battle I have with myself. It really sucks.

I found this site while doing a internet search on breast augmentation, and loved it. The people on the site are really sweet and really helpful. There are many members who can a lot of natural breast enhancement experience, and they can give you excellent advice.

I was also advised not to take herbs till I was older, but I couldn't help myself. So, I have been taking herbs and I actually have got some good results. But since fake boobs are my idea of perfection, I've let my self get discouraged every now and then.

Ultimately, it's sad that this world is so effed up. Girls have such low self-esteems when it comes to their bodies these days, and it has a lot if not all to do with the media and how it portrays women. I'm not recommending breast augmentation, but for me I feel like thats the best option to make me happy. You said you're scared and unsure about plastic surgery, so if you have any doubts in your mind that breast augmentation is not for you then definitely DON'T do it!

Natural breast enhancement is definitely possible, as you'll learn on this site. & I'd love to help you out and so would all the other members :)

(17-04-2011, 19:17)xxemmaxx Wrote:  I was told by the doctor that no pill or cream can change the size of a womens breasts, but I need opinions of people who have actually tried these things.

I have heard the same kind of thing said by many people such as doctors, but I must say that not all doctors take this view. I read an article about Wonderup which was written by a doctor, so believe me there are doctors out there who believe that these kind of products can work. You are right to ask the opinions of people who have actually tried these things, as I believe that is the whole point of having a forum such as this.

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