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Help me go from an AA to a B cup!!!

Wow Dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You Look AMAZING!!!!!!!!
I can really see that you have more meet in the middle of your chest.
Also on the side view pictures...I can deffenetly see a really good difference from your beginnig pictures!!!
Keep up the hard work dear!!! Smile

Girlfriday, I have been keeping an eye on your progress and your patience is really inspiring and has definitely paid off! Congratulations on your growth, you look great! I love the shape you are getting!

thanks ladies!

Periwinkle - yes, cold in the house and outside!

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more pics.

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more pics.

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last pics.

My breasts seem to be expanding across my chest more. As opposed to sticking out much further. Hopefully the sticking out will come next!!

Also, I took collagen last night for the first time in awhile and had massive aches about 30mins-1 hour after taking it. I really recommend including collagen in your program as I've experienced in the past taking collagen seems to cause lots of aches and pains!

Oh, and the bra doesn't have any padding whatsoever. I wore this bra previously in photos after noogling.

Also, funny story - because it's getting cold again I got out all my winter clothes. And found all these tops I had worn after massaging with fenugreek and noogling and they still stink of fenugreek!!!! Am going to have to throw them out!

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I've just written about collagen in my program page. Until recently I was taking collagen, but it was type II and I've found out that I should've been taking type I&III. So, I ordered that and it arrived yesterday. I took my first dosage yesterday early evening and within an hour till the end of the night I had constant sensations is my breasts. They were not exactly pains, but they were definitely very noticeble

I believe MSM and gelatin have the same effect, so I am not taking collagen, just 6000 mg of MSM and 3000 mg of gelatin.

Well... I also take 6000 mg of MSM and about 8000 mg of regular knox gelatin, but my bobbies really seem to respond actively to collegen type I & III. I took another dose about 2 hrs ago and so far I'm feeling a lot of "activity" in that department.Rolleyes

I have been getting stronger pains once I included collagen to my program as well. It does not say though which type it is. Does it mean it is type I&III?

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