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new, wondering about some methods.


hey, I'm new to the forum and had some questions.

so far I have come across two things that I think could work.
noogleberry and bountiful breasts. I would rather not have to take bountiful breast because its super expensive.

do ether of them work?

with noogle, does it stay once you get to the size you want or do you have to do it forever?

also I'm on the younger side so I was wondering what method you would recommend for a 18 year old. please don't say to wait until I'm done growing. my whole family has breasts my size and they have never gotten bigger. I would be fine with the small breasts but I'm a model and have gotten turned away from like 4 jobs now because I needed bigger boobies. they all said, maybe sugary? but I DO NOT want boob sugary ever.

any advice? ALL is welcome AND very appreciated.

i would suggest noogleberry over herbs anyday. i have done ALOT of the herbs and other pills, and noogleberry seems to be the best. it's the most popular and it isn't dangerous.

if your are going to try something try noogleberry first. at least if you do, and for some reason it doesn't work, so long as the system isn't damaged you can resell them. you cannot resell herbs that you've already opened .

i hope that this helps!

I agree about noogleberry. In fact, I kept telling my girls that if they want to try noogling, they can. Right now, they tell me they'll pass as it will get in the way of their sports to have bigger chests. But I consider noogling definitely safer than taking herbs at this young teenage years.

Yeah I agree, I'd stay away from herbs, or at least use them as a last resort. Noogleberry works, but know that you have to be consistent and you have to drink a lot of water to help the swelling. Massaging first may also help results. Good luck!

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