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Generic BO Roll Call


Just started cycle 8 on BO and am measuring 32.25" still. So that is good, at least I am retaining that similar measurement from the previous month. I have had lots of aches and itchy sensations over the last 10 days or so, so that should correlate into some growth soon!

Are fluctuations normal when you are growing? I took a week break from BO after I finished my period. I took NAC because I already had it and I figured it cleanses the liver like milk thistle does. When I was taking the NAC my boobs seemed to grow! I thought it was real growth since I never experienced an increase in swelling after finishing my period. But toward the end of the week my boobs deflated again. Now I've been taking BO again for two days and my boobs swelled even bigger than before! I don't think it's luteal swelling because I got my period not too long ago so I don't think it's time for that. Is it normal for them to fluctuate like that? I never experienced this before at odd times during my cycle. I am still waiting for some permanent growth so I hope this is a sign that they will grow soon.

I don't know the mechanics behind it sweetpea, but I too found that I would seem to grow, then decrease, grow, then decrease etc. But on the whole I was growing.

At the end of cycle 8 at the moment. Measuring just over 32.5". Will see what happens on day 5 of my next cycle how much I decrease.

Overall, breasts are noticeably bigger, particularly when wearing bras. And much more breast to grab.

I'm in two minds about taking a month off for month 9. Any thoughts on this?

just started UB today Big Grin i'm hoping it will work but I think I have thyroid problems (my thyroid hormone levels are normal and everything now) but a few years ago they were overactive, i think, and I formed a lump on my neck and had to have it removed and half of my thyroid aswell. I've just recently formed another lump but hopefully UB will still work for me. I'll keep you guys posted anyway Smile

hope we're all growing well

For those of you that live in the states and ordered UB from medplex....abouthow long did it take to get your order? And I know that it differs but what was your shipping charge?

I have yet to order it...was on generic BO for awhile but ran out and was unable to order it d/t lack of funds. But things have evened out now so I need to decide what to order. Wasn't on the geberic long but feel it did do something...if even ony a little but I feel I have gone back down since stopping it. Guess I wasnt on long enough for it to stick.

Thanks !

Hey all, just thought I'd drop by to say I jumped the BB ship and have started the generic BO routine instead. Smile

Hope to have the good results many of you have had! Big Grin

Hi Ladies,

I have taken BO for 9 menstrual cycles. I am now Day 26 of cycle 9. I decided a few days ago to stop BO and take a break. The reason is I was finding that I felt very hot, particularly red flushing in my face, and sometimes I was getting a headache (both very unusual for me, but happening on a frequent basis). I would take 1-2 DIM and the headache and flushing go away very quickly.

I am measuring 32.5", although this may increase with a bit of swelling over the next day or two.

Am taking the whole of cycle 10 off from BO, and all my supplements. The only supplements I will continue to take, albeit sporadically, will be some collagen powder, vitamin C powder and protein shakes.

Over the past 10 days or so my breasts fell noticeably bigger. I hadn't felt like that in awhile, but then they felt bigger. No change in measurement however and my photos look the same from previous month.

Will be interesting to see if I get any aches and pains over the next month, or whether I will get nothing. This past month I've had definitely less aches and pains overall compared with previous months, but I have had lots of itching sensations.

I have been taking BO since January and I haven't really changed at all. I just get some swelling that tricks me and eventually goes away! I think it's time to try herbs. I tried herbs before, but not too long. I hope it works, I'm off to go research what I should do. Sad

I have done a year without results NBE. I tried herbs, afternoon, hypnosis, massage, noogleberry ... but most noogleberry.Tera Money Now, I just do "BO" and it's great work...

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Hi all,

I am currently at the end of cycle 10. This cycle I took a break from BO.

I noticed some differences in this cycle than in previous ones:

1) I displayed signs of estrogen dominance nearly every day in the start to middle of my cycle. I took DIM and that helped relieve symptoms such as facial flushing and headaches.

2) I had less pains than usual in the first half of my cycle.

3) I took lots of vitamin C about 4000-6000mg per day regularly. I noticed breast pains after about 2 weeks of taking them around the time when I consumed the pills.

4) I had more pains than usual in the latter half of my cycle, particularly the latter quarter. I had stretching-type pains in the middle of my chest. Like I was winded.

5) I was famished in the second half of my cycle in particular and ate and ate lots of protein foods.

6) My breasts look and feel slightly bigger. I measured 32.75".

I will be resuming my BO program next cycle, Cycle 11. I will take about 1,500mg-1,750mg of BO per day. I will keep up lots of vitamin C, collagen, MSM, l-tyrosine, pituitary, a strong multi-vitamin (with B vitamins).

Cycle 10, was almost a bit of a test.... I wanted to see if my growth was actually real! Or would it disappear and my breasts deflate after a month of not taking BO.. however that did not happen, in fact my breasts feel slightly bigger.

I'll take BO for the next 3 months and then see how I feel then. The good news is that I am SLLLLLLOOOOOOWWWWWLLLLYYYYY growing! Even if it is painstakingly slow.

Probably my advice to skinny, flat chested women like myself, is to forget the results of ladies who say they grow 0.5" per month because that is highly unlikely to happen when you have our body shape. I think if you are going to embark on BO then you need to give yourself 12 months on it. In 12 months you should be able to grow a couple of inches. Don't expect miracles, it's a slowwwwwwwww process. But I can see that I am making progress. It just takes foreverrrrrrrrrr! I think that if I can grow, then that should give other people like me some hope that they will be able to as well.

There are alot of things working against me - I'm thin, low BMI, terrible digestion, pan-cake chest. But now I have little breasts poking out! I was lying down the other night and I was quite amazed that they actually looked like little mounds.... ok, more like ant-hills. But they actually poked out! They didn't disappear in my chest like they used to.

Happy breast growing!

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