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MoK217's Program


Good for you. I tried on a 32C at VS, and the cup was too small. Guessing it should have been a 32D, or a 34C, cause that's what I am wearing now.

I'm struggling a bit. Conflicted with the herbs. Don't know what's going on here! It's frustrating to say the least. So here it is

Stopped the herbs the weekend of the 13th of May. Starting feeling tingles again on Sunday the 15th. As if I was somewhat stalling. Started the herbs back up after hearing from Wahaika on the 18th of May. Again, tingles came back, with the amounts of what Wahaika said I should be taking. Continued with those until yesterday. I was so busy yesterday, I only took the morning ones. I stopped feeling tingles on the 22nd of May. However, yesterday my awaited Carlson's brand MSM showed up, so I took one of those as soon as I got it. Now the tingles are back full force, with no herbs since yesterday morning. I only took SP, Multi, and cranberry this am, and still tingles and pain. Wondering if taking herbs in the 2nd half of my cycle is worthless, as they make the tingles go away, but as soon as I stop, tingles are back. I am so confused now! I have pain, maybe a 3/10. Soreness. What to do , what to do.

Should I stay off the herbs until day 1 of cycle, and just take the SP, Multi, and Cran, and then MSM in the afternoon?

Or continue taking all herbs, and the MSM, SP, Multi and Cran?


MoK217, here's an excerpt of one of Wahaika's post on stalling.

Stalling is when you have taken enough herbs to activate your negative feedback system, which is part of the endocrine system. In this case it includes the ovaries, the pituitary and the hypothalamus glands. There are others involved, but the simple explanation is that your body thinks it has too much and stops producing.

I got it from this link:

From what I understand from the above, you slowly decrease the amount of herbs you're taking until you start feeling tingles/pains again.

(24-05-2011, 20:05)soonenough Wrote:  MoK217, here's an excerpt of one of Wahaika's post on stalling.

Stalling is when you have taken enough herbs to activate your negative feedback system, which is part of the endocrine system. In this case it includes the ovaries, the pituitary and the hypothalamus glands. There are others involved, but the simple explanation is that your body thinks it has too much and stops producing.

I got it from this link:

From what I understand from the above, you slowly decrease the amount of herbs you're taking until you start feeling tingles/pains again.


Just wanted to add that you have great info.. sorry for butting in..

Thank you

Thanks soonenough. I have been busy reading the old site, to see what else I might have missed. It's so thrown together though, it's somewhat hard to navigate. Thanks for always helping. Smile


So I read your response yesterday, but never got around to replying. On the basis of what you posted, I started taking the herbs again last night, in smaller doses. Tingling gone about 1 hr after taking. This am, just took SP, Cran, and Multi, tingling back full force. I think I will stay away from the herbs until day 1 of my cycle, and just take those 3, and the MSM in the afternoon. Will start herbs again on June 4th, which should be day 1 of my cycle. Will see how that goes. Smile

So for now, slight booby tingling. Not what it normally is. Woke up to some perky girls this am. 5 Days to AF, so I am guessing that's it. Will start low doses of herbs again on the 4th, which will be day 1 of my cycle. Gonna stop herbs and continue to take MSM, Cran, Multi, and SP on day 14 of cycle, as I am 28 day cycle girl. Guess I will be taking pics on the 4th, but then again a week after af, that way if there is any pre AF swelling, I can see how much stays, and how much goes.

Started AF on the 2nd instead of the 4th. These herbs seem to be taking 2 days a cycle off. Now a 26 day cycle instead of 28. Patiently waiting on my pm to get here. Gonna start that, and take them 14 days a month, and forget about the rest. It has been roughly 1-2 weeks without herbs and I still have tingling and awareness in my breasts. Some slight AF swelling I would assume. Forgot to take pics on the 4th, will do that today and get them posted sometime. My 2 year old has the flu I believe, and it's been hectic. Woke up this morning with swollen like boobs....not sure why they would swell when AF is almost over, but whatever. Will have to see if any of it hangs around after AF is over.

Gonna stick with no powdered herbs, and still taking MSM, SP, Vit C, Multi, cranberry. When July's cycle rolls around, which should be June 30....but might be the 28th, I will start the PM. New Program for roughly 10 months will be.....

PM 500mg in the AM
Cranberry 250mg
Gaba I forget what mg I bought or what I should take of this...LoL
MSM 1000mg
Multi vitamin
Vit C 500mg

PM 500mg in the PM

I will be doing this program days 1-14 if my cycle goes back to 28 days, and days 1-13 if it stays at 26 days.

Days 15-28 or 14-26 will be boobie batter with FG, Borage Oil, Olive oil, Fennel and Hops. I won't do the boobie batter first half of the cycle....just the Chi massage with no oil or herbs.

(06-06-2011, 14:08)MoK217 Wrote:  Started AF on the 2nd instead of the 4th. These herbs seem to be taking 2 days a cycle off. Now a 26 day cycle instead of 28. Patiently waiting on my pm to get here. Gonna start that, and take them 14 days a month, and forget about the rest. It has been roughly 1-2 weeks without herbs and I still have tingling and awareness in my breasts. Some slight AF swelling I would assume. Forgot to take pics on the 4th, will do that today and get them posted sometime. My 2 year old has the flu I believe, and it's been hectic. Woke up this morning with swollen like boobs....not sure why they would swell when AF is almost over, but whatever. Will have to see if any of it hangs around after AF is over.

Gonna stick with no powdered herbs, and still taking MSM, SP, Vit C, Multi, cranberry. When July's cycle rolls around, which should be June 30....but might be the 28th, I will start the PM. New Program for roughly 10 months will be.....

PM 500mg in the AM
Cranberry 250mg
Gaba I forget what mg I bought or what I should take of this...LoL
MSM 1000mg
Multi vitamin
Vit C 500mg

PM 500mg in the PM

I will be doing this program days 1-14 if my cycle goes back to 28 days, and days 1-13 if it stays at 26 days.

Days 15-28 or 14-26 will be boobie batter with FG, Borage Oil, Olive oil, Fennel and Hops. I won't do the boobie batter first half of the cycle....just the Chi massage with no oil or herbs.

Hi Mok217,

I was just thinking of doing my PM the same way as you.. I was thinking during the non PM cycle just do the boobie batter, supps., and keep SP in, on the PM cycle I will do the PM cream, supps., and keep SP in.. I have a question and if your not sure then I will post it as a new thread, if your not sure can you direct me to where to post it. K.. the ? is.. what supps if any do you take with PM, I mean at the same time and herbs for that matter, or they both should be taken alone.. So say someone takes herbs do they take them away from supps and if your just taking PM do you take that away from supps... Hope that makes sense.. then I need to know what supps can be taken together..maybe I sould post this as a topic, I think a topic on supps would be very useful..HuhRolleyes What is the cranberry's purpose.. Let us know how it is going. Did you order from ainterol for the PM, mine may take 4 wks because of customs, I hope not..

Thank you

(06-06-2011, 14:53)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  
(06-06-2011, 14:08)MoK217 Wrote:  Started AF on the 2nd instead of the 4th. These herbs seem to be taking 2 days a cycle off. Now a 26 day cycle instead of 28. Patiently waiting on my pm to get here. Gonna start that, and take them 14 days a month, and forget about the rest. It has been roughly 1-2 weeks without herbs and I still have tingling and awareness in my breasts. Some slight AF swelling I would assume. Forgot to take pics on the 4th, will do that today and get them posted sometime. My 2 year old has the flu I believe, and it's been hectic. Woke up this morning with swollen like boobs....not sure why they would swell when AF is almost over, but whatever. Will have to see if any of it hangs around after AF is over.

Gonna stick with no powdered herbs, and still taking MSM, SP, Vit C, Multi, cranberry. When July's cycle rolls around, which should be June 30....but might be the 28th, I will start the PM. New Program for roughly 10 months will be.....

PM 500mg in the AM
Cranberry 250mg
Gaba I forget what mg I bought or what I should take of this...LoL
MSM 1000mg
Multi vitamin
Vit C 500mg

PM 500mg in the PM

I will be doing this program days 1-14 if my cycle goes back to 28 days, and days 1-13 if it stays at 26 days.

Days 15-28 or 14-26 will be boobie batter with FG, Borage Oil, Olive oil, Fennel and Hops. I won't do the boobie batter first half of the cycle....just the Chi massage with no oil or herbs.

Hi Mok217,

I was just thinking of doing my PM the same way as you.. I was thinking during the non PM cycle just do the boobie batter, supps., and keep SP in, on the PM cycle I will do the PM cream, supps., and keep SP in.. I have a question and if your not sure then I will post it as a new thread, if your not sure can you direct me to where to post it. K.. the ? is.. what supps if any do you take with PM, I mean at the same time and herbs for that matter, or they both should be taken alone.. So say someone takes herbs do they take them away from supps and if your just taking PM do you take that away from supps... Hope that makes sense.. then I need to know what supps can be taken together..maybe I sould post this as a topic, I think a topic on supps would be very useful..HuhRolleyes What is the cranberry's purpose.. Let us know how it is going. Did you order from ainterol for the PM, mine may take 4 wks because of customs, I hope not..

Thank you

Hey! As far as I know you shouldn't be taking any phytoestrogen herbs while on pm. I am going to cut out the SP, and see how that goes. I am not switching from the herbs because they weren't working. I am switching because taking some pills in the am, and one in the pm will be a lot less time consuming for me. With summer and 6 kids ( 2 are step children), it's a hectic time. Since I have read that you are suppose to take pm for a lengthy time I wanted to make sure that I did it for the long haul....instead of wasting money. I'm not sure what else can or can't be taken with PM, but I am going to take, GABA, PM, Cran, Multi, and Vit C. The cranberry is for Chronic UTI's. I never miss taking it. I had a UTI for 3-4 months non stop, and was miserable as hell! Taking the cranberry prevents that from being an issue. Smile

I did order from Ainterol. I don't know if customs will be an issue for me. I haven't heard anything from we will see. I am in the states. Is customs an issue here?

(08-06-2011, 19:07)MoK217 Wrote:  
(06-06-2011, 14:53)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  
(06-06-2011, 14:08)MoK217 Wrote:  Started AF on the 2nd instead of the 4th. These herbs seem to be taking 2 days a cycle off. Now a 26 day cycle instead of 28. Patiently waiting on my pm to get here. Gonna start that, and take them 14 days a month, and forget about the rest. It has been roughly 1-2 weeks without herbs and I still have tingling and awareness in my breasts. Some slight AF swelling I would assume. Forgot to take pics on the 4th, will do that today and get them posted sometime. My 2 year old has the flu I believe, and it's been hectic. Woke up this morning with swollen like boobs....not sure why they would swell when AF is almost over, but whatever. Will have to see if any of it hangs around after AF is over.

Gonna stick with no powdered herbs, and still taking MSM, SP, Vit C, Multi, cranberry. When July's cycle rolls around, which should be June 30....but might be the 28th, I will start the PM. New Program for roughly 10 months will be.....

PM 500mg in the AM
Cranberry 250mg
Gaba I forget what mg I bought or what I should take of this...LoL
MSM 1000mg
Multi vitamin
Vit C 500mg

PM 500mg in the PM

I will be doing this program days 1-14 if my cycle goes back to 28 days, and days 1-13 if it stays at 26 days.

Days 15-28 or 14-26 will be boobie batter with FG, Borage Oil, Olive oil, Fennel and Hops. I won't do the boobie batter first half of the cycle....just the Chi massage with no oil or herbs.

Hi Mok217,

I was just thinking of doing my PM the same way as you.. I was thinking during the non PM cycle just do the boobie batter, supps., and keep SP in, on the PM cycle I will do the PM cream, supps., and keep SP in.. I have a question and if your not sure then I will post it as a new thread, if your not sure can you direct me to where to post it. K.. the ? is.. what supps if any do you take with PM, I mean at the same time and herbs for that matter, or they both should be taken alone.. So say someone takes herbs do they take them away from supps and if your just taking PM do you take that away from supps... Hope that makes sense.. then I need to know what supps can be taken together..maybe I sould post this as a topic, I think a topic on supps would be very useful..HuhRolleyes What is the cranberry's purpose.. Let us know how it is going. Did you order from ainterol for the PM, mine may take 4 wks because of customs, I hope not..

Thank you

Hey! As far as I know you shouldn't be taking any phytoestrogen herbs while on pm. I am going to cut out the SP, and see how that goes. I am not switching from the herbs because they weren't working. I am switching because taking some pills in the am, and one in the pm will be a lot less time consuming for me. With summer and 6 kids ( 2 are step children), it's a hectic time. Since I have read that you are suppose to take pm for a lengthy time I wanted to make sure that I did it for the long haul....instead of wasting money. I'm not sure what else can or can't be taken with PM, but I am going to take, GABA, PM, Cran, Multi, and Vit C. The cranberry is for Chronic UTI's. I never miss taking it. I had a UTI for 3-4 months non stop, and was miserable as hell! Taking the cranberry prevents that from being an issue. Smile

I did order from Ainterol. I don't know if customs will be an issue for me. I haven't heard anything from we will see. I am in the states. Is customs an issue here?


I get the cranberry and yes it does work had to do that a month ago, normally dont have issues with UTI's.. anyway as for customs (I live in New Jersey just so you now) ainterol sent me my tracking number and the customs postal service in Thialand to track it there and it is still sitting in a container ( I ordered them on May 25 and it was received in EMS on May 27 and has been sitting there since) when did you order yours. I emailed Thia questioning how long will it take no response yet, I sent that 2 days ago. I email ainterol about taking supps and here is what they said:

You can take on empty or full stomache I think empty is slightly better. Do not use flaxseed oil, fennel tea or spearment tea they actually lower effectiveness. Everything is you listed is fine. Drink calcium enriched milk or orange juice and try to avoid caffeine whenever possible. You also need to make sure you take in enough protein. Massage massage massage - that is about it to get best results.

Below is the supps and herbs I mentioned to them.

collagen 1&3 with aminos and other stuff> neocell collagen> msm (loose powder)> vitc unbuffered (loose)> L-glutamine> L-tyrosine> borage oil and flaxseed oil (rotating them)> b complex for hair, skin, nails> gaba> calcium (loose)> mag (loose)> hyaluronic acid>> fennel tea and spearmint tea.

Your program is so close to what I am thinking of doing cause I still have breast success and it has other herbs and whatever is in it doesnt agree with me, so I cant wait fo the PM and I have a good feeling with it.. I will start out with either what the bottle says or less cause my body is very sensitive to alot of stuff. I just started taking both collagen(I have 2 kinds it is listed below and for ingredients go to my program), borage oil, GABA, HA yesterday cause last night is when the order arrived. Now I am waiting on my msm, l-tyrosine, vitc, calcium, mag.(all are powdered, the mgs are 1 teaspoon 3200-3600 or 3800 for each), powdered FG for boobie batter on off cycle while on PM and while doing the PM I will do the PM cream, spearmint leaf, fennel seeds, all of these are 1 lb each. I have noticed that alot on here take alot of mgs for msm, I plan on taking at least 3600 mg but start out sloooow..Big Grin same for vit c. I will post my progress in my program when I feel things are going good.. You know alot on here are taking high doses thinking its better more isnt always better...listen to your gut and body..right...that is my moto..Big Grin Hey not sure what it is or maybe the combo but my acne is clearing and I didnt even start my PM. Last night I took and topically applied borage oil and the next day my acne was healing, never seen it heal so fast.. probably a combo but I think the borage oil is a big plus..Smile

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