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Best way to position the cups of the noogleberry?


I was wondering if anyone had advice on the best way to position the cups of the noogleberry so as to get the best looking results.

Should the nipples be pointing towards where the tubes are attached?

Also, has anyone experienced red dots (like blood dots sort of) on your breasts after noogling? I noogled a bit too hard one day and I have red dots all over my left breast but not my right one. A few days later, it is still there. BlushDefinitely learned my lesson to take it slow, but does anyone know if it goes away naturally or if there is a way to make them disappear?


I don’t know about the cups as I don’t have a noogleberry yet, I built my own pump so my domes are not ergonomically correct/the same as the noogleberry.

However I have over pumped too and had the red dots. Word is they are fine and don’t panic about them just ease off next time as they are a sign of over pumping so be more careful. They will go away. Mine took about 3 days. I took a pumping brake for about 2 when they appeared just to give them time to recover and started again gently.

I've done the same mistake a few times, don't worry, they will disappear very soon. If you want you can use any gel or cream which is targeted for diminishing bruises, any of them. But if you use this gel on the entire breast area it will make the swelling disappear VERY fast. So the best is to avoid overpumping though some people seem to be getting those dots even if they pump very gemtly, depends on skin, I guess. They go away after a day or two, so, nothing to worry about!

As for positioning the cups Anastasia (who had great success with NB) suggested that the nipples should point at the center of the dome though I personally can never achieve that (mine sort of look down Smile because the upper side of the breast swells the most) if I sit. If I lay down it gets a little bit better. Btw, I highly recomment pumpling when laying down. A girl on NB forum has once recommended it and I definately agree - much better swelling! I don't know what the secret is though.

Yes I heard that pumping laying down is better too. Also doing one breast at a time is meant to make suction a lot easier and achieve faster results but it's obviously twice as time consuming. I've not started noogling yet (ordered my NB today) so this is advice I read on the NB forum x

I don't know really of what is the best way of noogling. All I know is, since I started noogling one breast at a time, with the cup positioned near towards the cleavage, I have gotten growth in the cleavage line. I'm on my 18th week of noogling, and this growth becomes apparent only after two weeks of noogling one cup at a time. Noogling is amazing. It's still slow and steady for me with just about everything, herbs and noogling, but growth trickles steadily.

Noogling is definitely better laying down. It seems I can pump more without the cups digging in as much.

Also, I've just started getting sore nipplesHuh It started after I finished noogling and has not gone away (it has been a few hours). Has anyone else experienced this? Is it caused from over pumping?

Well I seem to get sore nipples just from massaging (and that's without even touching my nipples Sad but mine have always been really over-sensitive) I think it's caused from over stimulating them, be it by noogling or whatever else x

Are they sore or sensitive? Mine have gotten more sensitive with the noogleberry.

Have you tried covering your nipples with bandaids or something similar? I know a lot of women do that to stop their nipples from getting bigger but some do it because of the sensitivity too (:

i tried taping them before, but the tape always comes off bc of the lotion! Tongue

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