Well my doctor wouldn't even bother dealing with me anymore; they said if I'm feeling worse, to go to the E.R.
Ugh!!! My next appointment isn't until June 22nd. So, I'm taking matters into my own hands. I've done research on every pill and medication I'm taking, and ALL of them have a potential side effect of headache. So I'm guessing one of my pills is causing it. The two I've been on the longest is Prilosec (for reflux) and Claritin (for allergies). So for the past two days, I have stopped EVERYTHING. Including my allergy meds, Prilosec, and asthma inhalers. No vitamins either. NOTHING. It's very strange to not take ANY pills at all!!! I could be wrong, but my headache might be a TEENY bit better today!
My gut instinct is telling me it's the Prilosec. When my other doctor had me take four Prilosecs per day, it gave me a massive headache that wouldn't go away until I backed down to two Prilosecs per day. Then I was able to go down to one per day, and that's the dose I've been at for about a year and a half now. It's possible my body just can't take it anymore. I'm not even sure how safe that med is for long-term; the box says to ONLY take it for 14 days; and that you have to wait 4 months before doing another 14 day treatment. Yet my allergy doctor told me I'd have to be on it every day forever. Well, sorry, I can't live with this headache anymore! I'll just have to be more careful in controlling my reflux like avoid spicy foods and don't eat within 3 hours before bedtime. I'm PRAYING this headache will totally go away. I want to get back to my program soon!!!
I was all set to consider PM; but seeing as how GF and Crystalelle are having such good success with taking 2000mg of BO per day, what I might do instead is finish the last 3 months of my BB and add 500mg of generic BO (which I still have on hand) to see if that makes a difference. So I will take one BB and one Swanson BO capsule in the morning, and one BB and one Swanson BO capsule at bedtime. If nothing happens after a couple weeks, I'll add one more Swanson BO pill per day. At the end of the 3 months, if STILL nothing, I will switch to PM.
I decided to try Noogling again last night, for one hour. Light suction on the larger left side, a little stronger suction on the smaller right side. I did it while lying down on the couch, since that was the easiest way to get suction for me versus sitting up. I just did pump and hold. I did get some pesky red dots on that right side, but they're not too bad. Surprisingly, I got some decent swelling! I didn't measure or anything; probably only 0.25" or so; but I was encouraged! And the right side seems maybe a teeny bit bigger even now, 15 hours later.
So I'm planning on doing NB a good hour every night before sleep again.
I've also been listening to the Rockmelon ringtone about an hour each day for the past three days, lol. I guess it couldn't hurt.
On a positive note, my stomach seems mostly back to normal!
And I've been craving milk lately. I drink like two or three glasses per day. I don't know why!