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6wks pm pic progress


to mydreamisgcup
are u on the depo provera injection? so u take the same amount all month without breaks?
It really looks like its working im thinking of taking pm just not sure how to take it on the injection because i dont have a cycle.

(01-06-2011, 14:01)MoK217 Wrote:  
(31-05-2011, 15:53)luisa Wrote:  I think it should be fine. Do you feel any difference from taking MSM as the dose seems to be quite low? I read that it is ok to take up to 10,000 mg per day, however, just a few thousands of mg seems to be enough for most people.

I honestly couldn't say if there is a difference or not. I stopped taking all herbs, and am just taking the MSM, SP, Multivitamin, and Cranberry supplement. I am going to start the herbs up again on the 4th, Day 1 of my cycle. Wahaika recommended 1000mg, and I accidentally bought 800mg tablets, so that's what I have been taking. I am switching to PM here soon though (prob July) the kind the author of this post is taking, and will be taking it for 5 months, and then I will go back to the herbs. Guess I should be ramping my MSM?
Wahaika knows all this better than us so I would generally stick to what he says, however, perhaps there is no harm in experimenting with a slightly higher amount to See if it makes any difference?

When it comes to PM it depends on two things,

1. The potency of the PM in the supplement and the quality of the supplement. 1000mg of Ladies Pueraria, vs. St. Herb, vs. Ainterol, vs. ??? You have to do your homework.

2. Ramping up to what works for each individual. For some, 500mg once a day is OK, for others, more is needed. The best thing to do is to ramp up the dosages. When it comes to growing pains, this may not be present with PM. I'm getting pulled into more and more PM discussions but herbs such as fenugreek is what I have always emphasized. PM does have a few cases where it has worked, but other things have to be there also. Chiyomilk's Program is the one that I would suggest following as she is the one that has had the best success. But it is not only PM, it is also HGH, Collegen, and an herbal formulation that she used in her luteal phase - B-UP Drop. I have seen cases where Bust-Up gum has been used with herbal programs and the results have usually been good - so that is another option.

Remember, everyone is different. When something works for one, in order for it to work for another, the same conditions have to exist as much as possible or it is not likely to work. Different hormonal profiles and physical characteristics also have to be taken into account.



Wahaika, that's because you're the most knowledgeable in herbs! That's why we keep asking you! Smile Thanks!

I just got my ainterol PM (500mg) 2 days ago. Im starting like it tells me 1 a day for 2 weeks. And im drinking milk with it. Cant wait for the results! But My birth control is Paragard (kinda like Meirena) my periods are so irregular tho, and have been since iv been on it. Think it will be regular soon with the PM?

I am interested to know if you have continued to have success and if you have any photo updates to share.

I have changed my routine as you suggested and have gained 2 inches around my nipples and 1 inche above!

I hope that you are continuing to have great results, thanks for the suggestions Wink


What is your program now?
Congrats on your growth! How long did it take you to see those results? That is SO awesome!!

i have not been here in a long time but wanted to let you know that i took pm on and off for 4 years or so and the breast increase only stayed/remained while i was on the depo injection, .

pm became my "PARTY TRICK" I GUESS, WITHIN A WEEK OF TAKING IT AGAIN MY BOOBS WOULD START TO SWELL, within two months my boobs would be two cups bigger but also very tender like i had just given birth.

ive since read other women having the same effects as me,

mabe 5 % of the 2 cup sizes remains today, the rest is from noogleberry.

during this time i could take my bra off and my boobs would not move and gravity would make my breasts quite sore initially while taking off a bra,

taking pm while i was not on the depo gave me zero results, which got very frustrating, or my results would go down while i waited for another shot.

i would take pm again as it gave me a big ego boost...

i tryed for a baby for a year after finishing depo and was told i had stopped ovulating, i was treated and went on to have my son.
i took pm for the whole month without a break.

a question... have you been off the depo at all since starting pm?

i do wish you all the best of luck and hope its permanent for you, im just letting you know my experience

and i may also go back on the depo and take pm again as i feel like the confidence boost lol.. im too tempted (reminiscing)

Hi Tee Tee, did you stop ovulating before or after you were taking PM? If it was after then do you think it was because of PM or depo? Did you take PM throughout the cycle or did you do any breaks?


i always took pm throughout my cycle, while on the depo injection i only had 1 period every 3 months so taking pm continually was my only option.

i stopped ovulating after the years of pm and depo, i was offered clomid to start it again but was also given a procedure with a long name, but basically they insert a tube in to your cervix and inject a kind if ink in to your uterus and tubes etc to see any damage, it was confirmed that i had no damage and my tubes were clear,

within days after that procedure i got pregnant so i believe my tubes etc basically needed flushing out, it could have been many reasons probably just years of using the depo and taking herbs etc that can mess our body around, i think the biggest culprit was depo, ive never been pregnant etc b4 my son or had any miscarrages etc etc.

i guess stopping your body from functioning properly (with hormonal contraceptives as strong as depo) will have these type of effects and more, depo stops you ovulating so your tubes are getting no action, but once it had been established that i was not ovulating i was dealt with quickly by doctors and consultants and soon became pregnant.

i want more children in the future and do not want to have to wait for depo to get out of my system b4 i can get pregnant as it can take a good year, ( imagine your husband saying ok honey lets try for a baby, we are married and happy so y not..... and then a year later you are still not pregnant) so now i just take progesterone only pill instead, within a day it can be out of your system and you can get pregnant. depo does scare me now to be honest, trying for so long to get pregnant with your first child and being told you are not ovulating and going through tests and taking sperm to be tested etc can tear your heart out, i thought i could never have kids.

knowing what i know now, i am doing things differently, i am doing my best to stay off depo (i can only take progesterone only bc) and use a noogleberry for my boobs, im tempted to use pm again for its health benifits , but im doubtful about getting the breast growth i got last time since im not on depo.

i will try the method of taking it from day 1 of my menstral cycle, even though i have irregular bleeding from my pill i may be able to manage it and mabe control my periods abit aswell.

basically pm is not as strong as a contraceptive injection, pm may mess your periods about etc but if you stop taking it you will get back to normal within a decent time frame,
depo is injected in to you and is a nightmare to rid yourself of it, but i can probably bet on it that if you stop depo your nbe results will not be the firm perky inflated lovelys that they are at the minute, you may get breast growth still but it will be at the same long hard time frame as everyone else, a gradual increase over years of hard work and persistence with your pm. 2 cup sizes in such a short time is more of a miracle is it not(2months for me)?

i realised what was happening quite quickly but was so desperate to have decent sized boobs that i continued on for 4 years, now surly 4 years of pill popping would have given me a cupsize lol, but it didnt, it was all just water retention/swelling .

i just think that if you want kids that you should think very hard about your contraceptive method, and if you want bigger tittays that pm should be taken the way most recommend (hassle but probably the safer way to do it), progest pills will still give you a period(even though its fake but its something to go on so that your body is not overloaded with hormones 24/7

im not a professional just a concerned nbe friend that wants to give my experience and opinion, i dream about having bigger boobs im desperate for them, but im more desperate for my son to have a brother or sister.
if i could help all you lovely ladies get bigger breasts i would, im now considering the macrolane injection (dont want surgery), but am going to take pm and seabuckthorn 1st

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