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Twister_Mama's Program

Thanks, Wahaika! Smile I'll be sure to stop it at least two weeks prior to that procedure. Even though I started taking Borage Oil mainly to help with my allergies and asthma, I'm hoping it'll be helpful for my NBE program too. I read somewhere that if you have symptoms of higher androgens (like excess hair on your arms and acne) that Borage Oil was a better choice than EPO. The last thing I need is MORE acne. Sad Been fighting that for over 20 years now. But if it will be detrimental to a BO program, I'll stop taking it indefinitely. I don't want to wreck whatever chances I have to actually grow a little. I suppose it will be helpful to see what kind of effect it had when I have to stop it for a couple weeks.

I've been having these deep aches in my breasts for the past couple days that feel like sore muscles way deep inside, but flexing the muscles doesn't hurt; and my breasts aren't tender or sore to touch or anything. Are these growing pains, even though my breasts aren't sore? Anyone else know what I'm talking about? Or do I just have a pinched nerve in my back??? I'm really praying something happens soon!

My husband and I were out shopping today, and as usual all the hoochies were out in full force with their plunging necklines and exposing cleavage everywhere I looked. It made quite a blow to my already-suffering self-esteem. Sad I'm seriously considering surgery again, even though I REALLY don't want to go down that road. But I'm starting to lose hope. Sad

No Dear!!!
Don't you lose hope!!!!
I know what you are talking about...I also feel like I didn't grow at all in the last few months!!! But please don't give up now!!!!
Maybe BO isn't for all of us! I tried it you know...And I still have one more bottle of BB. But I think that I will give it a brake now...and I will try PM. I think that you should try something else too...if you see that the BO doesn't work on you. Please don't GIVE UP now!
I am sure that you will grow!!! I know how frustrating it can be!!!
In the end you will have your own NATURAL breasts! and not fack!
Good Luck dear!!!

Thanks, eva_bs. Smile I'm feeling a little better now. I have decided to quit BB and just do the generic BO program that others like girlfriday29 and Crystalelle are doing. I think I started this three or four days ago. I'm taking 750 mg of Swanson BO in the morning, and 1000 mg at night. I placed an order for the pituitary and kelp which hopefully should be arriving in a couple days. I am actually feeling lots of aches these days, finally! Smile Thinking about it, I'm seriously questioning a lot about BB now. When I first ordered my 9-month supply of BB last summer, the pills were a gray-brown color; and I had aches and growth within two weeks of starting them. However, when I placed my order for 4 1/2-month supply back at the end of March, the pills looked different. They were more of a yellow-brown color instead of gray-brown; and I really didn't get any more aches or anything when I started back on them after my month-long break. It wasn't until I started adding Swanson BO to the BB pills last week that I started to feel aches again. All my other glandular pills, like the Swanson BO and the Swanson adrenal glandular (which I don't take anymore) are a gray-brown color, like the old BB pills; so the yellow-brown color of the new BB pills has me more than a little suspicious. I don't know if any other long-time BB users have noticed the change in their pills recently too??? Huh There are other things about the BB company that is very *disconcerting* to me, to say the least; but I won't mention them here because I'll probably get in trouble or something. Dodgy

I also totally stopped the Borage Oil a few days ago. I can't take it for two weeks before my sinus procedure anyway (which is still nearly a month away), but I was feeling less aches while taking it. So out it went! My headache continues to torture me every minute of every day and night, relentlessly. Sometimes it makes me dizzy and nauseous. Sad I tried taking two Vicodin pills I had left over from a past surgery, but all that did was make me feel light-headed and harder for me to breathe. Didn't help the pain really at all.

I'm currently trying to use up the Neocell collagen powder I bought. I mix it with water and my Vitamin C powder, and it is NASTY ... yuck ... I almost puke everytime I take it. Sad I ordered more of the Neocell collagen tablets when I ordered the pituitary and kelp; I'd rather swallow pills than drink the powder. It tastes like really chalky sulfur. Oh yeah, I had also ordered some hyaluronic acid with my last order too. I'll give it a try. Smile

Still taking my multi-vitamins and 5000 mg of MSM each day. And 1000 mg of GABA at night. I'm taking two protein drinks per day, after doing some Easy Curves chest exercises. Hopefully sticking to this routine will get me somewhere! Smile

Congratulation on your pain (though it is a weird thing to say but we breastnexus citizen welcome it! Big Grin)

BB pills have lower dosage of bovine ovaries in it, it claim to use homeopathic method to amplify the properties in the supplements without having to have a high actual mg. Homeopathic uses shaking method to create memories in the supplement. I read somewhere if you take a homeopathic supplement like BB and you shake it too much it will work the other way meaning the pills will looses its potency.

I am not sure about the color of the pills because I stay so far away and I went ahead to purchase 13.5 months in 1 go and I still have a few bottles left. But I am doing so well with generic I don't think I want to do BB anymore or perhaps after I cleanse my body in December. I am going to have it cleanse 1/2 a year once not as frequent as before 3 months once (what were I thinking). I was so afraid of hormone overdose in my body I start to clean it out every time there is a growth. LOL

Crystalelle, oooh, don't be taking breaks when you're actually getting growth! Yikes! Definitely keep going until you feel like you've stalled for like a month, and/or you have other signs of imbalance (for example, horrible acne like I had). I wonder if taking a very low "maintenance dose" of BO during a break, like maybe 500 mg, would be enough to lower the overloading of hormones in your body, but prevent you from losing your gains? I'm wondering, because I lost a whole stinkin' inch during my month-long break. Now granted, I was ill and on antibiotics for a while; and lost a couple pounds; but would losing a couple pounds result in losing a whole cup size??? You'd expect to lose an inch if you dropped 15 or 20 pounds; but only two pounds? I'm thinking that a low maintenance dose might be a good idea during breaks. I'm definitely gonna try that when I need another break! It really sucks to work so hard, just to lose whatever modest growth you got. Sad

My pituitary, kelp, and hyaluronic acid arrived today, yay! Smile So I will be taking one pituitary and one kelp with my morning and evening doses of BO. I'll take the hyaluronic acid with my Neocell collagen and Vitamin C. Also, I had ordered more Neocell collagen tablets, since I cannot drink the powdered form any more. It's just way too gross! Sad My husband *ordered* me to throw away the powder and just take the tablets. I was like, OK!!! Big Grin I am seriously considering searching for some sheep, lamb, or pig placenta (whatever I can find). I'm 34, and that's kinda old. Sad I need some "youth juice" to boost my program, I think. Wink

For some reason, my libido has been crazy wild the past few days. I'm like constantly "in the mood", lol. And that's WITHOUT the wine. Tongue

Oh, and I started taking one of my HGH releaser capsules at night again. One per day for a week; then increase it to two capsules at night. I'm doing my Easy Curves chest exercises twice a day, and following it with a protein drink. I've been doing this for like 5 or 6 days now I think. And for the past two days or so, whenever I'm finished doing the exercises and drinking my protein, my breasts feel so tingly and "alive," it's weird! Smile I have been getting some aches after eating a meal, and after drinking my protein drinks every day now too. I could be mistaken, but it's POSSIBLE that my tiny little 34AAA bra might be a little more snug. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!

Something else I've been wondering: BB (and I guess BO in general) is supposed to somehow be progesterone-based, according to BB's website. And herbs like PM are definitely phyto-estrogens. I've read over and over that the use of progesterone makes estrogen receptors more sensitive to estrogen. So how is it, then, that BO and PM would cancel each other out? Wouldn't the progesterone qualities of BO make the body even more receptive to the phyto-estrogens in PM; especially for us smaller gals who have kinda "dull" receptors to begin with (and could really use a boost!)??? What if PM was only used externally, like a cream, with BO taken internally? Has anyone tried using the two together?????

34, old? I'm 46, and that's old, but young at heart, and refusing and not quite ready to let myself go.Big Grin Husband is also getting alarmed at the number of powder, potions, concoctions I've been taking, but sorry, I'm not giving it up, yet. I'm also unbelievably have this constant high libido and it's threatening my insanity. I've always have a very healthy and high drive, and poor husband is suffering for it, and asks how I can recover so fast, he, he, he. I think it's all this herbs, supplements, oils, vitamins I've been taking. About the powder collagen, I resorted to mixing it with yogurt and lemon, and gulping it down with green tea (counterproductive??).

Anyway, I have this crazy idea, what if you take PM for the follicular phase, and take BO in the luteal phase which would coincide with the progesterone rich phase of the cycle. Wouldn't that in theory work? Japanese girl does kind of the same thing, PM in the follicular phase (1-2 days before ovulation), and weak phytoestrogen, BustUp, during the luteal phase. This would be a form of cycling where you switch your supplements to trick and confuse the body into growth.

I'm planning in doing just that next cycle. I would take PM in the first phase, and my usual herbs in the second luteal phase.

Hey soonenough, let us know how that goes! I wish I could try the cycling thing too; but I had a hysterectomy a couple years ago, and I don't know what my cycles are anymore, darn it. Sad I too have been very inspired by Chiyomilk's success. I am very curious though, to see if that would work, with BO and PM! It makes sense; but I could be WAY off base, I don't know ... Huh If I don't get any growth after a couple months, I'll order some PM cream and add that to my program. It's all trial and error anyway, isn't it??? We all have different hormonal profiles; and what works for one person might not work for another. I suppose any combination of NBE could work, if it suits that person's hormones.

I actually considered mixing the collagen powder with beer, since beer is strong-tasting; and the collagen mixed in water looks like beer; but my husband said that would be WAY too gross, and made me throw the powder away. I should probably thank him for stopping me from making a really nasty mistake. Tongue

Well I just wanted to report that it's possible I've grown 1/4" already! Big Grin I knew my boobs have been feeling fuller and maybe sticking out a little bit further. Plus, my new 34AAA bra that I mostly filled out (still a couple tiny gaps) has been fitting me snugly this week. Smile I don't know if it's just from the Easy Curves chest exercises that I do once or twice a day; or the BO; or all the extra protein; or the skin brushing I started a couple days ago to move the fat from my lower abdomen up into my boobs (mostly into my smaller right boob, lol); but something is working! After eating a meal, or drinking my protein drink, or taking my collagen pills, I get some aches. Right now, they feel full and heavier; and a little achy. My self-esteem is coming back, now that I have hope! Smile I'm still at only 1750 mg a day of BO; so if I need to ramp up, I can do that.

Also, the collagen and MSM have been making my hair gorgeous! It's soft as silk, and very shiny! I can't stop touching it. Tongue My eyelashes have always been long; but I had a couple gaps in them that were annoying; well those gaps are filling in. Whenever I decide to stop NBE in the future, I'll probably keep taking those two supplements, along with my multi-vitamins, just for that effect. My skin seems healthier, like more glowing or something. I noticed the tiny fine lines I had around my eyes are barely noticeable anymore. And I'm not breaking out any more than I have been recently (like one or two new pimples per week, versus one or two new pimples per DAY I was getting before). My marks from old acne spots seem to be fading a little faster now. Smile

Also, I have added one HGH releaser capsule per day (at bedtime) this past week. Tomorrow I'll ramp that up to two capsules per day.

I've been mostly good about staying away from sweets this week; but today I was bad. Dodgy I had a small handful of Raisinets (chocolate-covered raisins) and three Oreo cookies with my milk. I'll try to be better tomorrow. Wink

I have been considering adding some Lamb Placenta to my program, to help my NBE program with the growth factors, and also for the obvious anti-aging properties of it (I'm really big on trying to look younger than I am, lol). I found this one on Vita Springs' website that looked good, and wasn't outrageously expensive. Does this look like it would be a good one? Koneil Ultra Lamb Placenta If it seems OK, I'll be ordering that as well. Probably get like a 4-month supply.

Ooh, I just got a few sharp pains in my smaller right side! Yay!!! Big Grin

Well unfortunately, my sinus infection is running rampant right now, thanks to that stupid nurse practitioner guy who wouldn't refill my antibiotic a month ago. My temperature is running around 99.2; which is the equivalent of 100.2 in normal people, since MY "normal" temp is one degree lower than normal, at 97.6. Sad Lovely. My sinus procedure is in less than two weeks now. They told me to stop taking MSM because apparently it's an anti-inflammatory, so therefore it's a potential blood thinner. This was news to me! So take note, everyone; don't go too crazy with MSM if you are already on blood thinners! I was taking 6000mg a day, too; so it's a good thing they told me! I'm in such misery now with that sinus infection though. My nose swells shut at times; burns SOOO bad; sneezing; mucus that is neon green coming out (sorry, I know it's totally gross!). The elevated temperature is making me feel really wiped out, and kinda achy and it feels "yucky" to move. Sad And of course, the headache is still there. This past week, I've had like no appetite; and have been feeling a little nauseated. I've had a sore throat and mild cough for nearly two weeks now, too. But I'm still choking down all my pills and protein drinks! Wink I'm gonna tell my doctor to do whatever he's gotta do to permanently open up my sinuses and flush out that infection, even if he's gotta do surgery in there. I'm gonna be under general anesthesia anyway (as I just found out; I was originally told I'd just be sedated). I'm sick of being sick!

BUT, despite my sinus woes, my boobs are still doing good! Smile They're feeling a little bouncier these days; and my pathetic underboob area on my smaller right side is finally starting to round out a little again. Actually, most of my pains are in that smaller side. It's actually kinda sore inside that breast too, right behind the nipple; when I try to squeeze my breasts together in a sad attempt to create cleavage, it hurts on that side. Big Grin I'm hoping that it's like that "breast bud" formation continuing to develop on that side; the hard "stuff" that you feel inside your breasts is much smaller on that side than my left side. So I'm convinced there's more basic development that needs to happen on that side. I've been reading a lot on the men's forum about their development, since sadly I identify myself more with the bio men than the women (as far as breast development goes) and the feelings they describe are similar to what I'm feeling now. I'm PRAYING that this works for me; that I can finish my breast development as I SHOULD have 20 years ago. My breasts just look so immature and underdeveloped (because they are); and it's so embarrassing. Their tiny size is bad enough; but when you factor in their immature, unproper shape too ..... it's just humiliating to me. Sad However, I am very encouraged by the results I'm seeing already; and I've only been doing this "new" generic BO program for three weeks, I think?

I still take two protein drinks per day. I use my Easy Curves bar right before my second protein drink in the evening. I have the resistance set to a level that's comfortably easy for me to do in the beginning, but takes a little more effort to complete at the end. Any higher than that, and I find my muscles are too sore for several days. I am still considering that lamb placenta supplement I had a link to in my previous post.

I had to back off of drinking milk; maybe just a couple times a week now. I'm getting so many stomach aches every day. I know the protein drinks are contributing to that too; but I'll put up with it to get boobs. I just won't aggravate it further by drinking milk. There are other ways to get extra protein!

I still get lots of wonderful aches after eating, or taking my collagen, or protein. In fact, I'm having some rather sharp pains in the cleavage area of my smaller right side right now. Smile I'm noticing more pain along the undersides of both breasts when I come bouncing down the stairs. I've been trying to do skin brushing to move the fat from my lower abdomen up to my smaller right side a few times a day; I just keep "brushing" until my arms get tired, usually about 5 minutes. I don't know if I'm doing it correctly; but I figured it couldn't hurt! I don't really do any massage, except to "jiggle" the breast tissue at various points around the perimeter of my breasts (per the massage instruction I found on a link provided by the user MyBAexperience in one of her threads - supposedly this massage helps blood circulation in particular for underdeveloped breasts).

I do not plan on taking a break during or after my sinus procedure, even if I'm on antibiotics. I'm so tired of finally getting results; then having to take a break and lose it all. Because of that, if I ever do take a break, I will not stop everything all at once; I will slowly back off the doses over a 3-week period until I get down to a lower dose (like 500mg of BO a day; or maybe a little more, I don't know); and then stay at that dose throughout the break just to prevent losing anything. See if that helps! And if the day comes that I finally get so frustrated and fed up with NBE that I decide to quit, I'll stay at that "maintenance dose" for a few more months to see if that helps me retain my size.

I may try to take a couple pics of me in my 34AAA bra to post as a reference, for how much I fill it out over time. And also maybe a couple pics from my neck down to my legs as reference, so I can keep an eye on any possible weight gain in my butt and thighs (which I SOOO do not need or want!). But I'm so self-conscious about how I look; and about my scars from my hysterectomy; I don't know. It'll take some guts for me to post pics like that. Everyone else on here looks so much nicer than me. Sad

Hi Twister Mama,
I hope that you are feeling better. I had three sinus infections since my daughter started kindergarten in May... so I know what you are going through. I hope that the procedure helps. I should check if similar procedures are offered here in Germany.
Just wanted to say that I am taking lamb placenta which is similar to the one that you have found. It is from a different company but in the same price range and has the same ingridients. I have never tried the expensive placenta so I can not say if there is any difference between the two, however, my skin has been looking really good recently but I am also taking other supplements such as MSM, collagen and PM. My acne actually cleared completely a few weeks after I started taking PM internally (I always had bad skin) and MSM made my acne scars look much better. I had some growth at the end of the last cycle so who knows, perhaps the lamb placenta helped. I am barely a 32AAA so any tiny growth others probably would not even notice is visible. I am not even bouncing yet so it sounds like you are having much better progressSmile

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