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Generic BO this time around

Hi Shyfly, I don't use PC every month, when I do I apply it to the areas with the thinnest skin, that includes breasts, not every day on the same place. Only in luteal phase, this is important! If you want to try it first you should read thoroughly what it says on Dr.Lee's site about progesterone cream - how to use it, how to determine if you can use it, so on.

Hi Melissa, no, not a stupid question at all. When my NB arrived and I opened it - I couldn't use it at all! There was no suction, whatsoever! So, I will try to explain. First of all a lot depends on the domes. I have new contoured domes, they are Ls. Really glad that I went for them and not the regular ones. So basically what happens is that there's not enough room on my chest for both of them to sit "correctly". When I use one at a time I don't move it to the center intentionally, I just put it on so that the center of the dome (where the tube is attached) is positioned exactly where the nipple is (vertically). When I do it I see that the edge of the dome is also covering a little bit of the area further than a center of my chest. I think that this was what did the trick with getting some meat on right there. If you put both domes on at the same time their edges will be touching each other leaving much more area uncovered. Hope I managed to explain Smile

Ginie, THANK YOU!!!!!
You explained it so well, i understood perfecty.
When my NB arrives, i will definitley position the dome how you did! Also thanks for suggesting the contoured ones, i will go with that when i out grow my Medium domes.
Thank you so much!!!!

Sorry, one more question, please forgive me, but....
You said in one of your posts that for the first 2 months, you noogled 4-5 times a day for 1 hour each breast. So that is 4-5 hours for each breast in total a day, correct? I just wanted to know if I understood correctly!
I just want to make sure because I am getting my noogleberry soon, and will start noogling the day it arrives! [[

hi ginie! :] I am 18yrs old and new on here and I was wondering why you didnt try Bountiful Breast? or Ultra breast? I was trying to decide which one i should try and i came across your page, and now i think i want to try PM? I dont know what Pm is.. and I was wondering how do you test your levels of estregen and progesterone.?? (besides goig to a there another way?)
and I was wondering if you could help me.. like what you would suggest I take? Where do i get PM? what is PM? Im so lost.. I tried translating the japense site but I didnt understand it still..
like what pills,powders,creams.. you seem to have had a lot of progress and I was hoping i could take what you took. :]
:O Please help!

Hi Nikki, 18 y.o. is too young for such a strong phytoestrogen as PM (Pueraria mirifica). Your breasts are still developing and it will be a shame if you mess everything up by loading your system with too much estrogen becasue too much estrogen (believe it or not) can stop breast tissue development. My cousin, for example, was flat until age 22 or something. Then all of a sudden, over summer or so she got boobs, big ones! So, please don't panic, you know that stress inhibits breasts grow because it throws your hormonal system off the balance.

You will get great results from massage alone! By doing massage you stimulate blood flow to this area, blood brings hormones which are more than enough in your body (or soon will be) and there go your boobs! Smile Besides, massage will give your breasts a lovely shape. The shape is even more important than the size! Use a good lotion or oil, better avoid the ones packed with chemicals. The best you can do is the following:
1. Massage - I recommend Feng Shui's massage but you can do simple circles, the important thing is to do the circle like this: start in the center, move your hand on the lower part of the breast towards the side and then on the upper part of your breast - towards the center. If you do it opposite your breasts will shrink.
2. Vitamins
3. To understand your hormonal status you can do BBT charting. You will have to go quite a few pages back in my program, there I explain how to measure your temperature and how to interpret the results. You will have to measure every morning at the same time. Or just google "how to do basal body temperature charting", there's ton of information.
4. Boobie friendly food. Look through fengshui's program page. If you don't find chicket feet soup gross then it will work like a magic. I tried it myself for 3 months and I gre 1 cup! Unfortunately late I lost it because I went through a huge stress (lost my job) and nearly all growth was gone. You see how important it is to stay calm?
5. Your diet should be rich in essencial fatty acids (help your body produce more hormons of your own) - eat nuts, cold water fish (salmon, for example, sardines). Calcium is very important for breast development. Companies which produce PM, for example, suggest taking it with milk products or calcium supplements. Nobody knows why it works but Ca is important here. I, for example, hated milk products all my life Smile if I only knew that it was necessary to grow boobs! Smile
6. Liver should function VERY well. It play the important role in maintaining hormanal balance - it eliminates excess estrogens (really bad ones, like, estradiol), so, stay away from soda, greasy food.
7. Too much sugar is also bad - it increases your insulin level and that through a long chain of hormonal "answers" gives you elevated testosterone! You don't that, it leads to no boobs, PCOS (infertility) and other really bad things.
8. Visualisation/self-hipnosys. It works.

Well, you see - there're many things you can do to speed up breast development and at the same time take care of your health. Which woman is more attractive to a man - healthy with medium sized breasts or a sick one with huge boobs? I once read a survey where they actually proved that men "sence" the immunal status of a women and it plays a significant role in their attraction! Smile

So, stay healthy and come back if you have any more questions.

Why I don't recommend to experiment with phytoestrogens? Well, they're really serious stuff and at your age they can do real harm. You want to have children one day, don't you? Well, hormonal imbalance (and this is exactly what you do when you start taking phytoestrogens) lead to infertility. Phytoestrogen are good mainly for postmenopausal women, it's safe for them. The rest should be VERY careful. Teenages IMHO should stay away from them. I'm not sure about soy food. Seriously, I just don't know. If you look at Japan and China then one should probably say it's safe though soy is phytoestrogenic. Then why 90% of their women had small breasts? I don't have the answer but seriously believe that phytoestrogens taken in puberty will work AGAINST breast growth.

Btw, I did try BO, it is not Bountiful Breast, it is just a generic BO. I did grow on it but wanted to try somehting ne because I don't understand how BO is working and alittle bit scared of it.

Hi Melissa, oh no, I was noogling 4-5 time a week! Smile I did do 1 hour on each breast though.

Sorry about the job, welcome to the club Smile

I read somewhere that soy contains only genistein and daidzein, and those phyto-estrogens don't do a lot, certainly for NBE. They do smooth skin and make it shinier, and they give the areolas a slightly conical shape.

Oh thanks for cheering me up, Isabel Smile Actually, it was all for the better - I got a better job and now think that I should have left earlier. The company was in a lot of trouble and my manager was a horrid person. Brr.. The time between the jobs I dedicated to NBE research, btw! Smile

Interesting about soy, didn't know about it.

Congratulations! I dedicate the time in between to boob science too: a most worthy and noble cause indeed Big Grin

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