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NBE and Sexdrive


Hi, I am about to start a NBE program finally with massage/exercises, fenugreek, saw palmetto, and wild yam and see how it works out for me.

I was wondering if NBE helps boost sex drive, or if some herbs you take can actually hurt and lower it. My sex drive is not the best and I am hoping it is increased through this as well as my breast size.

I don't know much about the different herbs but I would love to hear other's advice and thoughts and maybe I can add in more herbs.

Thanks for any help. Blush

Well, I think saw palmetto increases your libido, at least that´s what my and other´s experience has been. There were some on the noogleberry forum who were taking it only for that reason.

There are some herbs that will lower it but I don´t think you´ll have any touble in that area with your program.
hope that herlps and good luck!

Maca is supposed to help with sex drive. I don't notice much difference but my boyfriend gets mad when I forget to take it Rolleyes There was a topic about maca and libido on here a while ago, and forum members were saying that it does work- a little too well, even.

I don't know about the other herbs because I'm on BO and can't take any phytoestrogenic herbs, though.

I agree with Nyx on this one. I take a low dosage of Maca, have for hmm... almost 2 years now? Off and on at least. When I was on individual herbs like you are doing, I actually decreased in sex drive, but everyone is different. I went from I'd say an average drive, to nothing at all. I started taking Maca in hopes to help get it back while I was on BO. And it did help. Also I got extense for women, they sell it at wal-mart now, that REALLY helps! I take that now and then for a burst, and it works in the sex drive department.

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