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beachbumbythesea's program


(07-08-2011, 06:36)lled34aa Wrote:  regarding coconut oil, losing weight, and the boobies (from my own experience) : my boobies got fuller while the rest of my body shrank.

my theory is, i'm supplying my body plenty of fat, while cutting down on what actually makes my body stores fat, which is carbs/sugar. so my boobies are getting estrogen, fat, and protein to grow. at the same time, i'm controlling my insulin and cortisol level to curb the fat in the abdominal.

Good cause I need it to go to the girls.. I thought it would help them but wanted someone who actually used it and what the results were...Ok I bought some co yesterday..thank you very much

(07-08-2011, 07:06)Prettymama Wrote:  Well I breasts feel a bit.firmer and heavier..they where kinda sore today..hopefully by the end of.the month ill have gained a inch. Im ona maca break right.

NiceBig Grin....I will keep watch your program link cause I want to see what you list for what your taking and what Isabelle says..k..

(07-08-2011, 14:38)Isabelle Wrote:  Good morning Susan,

Judging by the symptoms, I had too much cortisol during my break, and too little after starting up hops again. I'm still back-tracking what happened using your post above on hops safety. Thanks again.

The discussion about coconut oil is very interesting. I don't know much about it. I use it in the kitchen since I read this
and kept it for baked potatoes. Because. Hey. Baked potatoes Smile

Hey girl,

So the above link you meant to say too much still figuring all that out..I just went and read about cortisol kind of confusing..should we make a link just for cortisol info..

I looked at the skinny bitch link..didnt know why you put that but watched one of the videos and notice both women have no

OK..not feeling that good..right now ok..but started getting a headache while shopping and still here today...last night took 1 Ibpro and it subsided some..this morning back so I took 2 aleeve sp?...the past week be feeling naueous and tired.. now added to that is the right side headache..not sure what is cause could be from begining on the computer too long..the titas are feeling some action today more then normal..I feel like I am is the titas that feel so different lately...again I measured today (they feel and look big) yesterday they were a ta of 33in now they are a ta under so they are still holding..they are tender again but not too bad..I feel a little foggy, keep waking up all night, went to bed feeling a little cold then kept getting hot then cold..then that eventually stopped..I make my shake and it is helping the period yet..

Ooh Susan, poor thing Sad

Sounds like estrogen dominance: headaches, foggy thinking, night sweats. I know you just started again, but I'd stop PM for now. Shortcake wrote that she once had to go off NBE completely because estrogen dominance became too bad.

The SB are Ultra Pure vegan. It's hard to do NBE on a diet like that. But I posted it because they are avid defenders of CO. I'll check if they have anything about losing weight on CO in the book.

lled34aa knows a lot about cortisol. I found a good explanation in the book I linked in this post:

(07-08-2011, 16:53)Isabelle Wrote:  Ooh Susan, poor thing Sad

Sounds like estrogen dominance: headaches, foggy thinking, night sweats. I know you just started again, but I'd stop PM for now. Shortcake wrote that she once had to go off NBE completely because estrogen dominance became too bad.

See that is the thing not sure if it is estrogen dominance..I felt worsen then this when I was taking FG and SP..I dont want to stop PM..but I will see how it goes as the day goes on..think about this if you have an headache and your trying to sleep and at interferes with it you will be foggy thinking and tire the next day..night sweats not sure if they are exactly that..I will give a another day and see..I did up my maca on the same day as PM not realizing it so that probably did upped my testosterone and made more estrogen..DodgyShy..doesnt Wahaika say and most others your going to be estrogen dominace..and what is the dif from dominace and excess cause that online test has both..Huh

I did read what Shortcake wrote and she was WAY worse ...she had some wicked symptoms that I was like you poor thing..the only thing that is my main problem is the headache..I was totally fine yesterday until me and my dad were shopping for 5 hours..a LOT of walking..a few things come in play..I didnt have any coffee like I usually would at home as goes for cigs had alot least of them (in that time I would have smoked at least 3 but I only had 1/2 of one) as for coffee I would have the same 1 cup and drink it through the day then make a fresh one a few hours before bed so I guess not having steady caffine even if one cup for 3-4 hours, my have been dehydrated some even though I was drink water but my water had msm and vitc in it so I could have been detoxing, can it be from adrenal fatique or high or low cortisol..I believe I was sweating because it is very hot out and dad had the air on cold and my vent is over bed...well duh going to get hot and cold by putting the blanks on and off

The SB are Ultra Pure vegan. It's hard to do NBE on a diet like that. But I posted it because they are avid defenders of CO. I'll check if they have anything about losing weight on CO in the book.

lled34aa knows a lot about cortisol. I found a good explanation in the book I linked in this post:

Hi again Susan,

You are right again, the other factors could have caused it all. The airco in summer right above your bed will always be too hot or too cold. If the headache is almost in the back of your neck, it's the cigs. Coffee helps for ADD. If your thinking is scattered rather than foggy, it might be the missed coffees.

Estrogen excess is if you have too much estrogen. Estrogen dominance is if you have much more estrogen than progesterone. The two can occur together, but estrogen dominance can also be a consequence of progesterone deficiency.

As you wrote, Good NBE needs both estrogen excess and estrogen dominance. The art is not to let it get as bad as Shortcake experienced.

I don't know much about adrenal fatigue. I promised you once to read up on it, and now I'm going to do it Smile

And maybe it's not the right moment, but, erm... I'm soo happy the 33" stay Smile

Hey girl,

Ok..update feeling much better..the headache WAS by the right temple and made me foggy not in ADD mode haha far from that..after taking the aleeve and my shake it is gone, I also took some coconut oil (suppose to give you energy,yes it did) and I just finished some lower body exercises, went really slow didnt overdue just enough to make it feel something, before that I did tita massage for about 5-10 not as long as usual, I usually do only massages at night did do any last night..anyway..I wonder also if what I put in my shake may have help too:

cottage cheese
peanut butter
1 egg
3 slices of banana
some chocolate syrup (to drown the yogurt and cc taste worked)
I just made another one after working out..

check this out..I went back to the site you post regarding progesterone toxicity..last week I had a lot of those and yesterday I have just a couple.. it says unusal headaches and heahaches upon awakening and it mentioned nausea which I had too..I think I was progesterone toxic or if there is a dominace and now I am going more into estrogen dom..I also think adrenals play big role..cause I was doing alot of walking around yesterday I was very exhausted when I came home so it could have messed my hormones some..I will help look more into adrenal fatique..

Oh remember last month I got a wicked heahache before my period then I was taking FG and just switched to PM so I was way off then..this headache wasnt that bad..Rolleyes

Hi Isabelle I know your sleeping..sweet dreams..unless you took your maca close to bedtimeTongue

Question..I was thinking of buy this tea by is called skin detox..

The ingredients in this tea will they make my NBE worse/better meaning would it intefere with my growth..or interfere in a neg. way..

Organic Green Tea Leaf, Rose Petal, Organic Honeybush, Organic Hibiscus Flower, Organic Red Clover, Natural Rose Flavor, Organic Pomegranate Flavor, Organic Cardamom Seed, Oregon Grape Root, Organic Orange Peel, Organic Burdock Root, Organic Dandelion Root, Yellow Dock Root, Stevia Leaf.

I am only drinking my breast teas once or twice a day and 3000 mg of devastated..i lost a bit of my ass is 42 1/2..tummy is flatter...boobs...exactly the same...and sadly my thighs are skinny again....ive been very stressedSad im soooooo tempted to get back on helped me maintain my ideal weight and booty!

Hi Prettymama,

you can go on the maca again. Just stay away from SP. And try no tea for a few days, then just one tea for a week, then the other for a week. See what they do.

Good morning Susan,

This is what some of them do:
Organic Green Tea Leaf: anti-androgen
Organic Red Clover: phyto-estrogen, phyto-progestin
Organic Pomegranate Flavor: androgen
Organic Orange Peel: androgen
Organic Dandelion Root: cleanse in preparation for NBE
Yellow Dock Root: phyto-estrogen

Can't see the logic of taking this all at once Huh

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