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i am on day 15 of PM and have abit of swelling. if i stop for 15 days will my progress disapear?
xi am on day 15 of PM and have abit of swelling. if i stop for 15 days will my progress disapear?

You should only take PM pills the first half of your cycle, then stop.
The other half of your cycle, you need to take weaker stuff like fenugreek, saw palmetto, wild yam, fennel, etc.
You can also use PM cream everyday throughout your cycle.
You should not lose the swelling if you stop the PM pills now because the other things that I mentioned you should be taking in the 2nd half of your cycle should increase or at least maintain swelling until your period comes again. That's when you should take the PM pills again.
If you don't stop taking the PM pills now, you will most likely ruin your menstrual cycle.
Good Luck.

(09-08-2011, 10:48)melissa4u Wrote:  You should only take PM pills the first half of your cycle, then stop.
The other half of your cycle, you need to take weaker stuff like fenugreek, saw palmetto, wild yam, fennel, etc.
You can also use PM cream everyday throughout your cycle.
You should not lose the swelling if you stop the PM pills now because the other things that I mentioned you should be taking in the 2nd half of your cycle should increase or at least maintain swelling until your period comes again. That's when you should take the PM pills again.
If you don't stop taking the PM pills now, you will most likely ruin your menstrual cycle.
Good Luck.

I took PM for a full 28 day cycle with no problems whatsoever with my cycle. The next month I took PM for 14 days and guess what? Messed up my cycle. Took 12 days passed when I should have started to actually start.

thank you for the help.
i have been taking PM the day after my period (7th day of my cycle) up until before my period, as i read somewhere your shouldn't take PM while on your period?
i don't ovulate due to BCP anyway i'm not sure if that makes a difference?
can i ask what the best herbs are to take second half of cycle? atm i take breast actives (fenugreek and fennel) but i want to switch to seperate herbs just unsure what works.
thank youu xxx

I think that you might be confused. With PM, you are supposed to take it on the first day of your period!

I don't think that you need all those extra herbs in Breast Actives.
If you don't want to waste your money, then you can take Breast Actives until you finish it. But if you can, I think individual herbs will probably be best for you. Fenugreek, Fennel, Wild Yam and Saw Palmetto are what others are using the second half of their cycle. You should take low does of them. When your period starts again, stop the Fenugreek, Fennel, Wild Yam, and Saw Palmetto and start with PM pills. And like I said, you can use PM cream throughout your cycle.
I am not sure about the BCP with PM, sorry!
Good Luck!

You don't necessarily have to take it on the first day of your period. A lot of girls start the day right after their period ends. (7th or 8th day) but if you do that, then end on day 21. If you take it on the first day of your period, end on day 14.

Hi Run.Rabbit,
Aren't you supposed to take PM on the first day of your period then stop around Day 14 so ovulation can occur? I read that if you keep continuing PM past Day 14 that you will delay ovulation and therefore making your cycle longer and messing up your cycle.
Hmm.......Interesting. I have never heard of taking PM after your period ends. I guess its a personal choice to start on Day 1 or Day 7 or 8?
Thank you, I will try to get more info on this because I might take PM when my supply of BO is over, thank you for putting this to my attention.

I read that a couple of trials put on by Thai doctors had the women start on day 8 (day right after period) and go up to day 21. Your body should regulate itself, but honestly since the OP doesn't ovulate anyway, I don't think it matters too much lol.

Hi Run.Rabbit,
What is OP?

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