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NBE does work!!!!


NBE does work!!!!
January 7 2009 at 5:42 PM SmartNSexy (no login)


I have been using BO for about a month and a half.

In the first month : Gained 2 inches

Lost 1/2 inch after my period.

In the second month (so far): Gained back the 1/2 inch I lost plus an additional 1/2 inch.

I started at 31 inches at bust, and 29 inches under bust. Now I am 33 1/2 inches.

My goal is 36 inches, so only 2 1/2 inches to go!

I am so excited! I cannot believe that I am growing. I am still bra size 34A but I can see some fullness. I had started out at an AAA I had breastfed 2 kids and was left with really empty breasts. Now they are starting to fill up. It almost reminds me of when I was pregnant. At first I thought maybe I was pregnantt again because everything was happening so fast! After 2 periods I know that I am not pregnant! It is just the BO working. About 1/2 inch more I will be a B. That would be great. I can feel them bounce when I walk and they feel heavier.

I have 4 more months worh of BO to go. I really think that in 4 months I could reach my goal of 2 1/2 more inches. If I get more than that it would ust be a really good bonus.

I have completed my degree in school but still felt inadequate and insecure about my small breasts. Its almost as if I think you HAVE TO have big breasts to be a woman. But for me it is just about feeling good about myself again. That is very important to me. I feels smart but not sexy. I want both!

Good luck to everyone who endures this great journey! It is well worth it.

Author Reply
(Login Dory505) Re: NBE does work!!!! January 8 2009, 6:27 AM

That's just great!! u gave me hope in BO again. did u check ur body temperature everytime u take BO ? and how much did u use? did u massage ur breast while taking them? i still wanna try them in the summer cause my body temp is very lowwww and now that im in winter everything is just bad and no way with bo. just switched to herbs since yesterday and im afrqaid i might gain again few pounds from herbs. pls keep us all updated with ur results. gd luck and thnx for sharing ur experiance. <3 <3 <3

dory Smile

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(no login) Re: NBE does work!!!! January 8 2009, 1:36 PM

No, I never checked my temperature, EVER. I think that maybe temperature is an issue for Bountiul Breast, which I did not want to pay for. I am taking about 1500 mg per day of BO. I do massage with a homemade lotion a few times a day. I do not do the massages for long as my arms get tired easily. I tried herbs and gained some weight on them. I am still trying to lose the weight that I gained like 9 months later!

Your Welcome, I will try to keep everyone posted on here about my results.

I hope it has helped someone, because transforming your body into what you want is truly a miracle, for me anyway.

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(no login) Re: NBE does work!!!! January 9 2009, 7:02 PM


Wow! Girl, I am just so amazed at your growth rate! I'm a PM user, but d@mn you make me wanna try BO instead lol. I really hope that I can grow that fast once Spring comes around. According to Wahaika, that's the best time to start so maybe my boobs can pick up momentum. Smile So far, I got 1/2 inch--1st month. Not as fab as yours, but it's somethin'!

Keep us updated and I'm positive you'll reach your goal soon.

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(no login) O yeah... January 9 2009, 7:20 PM

I meant to add that we were the same starting size--AA--and have the same goal of a full C cup. So I'll be rooting for ya!

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(no login) Re: NBE does work!!!! January 10 2009, 1:08 AM


Thanks for the support. I am confident you will reach your goal as I will. I think the main thing is: BELIEVING! I started out at an AAA because I have gained two cup sizes which brings me only to an A. But, I remain positive that the growth will continue.

Apparently, spring is the best time to grow. But if I am growing now, that cannot always be the case. I figure it was worth a shot. Having empty AAA's I thought I have nothing to lose. I will do a liver and kidney cleanse before spring starts, then start again. If spring brings great growth I cannot wait to see what kind of growth I will get then!

I am even amazed at my growth! At first I thought I was pregnant because it was happening too fast. Then when I got my period I was so happy because that meant that the BO was actually working.

I have read and reread many posts on BO. I am not sure why it works so well for me. But I thought that if anything BO would work the best out of herbs, suction, and PM. So mayber that had something to do with it. I remember telling my husband that I ust know this is going to work for me!

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(no login) Re: NBE does work!!!! January 10 2009, 11:12 PM

I agree with being confident in reaching your cup size goal. NBE is a program that requires faith and dedication. You certainly have the right attitude. Smile

Seriously, you were an AAA?! I fig maybe you were exaggerating a lil, lol. That's breast tissue? Wow, amazing that you shrank down to that after preg. You certainly came a long ways, even if you're still an A cup. And yes, I agree that a liver cleanse is good to do periodically. I do mine during the last week of my cycle.

As for BO working so well, I think since you were preg and breastfed your kids, you don't have virgin boobs like I do. Which is prolly why I didn't have fast growth like you. Some of the NBE veterans mentioned you're likely to have faster results after a pregnancy. Anyhow, thanx for the encouragement!

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(no login) Re: NBE does work!!!! January 11 2009, 7:08 AM

I think I have prepared myself for the long term. At least one year maybe more if I need to. I have tried and stopped many times before, but I think I found something that works for me and well with my lifestyle.

I say AAA because at 31 inches up until 33 inches is an A in the bra calculator : So I figure my sizes sre (according to the bra calculator) :

31 in= AAA
32 in= AA
33 in= A
34 in= B
35 in= C
36 in= D
37 in= DD

I always wore B bras like double stuffed ( a water bra with Jelly bra inserts). Then it looked like I was a full C. So that same bra I now fit into. I bought some C bra's they are just a bit too big.

I measure today: I am just about 34 inches! Yeah ! 1/2 inch since last week. This woud make me just about a B. This is okay but, once I get to a C then I will be more comfortable and very happy with myself. I was a full B before I got pregnant. So it almost looks like my "pre-pregnancy" breast. Just need a little more volume on top and a little bit of firmness. I am working really hard to get them "perky" again, but I am not going to be that concerned with it until it I get to a D. For right now I ust want them to be bigger!

Shyboobs, your virgin breast are way more perkier that post pregnancy breast so at least you have that advantage!

I will keep you posted on my results, as I gain.

My new goal is 37 inches, so 3 more inches to go!

I will reach my goal in 4 months. My breasts are getting bigger already, so I will continue with what i am doing now.

I may need to add exercise into the mix, I ust read that it is good for NBE. So I will do evrything I can to help the process along. Also, having a flatter tummy gives the appearance of bigger breasts.

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(no login) Re: NBE does work!!!! January 27 2009, 1:56 AM

I had lost 1/2 inch after my period finished last week. Now I have gained back that 1/2 inch and I am measuring at 34 inches. I am so happy!!!

I think I will be extremely happy once I get to a full C. Which is only 1 inch away. I started out at 31 inches so 3 inches in 2 months is still pretty good to me. I have just started my third bottle.

I took a break (unwillingly) because I had to move. It took me and my husband 3 full days of moving and more days to pack and unpack. So I had stopped for about a week. I did not seem to lose anything except for the monthly swelling around my period.

It seems I gain 2 inches each month and lose 1/2 an inch each month, for a net gain of 1 1/2 inches each month. Which makes sense since I have gained 3 inches in 2 months.

I had planned to take BO for 1 year, but I will finish my 6 months supply and then see where I am. I am still aiming for a DD cup, which is only 3 more inches. I am confident that I will achieve this.

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(no login) Re: NBE does work!!!! January 27 2009, 7:29 PM

Hey. Thanx for the update. It has to be annoying that your period keeps robbing 1/2 an inch from your boobies. But the good thing is that you always gain it back a week later. DD boobs now? Used to be...D's lol. I take back what I said about us having the same goal. XD I wasn't entirely sure about overbust measurements. Fig 36" was a full C. Oops.

If you were curious at all, I had switched PM brands (for convenience) and ever since, I noticed I get more signs of growth. Plus my itty-bitties (lol) are getting fuller alot faster than they were before. And I only been using the new brand for a few days now. So I'm getting excited. Yay! ^.^

Well at the rate you're goin, I'm pretty sure your goal will be accomplished before you're finished the last bottle! Keep updating.

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(no login) Re: NBE does work!!!! January 27 2009, 8:39 PM


I am not too worried about losing 1/2 an inch after my period because I am gaining at a very fast pace and I always gain the 1/2 an inch back. I am hoping that as I become more consistent with taking the BO, I will see better results. I have not been very consistent for the last 2 weeks.

34 inches is the most I have been on any program (and I have tried many!). I was hoping for a D but that is only 2 inches away which seems very achievable to me. I only chose a D as a goal because I thought a DD would be too far fetched. Now it does not seem far fetched but a reality. I was just hoping to go as big as possible! I have had DD's before but only when I was pregnant. They did not seem that big to me, I guess because they were natural. I think I imagine DD's to look like Pam Anderson's implants. But implants are much bigger I think than natural breasts. I am so used to seeing implants that I do not even know what a natural DD will look like!

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(no login) What brand of BO? February 4 2009, 4:27 AM

Congratulations! Can you tell us what brand and type of BO your using, and where you bought it. Thanks!

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(Login chelseyjw) Re: NBE does work!!!! February 9 2009, 4:28 PM

Yes Please! I would like to Know also... i've been taking 2 Breast Actives, 2 fenagreek, and 2 red clover in the morning and also 2 fenagreek, 2 red clover at lunch and night. Not really doing it for me...

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(no login) wow... March 6 2009, 8:11 PM

I've been considering BO for a while now... and after reading your post, I think I'm really gonna buy it? Did you purchase BO off of their website?? And do you have before and after photos?

(no login) BB works for me! March 29 2009, 3:04 AM


It is so inspiring to know that BO is working for someone else and that you are getting such great results with it! I started taking BB on Jan 9, 2009. I must have been worse off than you Smartandsexy, because I measured at 30 inches. Which makes me an AAAA. NO KIDDING! Before pregnancy I was a perky B cup and now this is what I'd become Sad Anyway, the first month of taking BB, I grew 1/2 inch. The Second month, nothing. I was getting discouraged. Plus I was on Royal Jelly, Eve.Prim, Flax oil. I could not digest protien shakes, I'd puke everytime. Ugh! (not because I didn't like them,my body just rejected it) OK, so I found some Predigested protien liquid at the vitamin shop with all the Amino acids and BCAA included. I started taking it day and night, and now moving into my third month, I am feeling aches and feeling fullness once again. I also take an "extra dose" of Female Caps that has glandulars and herbs essential to breast growth in them. I think they are what is making the big difference. I hope that I see much more growth from now on.
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