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Hey Everyone!!!!!!


Hello everyone!!!!! I hope everyone's booby journies are going well!!!! I have been through a lot,and I have so missed being here and doing my NBE. Some of you will know who I am,some of you won't,but you will get familiar with me. I had been injured at work and I thought I was going to lose my mind! I have been diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis. It is a chronic arthritis of the spine and inflammation,while being an auto-immune disorder at the same time. It could affect the hips,back,eyes,lungs,heart,and kidneys. I do have problems with my hips,back,neck,and ankles right now. I also have a reverse curvature to my neck. People with AS can get really stooped and bent over or very stiff. The reason being is because of the inflammation going on. The body naturally tries to heal itself,therefore,the spine could actually fuse itself together. I cried and cried when diagnosed. Partly because of relief......I'm not crazy!!!! and because they figured out what all was going on,so that means I have started treatment and will be undergoing back injections. I am on arthritis medication,and of course,still the pain killers. I also cried cause I am scared. I have seen pics of what this can do,but I refuse to fuse!!!!!! This is not a death sentence,it is a cross I have to bare just like everyone else. Thing is I can attack it now,knowing what it is. Just got diagnosed last month. I left the work comp game and got my own doctor. She is wonderful,even helping DH with his gout and he has had blood work and xrays,as she believes he has more than gout going on. I also have nerve damage to my lower right leg and foot below the knee and they are pretty sure there is a nerve thng going on from my neck affecting my right shoulder and arm.
So......please don't be mad,as I did not go through it,but I made a $3000 dollar down payment on breast implants. Pulled all my money out Monday,as deep down I knew I could never go through it,especially not now with this auto immune disorder and all the pain I have. I ordered a system very very similar to the noogleberry,and it is on it's way. Looking back,I felt a lot better when I was on my NBE program. I guess the supplements that I was taking was not only great for boobie growth,but overall health for my immune system as well. I have kept some permanent growth. I am measured at a 32C,although I buy 32B's cause I like my bras on the tighter and plunging side and that really pushes them up. My original goal was a 34C,but heck,I am going boobie greed all the way and my aim is 34D-DD!!!!! I know I can do it. I will be using my old program,like it was at the end,along with pumping,as that really made me grow. Of course,massage and heat as well. I used a cheap pump and broke it in 2 months flat!! HA! Love you guys and let's do ths thang!!!!!!!

Today has been a rough day. Feet swollen and pain is at high level today.My neck is hurting and it's hard to even hold it up. Not much mobilty either and the stupid consitpation.......GRRRR.

I did drink my bustea and took my morning round of herbs and supplements. Already itching on my boobs. Glad I'm a fast responder and I can't wait til everything kicks in so I can feel better and have more energy. Too lazy to make my protein shake. I am going to rest and make sure I do my massage followed with heat tonight. pics are on the old site if anyone wants to see. I am going to take pics tonight when I take my bath to start charting my progress.I also ordered some supplements and natural cocoa butter with vitamin E from Puritan's Pride today and they are on the way. I am adding EPO to my routine too,as it's good for boobie growth and immune system because of the GLA's. Also helps to reduce inflammation and AS is in rhuematoid arthirtis group.

Hey Mel C,

What is your NBE regimen. I have been experimenting alot. I decided to stop PM and do indiviual herbs and teas, kinda like Eve M. I want to soon make the chicken broth with the feet, I made it with a whole chicken but of course no feet or head know the kind..technically not a whole chickenTongue anyway doing other things too..well soon update my program thread.. but was curious of what your doing..Thank you.. sorry for rambling.Blush

Hello BeachBumb (I like that btw)~~~~~

You ramble?....... No. Take a look at my above posts and search my other posts and go to the old site. I'm a rambler...

I do not mind sharing at all. That's what we're here for. I do have EPO on the way. I want to take that not only for BE,but it also helps with arthritis and inflammation too. That was the whole point of me getting back on the train.....growth and better physical health. I am on a NSAID (Lodeine) for my AS but they are rough on stomach,and I want to take the lowest ammount possible.

Here is my routine ..... It does contain PM,but you can omit that dear. The other things work wonders too.

(2) 500 mg vit c tabs with roeships
(1) prenatal vitamin (not preggo just very good for women)
(2) 180 mg papaya extraxt soft chew tablets (also good for back pain and sinus)
(1) Cayenne Fruit capsule (great for circulation and warming)
(1) 160 mg Saw Palmetto standarized extract gel soft capsule
(1) MSM w/ glucosimine chond. 500 mg
(1) 500 mg PM cap

Protein Shake

(2) 500 mg Vit c with rosehips
(2) 180 mg papaya extract soft chew tabs
(1) Cayenne fruit cap
(1) MSM w/ glucosomine chond. 500 mg
(1) 1000 mg Biotin Cap

1 cup Bustea (if you need recipe,please let me know)
30 min. session pumping

Thanks for asking and please let me know if you need any additional info. I'm fixing to haed to church,but I will be back soon.

The chicken is funny lol Big Grin. I used to drink the buillion cubes for that. Don't know if it was a s good,but did get some tingles. Great in winter too. Let me know how the chicken goes for you

Also will be ramping up on PM and SP in 2-3 weeks. I will be going up gradually in pumping,as I am a fast responder. Actually couldn't even do it last night------too sore and tender,not overpumping either. I need to get on desk top and load the pic of my pump for Anastasia. I need to research on the EPO for my size and weight. Prolly higher dose of that,as taking it for my AS as well. I'm an AS Rolleyes

Hi Mel C,

Hi..sorry to about your AS. A few years ago they thought I had lupus, the doc wanted me to go to a rhreumatologist and I refused, I said I will cure myself, well I changed my whole eating and took herbs, supps. and did a bunch of other things, all my symptoms went away the only one that lingered longest was a rash around my mouth then that finally went away, but it came back but not as bad and changed everything again and now it is gone again.. When I went back to my doc he did the immune tests (all of them) and they came back 90% improvement, that was about a year or so after my change in regimen. Now all my blood work is normal..oh yeah I also had a hypothyroid, that is normal too.. so my point is watch what you eat and taking herbs and supps. will work.. Girl my joints for an example in my hands were so bad I had a hard time holding anything, such pain, and my skin on my hands was so tight I couldnt bare it, cracking.. as for the face I had swelling around my eyes, and mouth and the skin was tight and peeling.. my back pain was just as bad.. I can say now I feel pretty dam good. I started taking tumeric and that helps, makes me feel good. Anyway, keep up with what your doing.. if you want to know more of what I did just ask, if I can rememeber most. FYI, try and keep sugar way way way down..and simple carbs.. wow I wrote alot..well felt like I needed to share this with you. oh even then I had acne since 21 years old and when I did the change it cleared...then when I went back to junk and old habbits it came back, still get some acne but soooooo sooooo much better, I found out also it was hormonal related and I think the other problems were too..

It is good that you start out simple like you have done with your regimen..tip on ramping go slow.. I went gun ho and I was miserable. ok done for nowBig Grin

Oh thanks for sharing. I joined eve's old breast nexus forum back in Feb 2008. I had my 1st injury @ work in company vehicle in June 2006. Lady ran stop sgn and tboned me real good then hit the sidewalk. I had whiplash and blunt head trauma. I went back to work in 3 mos. and got off the pain meds. 2nd injury was June 2009. not car wreck,but helping developmentally dsabled girl from falling out of van and had to get her back up. Of course we were short staffed,and she was not lttle ether, Bout 170 lbs. Bout my heighth,but way heavier,but i had to help,not just because it was my job either cause it's the right thing to do. She ambulated by walker and had leg brace.Nuerologist had told me I would be fine if I made it past 5 years. he said if I hurt myself from neck down again before that,I would know it. He was right,but that wasn't in my mind. I mean,these people go through enough in their lifetime as it is. I couldn't just say let her fall,anyway,if it had been in my mind. I'm just not made that way,and most people aren't,but some people are.
I did feel better when I was on my program. I really did. Thank God the implant thing didn't work out. just got so tired of 3 different bra sizes in my drawer at all times.It was soooooo frustrating,and quite honestly, was gonna take the lazy way out. No way with this immune thing could I have healed right,and just to have them in me......uggghhh.
I am so glad you are better. YAY for you. They were suspecting lupus with me as well,but it was the AS. She knew I had arthritis,as she could see it from 2009 MRI. She said after the accident I should have had thorough follow up every 6 months due to whiplash and blunt head trauma. She said that I had the gene,but people that have the gene don't always develop it,but she strongly believes it triggered it,then my 2nd injury did me in. She said you don't get a reverse curvature to your neck overnight,it takes time. She said it's been doing it every since then. she was so flabbergasted at the treatment I got nfrom work comp,but not surprised. My nuerosurgeon saw it on mri but insisted I was born with it,yet it wasn't there in 2006 mri right after the wreck. Bleh......just another pain in the butt if ya ask me.
Thank you for sharing and I will looki nto tumeric,and I promise easy on the herbs. Take care and I am so glad to be back on the forum.

Wow you been through alot girl.. you have a curvature of the spine, I too..I think that is why I have neck and back pain. yes I would have done the same thing in catching that person from falling.. work or not.. I read about AS and it was not much to how to get it mostly genes and mostly males..maybe if you were male it would be worst off..double wammy.. How are the herbs and supps helping your symtoms so far.. Does every joint hurt..I bet you cant sit at a computer too long.. if I were you I would have a laptop..I like winter but the cold makes the pain too? I would think..hey keep posting on your AS symptoms too..would like to know if what your eating and taking is helping or not..haha just notice the both of us are chatter boxesBig Grin hey get me in person and I dont say much..go figure.Blush Well best to your growing and healing.. glad you decided to go natural again.. me too thought about implants..but willing to keep trying naturally..Shy later

(07-11-2011, 01:35)beachbumbythesea Wrote:  Wow you been through alot girl.. you have a curvature of the spine, I too..I think that is why I have neck and back pain. yes I would have done the same thing in catching that person from falling.. work or not.. I read about AS and it was not much to how to get it mostly genes and mostly males..maybe if you were male it would be worst off..double wammy.. How are the herbs and supps helping your symtoms so far.. Does every joint hurt..I bet you cant sit at a computer too long.. if I were you I would have a laptop..I like winter but the cold makes the pain too? I would think..hey keep posting on your AS symptoms too..would like to know if what your eating and taking is helping or not..haha just notice the both of us are chatter boxesBig Grin hey get me in person and I dont say much..go figure.Blush Well best to your growing and healing.. glad you decided to go natural again.. me too thought about implants..but willing to keep trying naturally..Shy later

Well you are a sweetie,as most people on this site. The jerks don't stay lonh LOL. It's all good......neede the adult nteracton. My hubby is great,but.....he doesn't understand female things. I don't expect him to,just as long as he's empathetic.....
Yep no wonder you have back and neck pain. The back and hip pain hurt,but it's tolerable. Now,when it hits both hips,which is not often,OMG....and I have a high pain tolerance.The neck days though,......I struggle to get my daughter to school cause I have to lay down or keep my neck reclined,leaned back on something,like in the recliner. It feels like my head is a bowling ball about to roll off my way to explain,and I have a migraine from the base of my neck all the way up and over to my forehead.
Yes,glad I am not male,as they tend to get it more,and they have more severe cases,yet,they only recently started really screening women for it.However, I am on an AS group on FB,and one lady was diagnosed about 30-40 years ago. She had had surgery for the weird curves in her in her 20's, yet she wasn't diagnosed and she kept stooping more and more.....finally diagnosed. She eventually stooped so bad,her stomach and colon had slid into her rib cage and was pushing up against her lungs,so more surgery.
I am so thankful I stuck to my guns,got out of the work comp rat race game. I know bad apples ruin it for a lot,but I would tell the doctors please figure out what is going on so I can get back in the work game. I'm not malingering. I knew it had to be more than just back pain,or a protruding disc. They let that go so long it turned into nerve damage.
My doctor caught it in the early stages.
I don't want pity,just want to be an advocate for it. I am insisiting on all my kids being screened for the gene. My oldest son has early stage scoliosis. I just want awareness and understanding is all. April is national AS month.
I am on my daughter's laptop,as my hard drive in mine is out,and I have a droid phone. Sitting is most times easier than standing. Just have to watch my neck level and posture. On my lay down days,got my phone lol.
The herbs and supplements are giving me some energy back,so I know it will keep getting better. Vit C.....forgot how good it was. Just got to the depressed stage and some days the pain would overtake,and yes,the cold months take me time to adjust,as they make me stiff. It's fall here,and this has been a cold,rainy week. Wet and cold hurts worse. I forgot how much focus I used to put on my NBE,so it will help again. t's not a death sentence,just something I have to face. I am blessed with great family that empathize,but still treat me as the little drama queen,larger than life sis that I am. I was actually relieved when I got diagnosed. I can deal with the chronic pain and the pain from the arthritis,and I am learning the signs and what makes me flare with the auto immune. The flares is what is soooo bad. They kick my butt. I have to remember that my auto immune system still fights,but once kicked in overdrive,it not only attacks the inavading force,but also my whole body. I think that is key......just relearning my immune system and to guard it.
Thank you for letting me rant. I am going to put you on my buddy list hon. You have an awesome heart. When you have your pain,please PM or email me. We can keep each other motivated and encouraged,and just vent. Keepng you in my prayers. mayne one day I can come visit you and be a beach bum by the sea. take care and I will keep you posted,and please keep me posted. God bless.

P.S~~~~~ My daughter has worn out her I and i button on her computer,gotta get some glue for it....LOL,so if my words get a little wonky,that's why.


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