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Long time hops & FG user

um... sorry to bother you again Sad

I'm trying to gather some herbs after reading up on couple posts
and wasn't sure what would be the reliable source.
do you have any recommendation for where to buy them?

I'm looking for
Funnel Seed tea

So far I've purchased PM from Natures answers to use them with pump.

Best regards,


Hi Jean,

My hops is from an herb shop:
It depends on where you live. If I search "Montreal herbal", shows a map with seven herb shops. Try it for your location.

I make the fennel tea from powdered fennel seeds. The powdered fennel seeds and the powdered fenugreek seeds, I buy at
It's a chain of oriental supermarkets. I go to their location at Beverwijk, where they wholesale for Chinese and Indian restaurants. The 250 g bags of these herbs are only an euro there. There must be oriental supermarkets or shops where you live.

Goodmorning Isabelle,

Well hops doesnt make me sleepy at all except for the first time taking, is this normal? Today I am going to not take maca, I am going to start with hops first cause thinking I have high progestrone..I started my period yesterday, I thinkBlush it was some spotting so not sure anyway it is due now so it is on time, very on time.. I want to take hops this morning and see what happens. I am up to approx. 1500-2000mgs. If GR and FG make progesterone high then I will leave them out for today..what do you think..I am still a little confused with GR and FG, I know they focous on milk production and FG some how effects estro. but if it ups progest. then I want to either keep it very low how much not sure.. as for GR that one is more confusing to me..I know hops is estrogen effectBig Grin and some anti-androgen in tea is important to have a high protein and good fat food intake, well not crazy high but you know what I mean cause I read that alot when I google natural ways to enhance breast enlargement, I do that to see if there are other things I missed. I have read prolactin could decrease estrogen so doesnt GR and FG do this as well as fennel..and prolactin is produced from progesterone? I know exercise, sex, stress can make prolactin oh yeah the cold too.. Ok I think I am done thinking too much again about this..Big Grin haha just thought of someting..should I just take maca and hops only today, and see what happens of just hops..ok I got this gut feeling but going to see what you think if you happen to read this before noon..I was thinking taking just 500mgs of maca and take hops like I was yesterday..I split the dose of hops took some early morning, early afternoon, and at night..

Hi Susan,

I take 2,500 mg hops in one go. That makes me sleepy.

GR ups prolactin.
FG ups prolactin and progesterone.
FG ups estrogens a little.

Hi Isabelle,

Thank you for repeating yourself again about what herbs do, so sorry..

Ok this maybe a challenging question for you: Ok I read that Saw Palmetto blocks/inhibits both 5-alpha reductase 1 and 2.. what androgen does hops effect, I am thinking not the 5-alpha reductase 1 this is the one I want to inhibit some, I am determined to get rid of chin hairs, so far they are a little less, not sure what if codliver oil effects that it is helping the acne though the codliver oil. going to take my hops soon lets see if I get sleepyBlush I will let you know..going to be takin the whole amount did have any yet today..cleaned like a crazy women and have my period with some much better this month..thank you for start your thread..Wink

Haha update..yes it does like you said the extract..I just wanted to make sure it was the 5-alpha reductase 1 and this article I will post very good one said it is awesome for hair growth (I hope they mean on the head)...Isabelle after reading this article will skimmed and only half way hops is awesome for the body..and it is very similar to crazy ex grow weed at one time not when were together but he explained the WHOLE procedure and discribed the plant itself there is a male plant and a female one and I think the female one is where you get the weed the male is only good durning the making I think..haha kinda sounds like humans..just kinding men are awesome well the ones that you can get along with same goes for women, actually I dont get along that well with women, talk too much..kinda like how I sound right now.. ok hops is starting to work it miracles..cramps are better, getting sleepy just enough to keep typing but going to stop in a few secs... ok going to for a cig and going to bed...night and goodmorning...later..sweet dreams.. oops the hops link:

Thank you for your help! Big Grin

You're welcome, Jean.

And good morning, Susan,

Thank you for the research file. I found the entry about hair, and it's the first time I read hops helps against hair loss, and accelerates regrowth. My experience with hops and minoxidil together is good too, but it's good to know I'm not the only one.

I don't know for sure if hops inhibits 5α-reductase type 1 or type 2, but I think it's type 1. Type 1 causes acne:
Hops helps against acne, so it must inhibit type 1. Type 2 is active in the prostate, and I never read hops is particularly effective in prostate health.

Goodmorning Isabelle well come to think of it its more like Good afternoon for youBig Grin

Well girl hops is staying in my program of life, NBE or not cause my it helped my cramps, bloating, feeling pretty good today with period and all, I have slight headache but not bad at all, going to take FG so just one to start with.. yesterday I took 1 maca, then about 1500mg hops before bed..I am having feeling ever so slight in the titas but consistant, in the middle of the night I woke up to pee and felt like my nips were going to burstBig Grin then it subsided..anyway today I so far took 1 maca, now drinking alfalfa, then in a while going to take 500mgs of FG see how I feel overall and titas, then decide to just do hops or take more FG, I was wondering if I split my dose of hops making a tea midday then the rest at night would, what the wondering part was is the estrogen still in the tea but only lower then eating it..cause I was thinking if you say you have been eating hops you dont have any pimples so it must still have antiandrogen effect, just tea is stronger and does the tea still have estrogen effect, cause I was thinking to get the chin hair to stop, so far not bad, do half tea half eat, plus if tea is less estrogenic that would help if I become estrogen dom. but still getting the hops benefits too by doing both way, cause it is good both ways for alot of dif. reasons that would help me I believe.. ok done for nowBig Grin Hops rocks..haha that has a nice sound to it..say out loudTongue

Yes Susan,

I'm so happy this works out for you. Hops tea every now and then would help me too: I have no pimples, but I seem to lose more hair. Eve M used hops both with yogurt and as tea.

I read some literature it helps with cramps too. Some herb Smile

Hello Isabelle,

Just want to say thank you for posting your FG/Hops routine. I stopped PM on cycle 5 to rest, but never got to break since I immediatley jumped onto your same GR tea in the morning, 2.5gFG lunch, and 2.5 g Hops before I go to bed.

This combo is giving me incredible swelling and growth in such a short period of time. I stopped taking MSM/vitramins, and stopped drinking chicken feet broth and I still grow. It can be that I'm still in the luteal phase right now, but I never had this much fast growth since I started NBE 12/9/10.

Right after a stop from pm, I deflated down so fast, but when I started taking your modified routine, I went back up as fast as I went down. As effective as this new program is for me, I find I'm gaining/retaining weight. This is the same symptom I had when, foolish me, I stacked up on Eve M program on top of Greenbush Kit#2. Usually, eating dinner before 6:00 p.m. would put me back gradually right down to my usual weight.

Is the time in taking the herbs crucial? I usually turn in after midnight after helping with my son with his homework (yikes, Latin translations take sooooooo long), and I don't get to take the hops right after. Is taking the hops late at night contributes to the weight gain the morning after? I hate to give up this routine because I wake up with heavy/swollen breasts from hops.

Or I'm thinking I have to lower my hops intake because 2.5g FG + 2.5 g Hops is causing estrogen dominance, but is very effective dose for growth. I can live with the weight gain since I love love the booby growth(129 lb (from 122-124 lb), 5'5 1/2 ft)), but this is the heaviest I got except on my way up and down pregnancy.

Don't know what to do...

I appreciate any input from you, Isabelle. Thanks so much.



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