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Long time hops & FG user

Good morning Soonenough, and thank you: I really feel appreciated Smile

The time is not crucial in taking the herbs. I arranged them like that so the side effects fit better with the structure of my day. My reason for taking hops before bed time was that it makes me sleepy within an hour. If I use it at noon, a nap works too: the effect doesn't last long. Susan took hops in three doses during the day last week. It didn't make her sleepy. Now she's taking the full dose before bed time, and it does.

Taking the hops late at night may contribute to the weight gain the morning after, depending on your diet. Eve M took hops together with the fenugreek, wich is hypoglycemic, in the morning, so all the carbs she ate with it were turned into energy and used during the day.

By experimenting, I got hops to 2,500 mg and fenugreek to 2,300 mg, which is what Wahaika advises: hops equal to or a little higher than fenugreek. For better swelling, I just add goat's rue. I became estrogen dominant only once, when I increased maca just after decreasing fenugreek. I increased fenugreek above hops (doubled it), and the estrogen dominance symptoms were gone within a day. I kept taking the high fenugreek dose for a week. After that, estrogen dominance never returned. I do keep powdered fennel seed handy, just in case I might want some fennel tea.

Happy growing Smile

Goodmorning Isabelle,

Wow is it just me or what but since I switched to Eve M' program and yours that more members are doing the same or is it that I am just noticing it moreBig Grin You know when you lets say get a new car then all of a sudden you see alot of people driving the same car even colorTongue Ok anyway..had my next (the second day of period headache) headache yesterday..first day is cramps no headache, second day headache cramps done first thing in morning.. along with the headache on the second day only I get very heavy bleeding, then day three which is today lighter bleeding and some body aches and some foggy head crapDodgy Well the headache sucked as usual next time I am going to take something (aleeve, etc) first thing even that was somewhat helpful but still some pain but not bad..well I drank turmeric tea before bed and and it helped alot so keeping turmeric in for alot of reasons helps my joints alot too, they were bad yesterday too and it helped that alot too..anyway before the turmeric I drank FG, FN, hops tea equal amounts..didnt help much..didnt take my hops before bed afraid it would make my headache worse and give my receptors and body a rest.. anyway doing better today..

I was wondering what you think.. I took 1 maca then wait a hour or so, thinking of taking 1 turmeric, 1 FG., then midday take GR, then at night take hops, that way I have estrogen in the morning and at night, also I will take low doses and say if for some reason I may need maca cause the others made me tired or bitchyBlush but no maca after 2pm the latest or even earlier then that..still experimenting..oh my thought on alfalfa, barley grass, and FN would just use them starting mid cycle and now as need just to see if it help if I need leveling out cause when I take alfalfa or barley grass it helps with the headaches most of the time, as for FN I would probably use just like you say near the end...question though how come Wahaika recommends FN tea everyday for most I guess using these herbs, it makes more sense to use mostly near the end of 2nd cycle...One more thing I was thinking of using topical niacin for my tita lotion to help circulation ......ok I am so done for now rambling sorry Isabelle..Sad

Good afternoon Susan,

As usual, you were the first, but yes, quite a few women are starting Eve M's program now. Two weeks ago, it was still all PM.

Thank you for explaining day by day how a period feels. The headache and the foggy thinking make me think estrogen dominance. Since progesterone is naturally zero during the period, estrogen dominance is an inevitable consequence. An herb that contains phyto-progestins like turmeric should help, yes, but I'm surprised it takes such a strong one.

Cortisol is made from progesterone, so zero progesterone may cause low cortisol. Since cortisol suppresses inflammation, the body aches and joint pains may be caused by the hormone levels too. Maybe fennel or fenugreek without the hops would help too. Hops is more for day 1, to soothe cramps.

Eve M used fennel through the whole cycle, but with 1,800 mg hops and 1,800 mg fenugreek, she was only taking 400 mg fennel. That prevents progesterone dominance. Most of the herbs that are used towards the end of the cycle are phyto-progestins, so it would make sense to use fennel that way, yes.

Topical niacin may cause a flush too: a mild allergic reaction. But it will certainly help circulation: they will be all red Big Grin

(22-11-2011, 16:35)Isabelle Wrote:  Good afternoon Susan,

As usual, you were the first, but yes, quite a few women are starting Eve M's program now. Two weeks ago, it was still all PM.

Hey Isabelle...Ok it wasnt my imagination sp?Tongue haha

Thank you for explaining day by day how a period feels. The headache and the foggy thinking make me think estrogen dominance. Since progesterone is naturally zero during the period, estrogen dominance is an inevitable consequence. An herb that contains phyto-progestins like turmeric should help, yes, but I'm surprised it takes such a strong one.

Yes this makes alot of sense as usaulBlushBig Grin I think because the turmeric is helpful strong wise that it may have help the estrogen dominance but balanced out the progesterone cause I think I was high in that especially the day my period started or it was maca cause I was cleaning like a mad should have seen how dam clean my dads bathroom came out and you should have seen it before I dad was dumb found of how clean it was..haha being in the dental field makes you very anal about clean too..anyway I over did it too and was exhausted but not really bad..

Cortisol is made from progesterone, so zero progesterone may cause low cortisol. Since cortisol suppresses inflammation, the body aches and joint pains may be caused by the hormone levels too. Maybe fennel or fenugreek without the hops would help too. Hops is more for day 1, to soothe cramps. from what you wrote here leads me to believe after the cleaning crazy my cortisol was just about depeleted I am guessing and hence estrogen dom. plus taking the hops at night made it go up but it did help the crampsDodgyHuh As for FG and FN when I take them they make me feel sometimes worse not sure..FG is weird with me, I think like you mentioned Eve taking with food is the best way for me..

Eve M used fennel through the whole cycle, but with 1,800 mg hops and 1,800 mg fenugreek, she was only taking 400 mg fennel. That prevents progesterone dominance. Most of the herbs that are used towards the end of the cycle are phyto-progestins, so it would make sense to use fennel that way, yes.

Yes I was going by what you have mentioned a few times to others too..I wonder if I am before my period high testoserone and progesterone..I have to see how hops will do next first half of my I will be experimenting with the dose still I think it is harder for older women to keep the same amount throught the whole cycle or its a matter of knowing the right amount ratio to take throught the whole cycle without taking away and adding all the time but IMO I think it is needed for anyone the keep adjusting the herbs due to them changing everyday because of everyday life...especially stress and IMO having the same amount the whole cycle isnt a good you do go by symptoms..

Topical niacin may cause a flush too: a mild allergic reaction. But it will certainly help circulation: they will be all red Big Grin

I use to take it along time ago the kind that makes you flush...wicked weird..I rather not take it by mouth ..only if it is mixed without b's even though it doesnt store in the body so using it topically would just assist things along I hope..not sure if it is easy to find at the store in person.Blush ok took 1 turmeric 300mgs (last night I drank about 1000 mgs) but I dont want to over load and see how it goes, now FG hmmm guess it is time to eat somethingBig Grin


Sounds like I need to add some hops in again! I'm still doing the
FG (1,000)/WY(1,000)/SP(2,000), but I ran out of goat's rue.
I'm more confused then ever now about FG, I thought that is what was causing estrogen dominance symptoms? If not, then what in the FG/WY/SP program causes estrogen dominance?Huh

Hi Susan and chiquitabella,

Fenugreek is really an herb to take in low doses, because it increases both prolactin (cleaning campaigns) and progesterone. The progesterone balances the estrogens, so it helps against estrogen dominance.

Fenugreek increases estrogens only a little. In an FG/WY/SP program, WY blocks the metabolism of estrone to 16α-hydroxyestrone, so you keep more estrogens because they are broken down slower. SP blocks testosterone from becoming dihydrotestosterone, so all the testosterone becomes estrogens. So even though none of the three herbs is really a phyto-estrogen, all three contribute to higher estrogen levels.

Hi Isabelle,

Well I am having a slow computer day and getting irrated from it..anyway funny how you mentioned SP cause I was thinking of replacing it with maca or using them together at very low doses, cause I think maca is giving to much testoserone and if this is possible to have to much DHEA cant remember if that is related to cortisol if so the yes it could mess it up..anyway I think maca is making too much DHT and I maybe a pcos not sure if I wrote that right but if I had endometriosis and cycts on my ovaries then Yeah..but didnt get the chin hairs til after 41 yrs old but had the hypothyroidism from 21 to 44 yrs old..I was taking that in the beginning with FG and not bad together but would it be ok with hops in the picture too..

Hi Susan,

I take maca with hops all the time. I don't use SP: the anti-androgen in hops is enough for me.

Hi Isabelle,

I mean it would be ok with SP and hops ..right..maybe in my case I need all the anti-androgen helpBlush I think I have higher androgens then youTongue (testoserone) anyway.. you should know me by now I took a SP a few mins agoDodgy bad student I am the rebel I am..haha..always like that ask but do it my wayBlush anyway..before I took the SP..get this I put about 500mgs of hops in my coffeeTongue and I feel pretty dam good not tired not hiper..but wait til the SP kicks inDodgy but I am due for my GR tea that for some reason reacts like FG but different and it makes me I dont know, went blankDodgy I will let you know tomorrow though or later but you will be sleeping by then.. Oh yeah you mentioned to soonenough I think that hops may put weight on, get this every morning I feel like my stomach is flatHuh so I like what hops is doing.. the thing I was just wondering about with SP and hops is SP suppose to be high in fat but is it go cause they say it may up cholestorel sp? or was I wrong but not worried about that unless hops ups cholest. too which I dont think so, but we have FG and GR to control that and other herbs..right..


Good Morning Isabelle,

I have a question, can you tranlate this for me.. this is side effects fo Horsetail..I want to know if the herbs I take interact with it.. it sounds like horsetail may effect the adrenal glands some how...and it also says it helps regulate period bleeding so to me that has to have an effect on hormones? right? I will copy and paste the side effects but if you can read the link about horsetail and give me an overall picture of it.. I do plan on keep taking it but want to make sure I dont mess my vit. and mineral balance either and if it effects sounds like it has good nutrients.. It took a while to find something on it in this much detail if you have better data plus post a link for me, I wanted to know what kind of nutrients it has..Thank you..ok posting link and paragraph:

The herb horsetail is not without its side effects. These include electrolyte imbalance, deficiency of thiamine- if used over a long period or if too much alcohol is consumed while on Horsetail supplements, topical application may cause skin problems, it might produce nicotine toxicity like symptoms such as nausea, muscle weakness, fever, abnormal pulse rate. The herb’s diuretic effect causes loss of potassium, which in turn might increase digitalis toxicity. If horsetail is used with Benzodiazepines, Disulfiram, or Metronidazole, it may cause a disulfiram-like reaction. Use of horsetail in conjunction with other medicines, which lead to depletion of potassium such as Corticosteroids, diuretics, and laxative stimulants, increases the risk of Hypokalemia. Excessive use of licorice with horsetail should be avoided as this combination may lead to cardiac toxicity and also loss of potassium.

Those who should keep away from horsetail include expecting or nursing women, people with a weak heart, people prone to thiamine deficiency such as those who consume excessive alcohol and those who are taking potassium wasting diuretic, a cardiac glycoside (Lanoxin), a corticosteroid, or licorice. It must be kept in mind that sometimes the liquid extract contains 25% alcohol and hence shouldn't be used with Disulfiram, Metronidazole, and Benzodiazepines.

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