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Long time hops & FG user

Hi Nila,

Do shop around. The prices I saw on the web are high. I got two of those mugs for € 5 in a Chinese 1€-shop, and around the corner in a Chinese supermarket, they cost twice that price.

The nice thing about the Barnes and Noble mug is the very fine steel strainer: it may hold the powder better Smile

Thanks again, Isabelle Wink

You're welcome, Nila,

I just used up another bag of fenugreek this afternoon. I'll start a new one tomorrow. When I calculated my dose on November 3rd,
I already wrote I thought I had used two bags since July 19th. I couldn't find the post of September 12th about opening a new bag:

So here are my corrected doses:
2011-12-19 250 g in 27+19=46 days is 5,400 mg a day.
2011-11-03 250 g in 19+31+3=53 days is 4,700 mg a day.
2011-09-12 250 g in 13+31+11=55 days is 4,500 mg a day.
2011-07-19 started fenugreek

That's a lot: 5,400 mg. I won't start lowering it, though. As long as I grow, it's not too much, and it's my cheapest herb: € 0.95 for 250 g Smile

you were right about maca isabelle! i used to have breakouts, and when i took maca, within 1 day, i would get bad cystic acne!! i tried again and again and the same thing would happen. almost threw out my bag of maca. but now, since i've been mostly acne free for months, i started taking maca again. it's been 10 days on maca and no zits! yay.

i have no idea how much in terms of mg i am taking though since my bag doesn't specify. do you have a rough estimate of how many mg of grounded maca powder is in a teaspoon?

thanks again isabelle! Big Grin

You're welcome, lled,

Happy it worked for you too. I still don't really understand how it works, but it appears to accelerate all symptoms the way they were going before maca, yes.

I always take 1 teaspoon, and these are my doses:
2011-12-09 300 g in 75 days = 4,000 mg.
2011-09-23 290 g in 58 days = 5,000 mg.

The 5,000 mg is a heaped teaspoon. The 4,000 mg is if I shake it side to side a little, so it becomes more of a hill than of a mountain.

Hi Isabelle,

do you incorporate any massage in your routine?

Hi Nila,

Not routinely, no. Only if my breasts hurt or feel numb from the swelling. It's more squeezing than rotations. Usually I massage for less than five minutes: enough to spread the hormones out more evenly.

OK, thanks.

I'll check a few natural products stores to see if I can find this:

An oil from hops will probably make me less sleepy. Maybe it's less depressing too Smile

Since I found out my fenugreek dose is twice as much as I thought, I'm worried about doses in my program:

a.m. maca 4,000 mg,
noon fenugreek 5,400 mg,
p.m. hops 2,400 mg, flax seed 3,000 mg, and oat flakes 3,000 mg.

goat's rue 4,500 mg.

dry, through shirt.

p.m. multivitamin.

Depression from hops worries me most. Of the six years on hops, three were on fluoxetine too. I was reading about Friedrich Nietzsche today: after the relationship with Lou Salome, he got depressed, used opium, became psychotic 7 years later, and never recovered. Don't want to go there.

And then hops is the lowest dose of all. The doses of flax, oats, and maca are already more moderate than two weeks ago. Goat's rue and fenugreek are next. I had only one cup of 1,500 mg goat's rue yesterday and today.

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