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My Saliva Hormone Test Results...


I wanted to ask if someone knows what my results mean...I have no idea what they mean exept that some of the hormones are high.
My results are:

* Estradiol 7.4 (High) the range should be between 1.3 - 3.3 (Luteal) -
my Estradiol is really high!!!! OMG!!!! It's more than double!!!
I really don't know what I should
do...where I live there is no doctor that knows to read those results. Sad
* Progesterone 98 - range 75-270 (Luteal)
* Ratio: Pg/E2 13 (Low) Optimal 100-500 when E2 1.3 - 3.3 pg/ml
* Testosterone 87 (High) 16-55 (Age Dependent)
* DHEAS 62 (High) ng/ml 2-23 (Age Dependent)
* Cortisonl Morining 4.4 ng/ml 3.7 -9.5

So....I think that PM is a really bad idea for me! I have to much Estrogen in my body....And I really don't want to overload it!!!! Sad
My results look really bad.....I should try to find out how I can find someone to help me with all those results.....I don't know what I should do to balance everything out....I think that I should start with Progesterone cream.

If someone knows to read those results please help.
Thank you very much!

By the way...I am 26 years old and pre menopausal.

Hi Eva,

First of all check if they are real. Double check them with your symptoms:

Are you taking maca?

I took the Zrt Lab Saliva yes...the results are very much real.
What do you think I need to do?

Well Eva,

That depends on your symptoms. The hormone profile is normal for NBE. So if your cycle is normal, continue PM, but if it's very irregular, stop PM in the luteal phase. If you get headaches or foggy thinking, decrease PM, or add fenugreek to correct estrogen dominance. T is high, but if you don't get break outs, facial hair, or hair loss, you don't need SP. If you get skin rashes from the low cortisol, decrease PM or maca, but if your skin is fine, don't change it.

I took PM for 12 days (about 4 months ago) - then I stopped for my ovulation. but my cycle then was 42 days because of taking PM (I took 300 mg per day)
I then said that I will check my hormones because I really don't want to mess that up....
So I am not doing any kind of NBE now. I am not taking anything....that's why the results are really strange! my estrogen is way tooo high.

Thank you Eva,

That explains why the numbers upset you. The estrogen is high, yes, but that is probably a consequence of the high testosterone and DHEA. Testosterone is made from DHEA. Estrogens are made from testosterone.

DHT is also made from testosterone, by the enzyme 5α-reductase. Unless you have a 5α-reductase inhibitor in your diet or environment, you should have symptoms of high DHT: acne, scalp hair loss, facial or body hair, oily skin.

If you have none of these, check your diet and environment. The most common dietary and environmental 5α-reductase inhibitors where you live are licorice and spearmint tea, and some pesticides (like DDT, even if it was used long ago).

I am prepared to walk you through this step by step, but I insist you look at symptoms too.

Hi Eva, Isabelle,

I've had a bunch of Bloodtests lately so I "may" have "some" information to bring to the table BUT by looking at your numbers vs mine your "units" of measurement must be different than those used for my Blood work ... an example is your Testosterone (I'm thinking this must be "total") is at 87 and considered "high" .... the "normal" range for my blood work was like 250-1100 ... so that's why I'm saying the untis of measure must be different. Could you please add all of the units of measure that your results were in .... and we'll see what I might have a clue about.


Here's the "normal ranges" for my Bloodwork ...

Total Testosterone ... 250-1100ng/dL
Free Testosterone ... 46.0-224.0 pg/mL
Bio-available Testosterone ... 110.0-575.0 ng/dL
SHBG ... 22-77 nmol/L
Serum Albumin ... 3.6-5.1 g/dL
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) ... 25-75 ng/dL
Estradiol ... <= 54 pg/mL
TSH, 3rd Generation ... 0.40-4.50 mIU/L

I'll see if I can get normal ranges for women too ....


This is a little hard to read BUT it has values for both men and women ....

Probably a much better place to start ...

The Estradiol of 7.4 that you were concerned about (Luteal phase) seems to be within range to me .... I think I'm reading it correctly.

Take a look at the chart and see where your numbers fall .... read closely cause there's lots of different ranges for different situations.


Its possible your estrogens are converting to testosterone and then to DHT(case with me). Its also possible its testosterone not converting over to estrogen but instead, to DHT.

Your profile looked similar to mine and believe it or not, I had Higher estradiol levels! I was on fenugreek, Wonderup and soy. I stopped all of that I was taking and I breaked from all supplements for 4 years.

Small amounts of progesterone only may help you balance it all out if you are lacking there.

An abudance of estrogen/testosterone free flowing in your blood may mean your pituitary,thyroid and adrenals are out of balance and they can't keep up with doing their job to convert. DHEA sounds like a factor here. And I agree, I wouldn't take PM during Luteal.
I would take flax, DIM, and some form of liver cleansing if your are not taking it already. And some how get that DHEA down. So don't take anything like Maca.

PCOS and Hirsuitism are common side effect. It doesn't mean you will be this way but hormonal fluctuations affect people differently so now would be a good time to pay attention to how you feel.

I believe you can fix it. It's not that bad.

This may help:
And of course there are 100 other herbs not listed. If you really are high in estrogen and testosterone then you probably need a progesterone and an anti-DHT, while avoiding strong phytoestrogens. If it's causing health problems then DIM or large amounts of weak phytoestrogens like soy or red clover can lower estrogen but ideally for NBE you'd increase everything else instead (assuming no health problems).

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