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Advice please!!


Hi, I'm new on here, I just came across this website and it seems really helpful for what I need. I really want to enlarge my breasts, I am literly a 34aa and I am 18. I am very very slim and no matter how much I eat, I just cannot gain weight so that is not an option for me. I have been on a few birth control pills which also have never done anything for my weight or my boobs. What do you suggest that would work for me? Help on this would be so appreciated. I have tried everything else i could think of, really need your advice. Thankyou Smile x

hi hun and welcome to the forum... I'd say to read through the site, there are many options for natural breast enhancement including but not limited to... herbal, bovine ovary or other glandulars, massage, pump devices, hypnosis, etc. you can read through all the info on the options on here and on the old breast nexus site which has alot more info on it. to access the old site just scroll to the bottom of this forum and click where it says old breast nexus site, it's right beside contact us.

I know how it feels to have a high metabolism, I was that way before I had my son, and it can be frustrating especially when you are so tiny you look like you may have an eating disorder when really it's just that you can't gain weight. I was often stared at while I was eating, I was called tooth pick, anorexic, etc. And before I gave birth I was a 32A. After birth went to a loose 32B/34A. And now since doing NBE I'm a 32C going for a 32D. But I kinda wish I still had the high metabolism, because now I have to watch what I eat, I have to make sure I exercise to maintain a low weight. And even with all that I'm no where near skinny. I'd say I'm average now. So enjoy the high metabolism while ya can! As far as gaining weight there are things out there you can do for that if you want, can always ask your doctor for something for it, or start taking protein shakes between meals. I actually replace a meal a day with a protein shake lol to lose weight lol but if you don't skip meals and add the protein to and not exercise, it could make you gain weight.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck! I started in NBE at 18 I've done various things the past 4 years and finally finding what works for me.

Oh and as far as BC making you gain boobs and weight, I think that's for the lucky few lol. I've been taking BC since I was 13 for acne control and to regulate periods. It never made me gain weight or boobs. Oh and to those who normally ask this, no I didn't get pregnant from BC failure, it was cause I ran out of pills and at the time couldn't afford more, and well I was young and a little naive and my pregnancy was kinda planned, but I wouldn't give my son back for the world.

Thankyou so much for your reply, helped me out Smile
Yeah, i often get called things such as 'anorexic' or just the plain old 'your so skinny!' now and again and it gets to me alot although it shouldnt. Ive been looking at this wild yam cream for my boobs, ive heard thats quite good and works too, would you know anything about this? I'm currently taking starflower oil caps, ive only been on them a couple days but theyre giving me really bad headaches! Thankyou for all your advice, i must join this site as I am not yet a member xx

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