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anyone tried the moonbasa magnet bra?


or anyone used magnets in nbe, how?

Anybody? I'm interested in hearing experiences and opinions as well.


i want to know more about moonbasa magnet bra.

They are about 30pounds incl. shipping on ebay, i think they are meant mainly for breast health but if they increase circulation they could work towards nbe.
I might try one next month when i have some moneySmile

just dont work near a computer wearing one.. or walk near a light pole. etc... (visualizing the comedy of a woman stuck by the boobs to a light pole due to magneticbra..)Tongue

I've seen this magnetic bra but I've never understood what it was meant to do. When I've seen it on sale there was no explanation of what is was for. I don't think it will do anything to make your boobs bigger though.

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