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hey cheryl! haven't seen you around... any updates on changes since you had to stop noogling?

best boobie wishes!

Hi Emmie, i have been really busy over the last few weeks so i have not been on that much, but i have been back noogling with the XL domes for a couple of weeks now and i am taking 3 BB pills again instead of 2, and im happy to say i am growing again. At the moment i can fill a 36D bra, which i am really happy about, my boobs are really tender again and i am getting all the same feelings as i did when i first developed. I have decided that i would love to be a DD in size now if i can, at first i was worried about how big i would develop but i figure i should just be happy and think my self lucky for what i have achieved and what ever size i get too will be what nature intended, so im just going to go for it lol, Hows things with you hun and thank you so much for asking how i was doing, i love this forum lol xxxx

Congrats on the 36D Cheryl! You are very lucky to have gotten so big in such a short amount of time! I've been doing different things in NBE for 4 years.

Thanks Anastasia, i do feel very lucky, to be honest i feel abit like i shouldent be writting how well i have done on here and i feel kind of guilty in away, as there are so many women who have been trying for years with NBE without much success and it makes me feel terribleSad i really wished everyone could have the success i have and if i could give some of mine up to help someone else i would lol i know this sounds abit stupid but i wish everyone could be successful. But i know how lucky i have been with this and i will never take my boobs for granted no matter what size i get too lol. Thanks again Anastasia. xxxx

glad to see you are back at it! i have been really busy too lately so havent been around as much. did they ever figure out what was making you lactate and how to stop? 36d is already terrific... careful of that boobie greed! but then again, then if you stop EVERYTHING, if you lost anything you would probably just go back to a 36d or something. after all... that's real tissue! thanks, mammogram!

i dont know... it might be easier for guys... you are messing with hormones your body wont automatically try to change, i think, whereas ours will mess with it, so perhaps thats why we grow slower... our bodies adapt too quickly to "fix" what we want to "break" in order to gain boobs!

anastasia i didnt know you had been doing this for four years! i thought everything came pretty fast for you...

NB and BO has been fast for me so far, but I've tried many other things before then. I just started with NB during summer last year, and started BO about 3 months ago. When I was 18 I bought the first BE product I came across that so called had the best reviews and best guarantee, so I thought. I got the recommended 6 month supply, too it religiously and followed the diet changes they suggested and NOTHING! They had a full year empty bottle guarantee so I went to get my $300+ back, they had me send the empty bottles to an address with a claim code, I did, and they said it would be 6 weeks and I would have my refund check minus shipping. So I waited 6 weeks, no check, and at the time I was a mother of a 1 year old, so I was pinching pennies. I waited 8 weeks just for the benefit of a doubt, then I contacted them. They said, oh it'll be 10 weeks. I waited 2 more weeks, no check. Contacted them again, they said, well it must have gotten lost in the post, not our problem and they hung up. I was soo furious! The product was Breast Gain Plus for those curious, which is now called Breast Actives. They changed the name, hmm wonder why??? Back when it was Breast Gain Plus it was only a pill product, no cream.

So after that I got discouraged, stopped for a while. Then a friend bought me the easy curves device, because the main thing I wanted was them to be firm and perky how they were before pregnancy. So, I tried it and it worked! It didn't make them bigger, but it made them say hello to you again lol. Then that got me interested to start researching more, came across the product Zoft gum, read reviews on it, this time on places like amazon, ebay, etc. and decided to give it a try since I'm a constant gum chewer. When I started zoft I was a 34A/loose 32B. After 6 months of taking it, I went to a 32B. I actually grew 2 inches with it the first 2 months, after that nothing, but took it 4 more months hoping for more lol. But the 2 inches was worth the money.

After that I took a small break, then I tried individual herbs from Greenbush, and well within 2 months had nasty side effects, so stopped them and cleaned out my system. My last month on herbs is when I started NB, after I cleansed and took a small break I then started BO, and well. It's been about 7 months since I started NB and I've gone up to a 32C. So really I'm not an incredibly fast grower, but I still chug along. Now I'm aiming for a 32D hahaha booby greed monster got me Big Grin

After I take BO for I'd give it 6 months to a year and I don't get to where I'm happy, then I might try PM. But as far as other herbs, I don't think I'll try messing with them again lol.

So yep, I've been into NBE for quite some time, but I know others have done it even longer. It's all about finding the right thing for you, that's the tricky part. But in the end I think it's all worth it not to have to get something fake inside your body to feel sexy. Oh and my pic on the side, that's what I'd look like as a 32D since I'm wearing a push up bra that makes me look bigger lol.

wow! zoft worked for you?! i dont think ive heard of anyone that zoft worked for... interesting. you know, you might do well with a switch to pm, then, because i think that is the ingredient in zoft that makes it work. did you keep that growth? how long were you off before you started doing something else, do you remember?

i know what you mean. i did the bgp thing, too... got NOWHERE. i didnt even bother with the refund, though. they were scammers... i did pm for a bit, and bo for a bit, and brava for a bit, about two years ago, but i had brain surgery in 2008 and quit everything until now. because of weight changes going up and down with the hormones after surgery, no telling whether i kept anything.

its been snowing like crazy out here, so i am beat from shoveling! off to bed! best boobie dreams to all!

oh, and anastasia, what bra is that??!

The miraculous push up bra by Victoria's Secret

oooh! you tried it?! how do you like it (aside from it giving you a lovely rack, of course)? is it super-obvious padding? i like the bio-fit, because the padding adjusts so i can figure out how much is actually ME when i put on my clothes... is miraculous like that, where it is more padding to shape, or are they all squishy when you give your boyfriend a hug?

i, like you, have no access to the stores, so i can't go squeeze one to see... but my favorite bio-fit is about to crap out, so i will need a new one soon...

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