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Long time hops & FG user

Hi Isabelle,

I read some where that FG can effect thyroid fuction in the bad to some degree.. can you give me more info on that or is this true..if so I will have to look for something to help support adrenals and thyroid (maca?) and does GABA help..just to let you know that I am doing these herbs, supps, and foods not necessary for NBE but for hormone/thyroid balance/health, skin/hair/nail health..I want awesome skin-hair-nails,bones (health) and in order for that my hormones/thyroid/adrenals etc.. need to be in good working anyway..what herbs for thyroid and supps.. Thank you..going to store later..

Hi Susan,

I think you mean this one:
FG decreases T3, but it increases T4 and body weight. I use just enough FG to prevent estrogen dominance.

Maca increases body weight too. I don't know what it does to the thyroid.

About GABA, I don't know either.

(23-02-2012, 02:49)Isabelle Wrote:  Hi Susan,

I think you mean this one:
FG decreases T3, but it increases T4 and body weight. I use just enough FG to prevent estrogen dominance.

Maca increases body weight too. I don't know what it does to the thyroid.

About GABA, I don't know either.

Hey Isabelle,

I checked GABA and I believe it does effect I started taking maca I took 1 PM and 1 maca about 2-3 hours from each other first PM then far doing good..stopping FG had a weird feeling last night from it or it was the chamomile and lavendar I mixed with it..I have read some taking maca with hypothyroidism it helping..I am going to keep my dose low maybe just one a day or every other day to start same for PM also PM I will stop just for a few days near ovulation date but not sure may just go by my symptoms..possibly the 2 (PM and maca) each day all month may work well..I also added more omega's and niacin along..I have read that zinc, selenium sp?, b's, mag are good for thyroid and hence will help skin, hair , nails etc.. because if your adrenals/thyroid are out of balance your hormones will be and if your hormones are out of balance that will effect your adrenals/thyroid..just my opinion from doing alot of reading..

Hi Susan,

Are you sure you're getting enough iodine? It's in iodine enriched salt, but healthy people don't eat salt any more. It's in bread too, but who eats bread in NBE?

Hi Isabelle,

Not sure if I do get enough iodine but scared to supp it..cause for 20 yrs I was hypothyroid with a goiter.. goiter went down after I was on I dont have any thyroid problems according to lab work as of last year.. Since taking the PM and Maca I am feeling better but last night I got a headache and the sides of my neck (glands) up to the base of my skull(pressure) felt swollen and tight ..hard time moving my neck (I was on the computer alot)...It started after eating very spicy mustard that burned my sinuses, I felt fine before that..or the supps and herbs are making my lymph system working harder..I dont drink as much fluids as I use to so I am going to drink more today and see how I feel.. my neck feels better but I did wake with the same pain and headache but not as bad and did take Ibpro and messaged my went away and my neck is just ever so slightly stiff..not that bad.. I didnt take a PM yet but I did take a maca about 2 hours ago..I havent sleep good the past 2 nights.. I did take a melatonin last night and it helped my headache some..going to take a nap soon..I feel tired but not like I have been feeling..its like if I took a nap I would feel great..I did drink a green mix drink when I had the headache and it helped just alittle I think but I did take the melatonin just right after the drink....I am thinking I may be slightly estrogen dom..cause I havent had a headache in months and I am on day 8 and according to your chart you made me I should be at my estrogen peak in 2-3 Isabelle I am guessing that maybe I just dont need too much estrogen or I dont have enough progest.. I have been getting heart palpations lately too..also if your estrogen dom doesnt it effect thyroid (well just having unbalanced hormones will)..does estrogne make progesteron or is it the other way around, I know testos makes estrogen to some degree..I will take a PM tonight and see how I do..but I am going to take a melatonin either for my nap or a few hours after the PM later for tonight..Oh I did also break out that is also a estrogen dom and I think low estrog and progest.. too.. or thyroid.. so ..I think I am going to stop maca durning the next few days cause I perfer PM and I want the DHT though high cortisol is from too much estrogen? and they say melatonin helps cortisol levels for the prolactin they say you have to take alot of melatonin to effect it..and I am only going to use melatonin today and if I need it through this estrogen peak to help sleep, then stop..not going to use it regularly...sorry thinking and typing just about everything I am thinking..Blush ...ok done for now..

Wow, Isabelle, I completely forgot I had posted a topic of cleansing under your thread Sad You said I shouldn't need it because FG is good for the liver. I barely found out about your response yesterday Blush I have been off of everything except milk thistle since Feb. 19 (6 days). Just ordered my new supply of herbs (individual this time) and will be taking them asap. Thank you so much for the information. I did my reasearch as well and noticed FG's liver benefits. I can't believe I forgot I posted here. Sometimes I go all over the place, and find it hard figuiring out where I was at Tongue Also, you are very much welcome for me posting the piston pump thread...Dodgy pretty late welcome if you ask me. That has made me buff from the breasts...haha. I flex and you can feel the muscle bigger, which means bigger breasts, unless, of course, we over do the work out routine, then we would have only muscle...not much breast.

I have ordered FG, FN, and WY, also Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, and Pantothenic Acid. I am taking the last three because I read that collagen is great for many things I care for (firming, hair, skin, nails, muscles). Taking it with hyaluronic acid, which is awesome for not only the joints, but the skin as well, increases its effectiveness. Pantothenic Acid is awesome for the skin (esp. acne wise). I have read reviews from people noticing firmness on their breasts from taking collagen. My breasts are a bit saggy, so I am trying to get rid of the slope I have on the top of the breasts Wink

I have read the phyto-progestins should be taken at a low dosage due to their potential of causing a stall. Read that FN should be taken at 400 mg per day. What about WY?

Hi Susan,

Iodine is required for proper function of the thyroid gland, lack of it contributes to hypothyroid conditions and goiters.

You can get iodine by taking multivitamin/mineral supplements that contain potassium iodide, eating seafood and kelp, and/or using iodized table salt or sea salt. Be careful of using salt, as it can contribute to other problems, like high blood pressure.


Hi Susan,

Big Dave is right, you know. The thyroid trouble could have started again when you were using soy. Did you know hypothyroidism is often misdiagnosed as... ADD?

I think the headache is estrogen dominance: you are in your natural estrogen peak, and PM and maca increase it.

I wouldn't mix green tea and melatonin: for sleep, they're an upper and a downer. Heart rhythm can be disturbed by green tea too.

I don't know if estrogen dominance affects the thyroid.

Estrogens are made from testosterone, but progesterone is made independently. Well, almost independently, because when you stall, for instance if estrogens or testosterone are way too high, LH will decrease, and progesterone too.

The breakout is too high DHT: you need spearmint tea or SP.

High Cortisol is from too high progesterone.

You're welcome, Rosance.

Milk thistle is a phyto-estrogen too, so the time is not lost.

WY increases progesterone, but not much. You can take 2,000 - 3,000 mg.

Hi Isabelle,

I feel much better today just a little lazy tire.. anyway as for the green tea, I dont think I mentioned that in my thread and dont see why I would when I dont drink it cause I cant handle it..makes me more wired then coffee..I mentioned my green mix drink...As for what dave mentioned I believe if you have too much iodine you can develope a thyroid problem not sure if it would be hypo or hyper.. I believe with my green mix drink which I dont drink everyday it has iodine in it... I dont think iodine is my problem..if your hormones are unbalanced it can effect your thyroid and as does adrenals can effect thyroid, on.. it is more like which came first the chicken or the I know my hormones make my mood change..IMO from all my reading that the adrenals, hypothalmus, cotisol are very important but anyone one of those can effect each other and as does the hormones and the hormones can effect them and other bottom line or my point is that any hormone in balance can mess a number of things as can adrenal fatigue can mess hormones, as can low or high cortisol and so on..IMO too much sugar/carbs can mess more then hormones can mess alot I have said before everything in balance..

Not sure the reason I feel better today is because I got sleep.. I did take a PM today no maca..yes Isabelle you are right too much no maca ..I may just take maca every so often to use it up but I dont think I want to keep it in my life as a regular thing at this time..I will start it on and off in a few days or so..see how I feel.. Oh and yes estrogen suppresses the thyroid..
The link I list below said this about estrogen and other things that effect the thyroid...if you have time read it from the beginning ..interesting:
High estrogen levels lead to excessive production of thyroid-binding globulin (TBG) by the liver. If the TBG levels are high it will bind more thyroid hormones, thus reducing the free thyroid hormones available in the blood. Therefore, thyroid hormones cannot be used by the cells that require them for maintaining the body’s metabolism.

Although there are enough thyroid hormones in the blood, they are not taken up by the body’s cells as they are inactivated by TBG. Estrogen dominance therefore often leads to thyroid problems in women. This is one of the reasons why blood tests reveal ‘normal’ levels of thyroid hormones in such situations, but some women still show classical symptoms of thyroid problems.

Ok high cortisol means rashes and breakout, infections etc..right? if so then from how it is all going I believe I maybe be just fine..actually better then usual cause I am near my peak and today I feel just slightly tired and my body pains arent bad at all..I am liking the PM and taking also for the DHT blocker and as for that if is working along with my breakouts..I think I broke out the other day from the fluctuation of hormones and changing my face wash routine..

Hey also I am feeling some tingling here and even having a slight elevation of estrogen..if I get a headach today then I think tomorrow I will not take PM cause if I get some symptoms without any other herbs then the PM today then that would mean I have a decent amount of estrogen at this point..what I am saying is with no maca and just 1 PM today and I get estro dom signs then I will stop the PM for at least the next 2 days or more..also IMO I think maca is testosterone elevator from what you wrote.. you said testosterone ups estrogen..well I think that is what maca does..also I get more chin hairs when I take maca..not with PM and supposely estrogen dom can bring that on with women from the the PM may help so...haha funny you mention SP cause I was thinking of using it again but waiting to see how it goes with the PM and diet..

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