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Long time hops & FG user

Hi Susan,

Sorry for mixing up green mix and green tea. I agree that all the hormones are related: even if there is an herb that increases only one hormone, it's very difficult not to mess up any other hormones.

Thank you, now I understand why thyroid problems are common in girls during puberty.

High cortisol suppresses rashes and inflammations. Don't know if it really affects acne.

You don't really need SP on days when you are taking PM.

I'm enjoying a quiet week-end with the kids, but this is ruining my weight loss efforts again. Yesterday, and the day before yesterday, I was at 81.5 kg. I ate a lot yesterday night, and haven't had the courage to check the scale yet. I'll check the damage after a long walk tomorrow.


Think I may have a problem so I'm turning to you for your thoughts on this. In another post, you said GR herb is toxic but not the tea. Does that include the manufactured GR sold in caps form?
I started GR 9/11/11 & gradually increased to 6 caps of 450 mg each daily. On 2/1/12 I got GR powder & started making the tea from it. I use 1 1/2 tsp of powder for 1 cup of boiling water 3 x a day.
4 days ago I woke up with a stiff neck. This has progressed to feeling like I'm turning to stone. My head, neck, back, shoulders, arms are stiff - really stiff. I walk 4 mi every day so I'm not inactive.
Please tell me it's not the GR. I think I'm finally having some minor results from taking it. I also take PM (Siriporn 100 mg. x 2) & PG cream once daily x 21 days.
If it's not the "hormones, " I'll seek medical atention.
Thanks, once again.

Hi lostacres6,

Sorry for replying to this late. I don't think the goat's rue has anything to do with a stiff neck, but it may be related to your program in another way.

Can you tell the difference between this pain and an estrogen dominance headache? Another option is the phyto-estrogens from PM suppressing cortisol. Cortisol suppresses inflammation, so when it's low, joint inflammations get a chance to develop.

In both cases, going to 1 siriporn may help. If you do seek medical care, do mention cortisol: it's worth checking. Susan may be able to help with this too: she gets neck pains every so often, and I think it was related to high estrogens.

Yesterday, I used the last of 500 g oat flakes in 21+29=50 days, since I started the package on January 11th. The average dose is 10,000 mg a day. That's good, because I want to keep oats above flax, which is at 5,900 mg a day now.

Flax increases Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) over time, and oats decreases it. Since SHBG goes up with age, I don't want to add anything to that. Eve M used about equal amounts of flax and oats when she was 26, so I keep oats well above flax.

Hi Isabelle,
Hope all is well with you.
I think the problem is solved - or at least under control. I would rather "turn to stone" than give up my NBE !!!!!!! Anyhow, I've been doing infrared heat, massage & naprosyn & it is gradualling subsiding.
Maybe I just slept wrong or lifted something too heavy. I just had so much pain/stiffness that morning I was concerned.
Thanks again for sharing your immense knowledge with me.

Thank you for the update, lostacres6,

What a relief. After all you've been through, it would be a shame if you had to give up, yes. I used to have one of these infrared lights too, but now I just take a hot bath.

I'm still struggling with weight loss. OK, this morning and yesterday morning, I was at 81.5 kg (180 lbs). That's where I was last week before the kids came home for the week-end. After the week-end, I gained 3 kg, one kg more than the week-end before. But then my younger daughter made a huge tangerine bavarois, and I guess I have to blame myself for helping her eat it. Hey, at least there's some gelatin in it Big Grin

I really want to lose another 2 kg (4 lbs), because that will mark a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25.0, which is officially a healthy weight. My original target was 23, in two years, which is still way above the 17 or so of today's high fashion models. But while I have breezed through my NBE targets since I joined this board, and I'm doing a reasonable job on my waist slimming targets, weight loss is going nowhere.

Coming Monday, March 4th, is my tape day. Wait and see what my determination is worth this time around Dodgy

The best way, I have found to lose weight is as follows. You have to go through 2-3 days of misery. I cut the sugar completely out of my diet, and even reduce the amount of fruit I eat. I eat only protein and green for dinner, and stick to no more than one serving of complex carbs for each breakfast and lunch. Oh, yeah, and absolutely no snacking except one between lunch and dinner. (Half an apple with almond butter)

I become miserable, snappy and depressed (for the first 2 days only). I'm not hungry, but my mouth becomes bored. I compare it to quitting smoking in some ways. Anyways, after those couple of days, all of this eases up and it becomes a heck of lot easier to maintain this diet. Note, while, I don't overeat, I still get my calories for the day.

The pounds literally melt off. I'm 124 now, if I did this I could easily be at 121 at the end of the week. (the reason I mention my weight is I suspect that the amount of weight you lose is proportional to your overall current weight).

I don't recommend combining those 2-3 first days with heavy working out. I take it very very easy just to keep my sanity.

I have hypothyroidism, so it's extra difficult for me to keep the weight off, and this works for me very well.

Oh, yeah, and drinking herbal tea saves my life when things get particularly bleak.

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