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Rapid heartbeat & UB


Anyone experience a rapid heartbeat while taking UB? I've been taking it since 2-10-12 & only started to get this as of last week. It only happens on the 3rd/final pill I take at night. I didn't take it last night just to see what would happen. I've taken my 2 already today, 1 with breakfast & 1 with lunch. Wondering if I should attempt my 3rd today. Not sure. The feeling usually goes away within like 10 to 15 minutes after I take it. Unsure why.....any help?

Yes I did when I was taking UB and I did not know why it was doing that either. Huh But I can say I didn't like the feeling, the first time I felt rapid heart beat I didn't care much but as months passed by it started to feel weird, like at some point I thought or felt my heart would skip a beat and had a fear that it would stop beating. I went to the hospital for another problem I had, but got a heart scan and pulse monitoring thing done and the doctor clearly saw that my heart would race up for sometimes and then it would be gone or go back to normal... I didn't tell them I was taking UB but for some reason I knew it was the UB. I have stopped taking UB since, it has been well over 6 months now. Since I stopped the UB pills I haven't got that weird rapid heartbeat or skipping a beat? lol kind of thing.

Wow, really? That sounds scary. I wanted to try Ulta Breast, but I am not so sure now.

Sorry it took so long to respond but I've been very busy. Ok so what's happened lately is I've continued my BO & the rapid heartbeat has stopped. There were also times when it would feel like it would skip, yeah freaky. I emailed the company & they told me that they've "never" had anyone with this problem & I should contact my doctor for any advise as they could not give me any. So I did a little research on my own & this is what I came up with.
I cross-referenced the ingredients in UB & found that Ipriflavone could increase the side effects of some medications. Now in February I had an injury & was prescribed a muscle relaxer. I found my muscle relaxer (cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril), to be one of the meds that Ipriflavone could interact with in such a manner. It can actually increase the side effects of the muscle relaxer. On my prescription instructions it had the rapid heartbeat & skipping of the heart for side effects & to contact my doctor if I experienced any of this.
I was taking these meds for 2-3 weeks. Went back to my doctor told him about my heart & he advised I stop taking them & gave me Baclofen because they have a very low to no side effects. So what I've done is given myself to detox from the Flexeril & only took Baclofen as a last option if I had pain. Guess what? The rapid heartbeat stopped. I continued to take UB thru this all & didn't tell my doctor that I was taking UB. He'd probably laughAngry, so I kept it to myself.
I'm careful of what I take now because I thought it UB was only a "vitamin" type pill. Had no idea that there would be interactions. I'm happy with my results & just started my 3rd bottle. I hope these babies grow some more because I'm sure lovin' what's happening.
Good luck to everyone out there!!

Thanks for responding and clearing this upSmile Would you mind telling me what your exact program is for what you take with UB and stuff?

(20-04-2012, 08:24)AliCat1386 Wrote:  Thanks for responding and clearing this upSmile Would you mind telling me what your exact program is for what you take with UB and stuff?

(20-04-2012, 08:24)AliCat1386 Wrote:  Thanks for responding and clearing this upSmile Would you mind telling me what your exact program is for what you take with UB and stuff?

I am a noogler!! Yes & it works. I was taking protein shakes maybe about 3 or 4 times a week since starting UB in February but my blender broke so shakes went out around the end on March. Now what I have noticed in the past 2 weeks is noticeable growth. And I mean like what the heck are you serious!? You see I was really inconsistant with my noogling during March & April. Picked it back up on May 7th. So during those 2 months I noogled MAYBE 2 or 3 weeks for 1/2 to an hour each session. Life just got busy & at other times I got lazy. What I did notice about my growth the past 2 weeks were 3 things that I had changed:
1. I upped my vitamins to 2 a day. I take Simply One-Family by Super Nutrition. Now when I began my UB in February I was taking Simply One but for Women. Only once a day but had growth within that first month. The only reason why I changed vitamins is because the health food store were out of the one's for women. Maybe taking 2 helped with my temperature. Unsure because I've grown thru these past months but it did slow down when I switched from Women's to Family.
2. I hadn't been noggling like I usually do. Some women say that when you take a break & you pick it up again they noticed growth. I believe this, I've done it twice since I started back in October. The first break was very, very brief. It was about a week. My unintentional break over the past two months, well you know, was a really slow time. So when I noogled this time on the 7th of May after about 3 weeks I had swelling BUT my boobs are growing outward now & I've got more cleavage!! WOW!! Before it was more of the roundness & sides filling out. Now you can definately see that there is growth between the breast. Yay!
3. Chicken. Now while I took protein shakes I did grow just not very noticeable & slow but it was there. I noticed for some odd reason that every time I went out to eat I was ordering chicken. I am not kidding when I say I saw growth during my week & 1/2 of eating chicken twice a day. I didn't noogle either during that time. Only vitamins 2x a day & chicken 2x a day. I did a search & found out that the chicken breasts are high in protein. Probably explains that's why UB encourages a high protein diet. Not just from shakes but other items. I believe that.
I haven't had as much chicken this past week because I got chickened out (no pun intended).
No shakes either, blender still broken. My husband keeps staring at my boobs & my sister in law asked me if I was still breastfeeding (while staring at my boobs)! LOL!! I'm not sure what to tell anyone if they ask, no one knows. It sure is nice to know that patience pays off. Good luck everyone!

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