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PM with maca? Zoft gum? Birth control?


I've tried searching for all of these things but have failed to find actual answers, so I was hoping someone could help me out.

I'm on PM, but I'm not cycling it because I'm on a birth control pill and don't know how I'd go about cycling while on it. Because I'm not cycling, it means I'm not sure how to add other herbs into my program. Which is fine, because I don't want to add much (if any, I like to keep things simple!).

BUT ...

I want to add maca to my program (I'd love a bit more of a booty, and I think an extra bit of weight all over would help my NBE process). Can I take it with PM, or do I need to start cycling PM in order to take maca?

Also, since I've heard good things about Zoft gum I'd be interested in trying that but again, can I take it with PM or would I need to cycle PM in order to use it?

Any suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated Big Grin

I cant help you with your maca dilemma, but i did go look up the ingredients of the ZOFT gum, here is what i found

Fenugreek Seed Extract, Saw Palmetto Berry, Fennel Seed, L-Tyrosine, Mexican Wild Yam Root, Pacific Kelp, Damiana Leaf, Dong Quai Root, Motherwort Herb, Black Cohosh Root Extract, Oat Grass, Blessed Thistle Herb and Hops Flower.

That site is charging about $1.00 a piece of gum, i don't think its worth it when you can get more of the same herbs cheaper.

It's true, but chewing gum is something I do anyway so if I can chew gum that can increase my breast size, I'm up for it! Taking lots of tablets confuses me a lot more than chewing gum does Tongue

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