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Japanese Women Up 3 CUP SIZES in 1 to 2 years!

to this:
[Image: 20061019_106037.jpg][Image: 20060718_20080.jpg][Image: 20060901_68599.jpg][Image: 20060818_56203.jpg][Image: 20061109_122578.jpg]

to THIS!!
[Image: chantel.jpg][Image: nowire2.jpg][Image: 3.jpg][Image: 071130b.jpg][Image: 071116a.jpg]
[Image: chiyo.jpg]

And these pictures in this same bra.. oh my god!!

[Image: 20060922_84631.jpg][Image: 20060921_83989.jpg]
[Image: 20060922_84634.jpg]
[Image: 20060922_84635.jpg]
[Image: 20060922_84627.jpg]

Man, that is great progress!

It is inspirational however I don't get what she's doing like what herbs she's takin on certain days of her cycle :/
Btw how do I no if I'm ovulating? I read on some of the forums like u can tell by body temperature or a test from a drug store lol I really don't want to go to a store n buy something to find out. Anyone have any tips to find out? Thank u! Big Grin

After about 7 weeks my progress is very similar to her (full and firm B-Cup now) but my program is totally different.
I think, what works is different for everyone. It's all about trial and error and observing your body reactions.

(12-05-2012, 06:49)Portia74 Wrote:  After about 7 weeks my progress is very similar to her (full and firm B-Cup now) but my program is totally different.
I think, what works is different for everyone. It's all about trial and error and observing your body reactions.

Hi Portia 74. What does your program consist of? I really need help. I'm a 36AA and with a chest deformity called pectus excavatum so this makes my chest look ugly. Any approach would help please.

You can read everything about my program in this thread:

It's quite simple and I have the feeling that what gives me most growth is the PM cream three times a day with a bit of massage (about 1 minute each breast, circular motions around the nipple). I don't have time for noogleberry or very long massages. I think you should try the cream three times a day too and if you have time for long massages, do it, the longer the better.

Hi Portia 74. What does your program consist of? I really need help. I'm a 36AA and with a chest deformity called pectus excavatum so this makes my chest look ugly. Any approach would help please.


Portia 74, where do you get your PM cream from?

(12-05-2012, 05:29)stacy305 Wrote:  It is inspirational however I don't get what she's doing like what herbs she's takin on certain days of her cycle :/
Btw how do I no if I'm ovulating? I read on some of the forums like u can tell by body temperature or a test from a drug store lol I really don't want to go to a store n buy something to find out. Anyone have any tips to find out? Thank u! Big Grin

Hey, Stacy~ Taking PM is really confusing when you aren't really informed on the ins and outs of your menstrual cycle.

Chiyomilk takes pueraria mirifica in her follicular phase and stops a few days before ovulation. She can tell she's about to ovulate because she does basal body temperature charting. When she sees a big drop in temperature, this is a sign she's about to ovulate and she stops PM right then and there so her estrogen levels can drop. This drop signals the body to ovulate. After she ovulates, she takes a phytoestrogenic mixture called B-up drops. She takes it all of her luteal phase.

About the menstrual cycle, your cycle begins on the first day you menstruate. That is day 1 and the beginning of the FOLLICULAR PHASE. That is when you can begin taking PM, but take a low dose when menstruating because you don't want enough estrogen to interfere with your menstruation.

Your follicular phase ends when OVULATION comes. After you ovulate, which is a period of 12-48 hours, you enter your LUTEAL phase. The luteal phase and the entire cycle ends when you menstruate which is also day 1 and the beginning of the follicular phase all over again. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but everyone's body differs so we can't hold the same standard to everyone. ^^

You can tell when you're ovulating when you have a temperature drop and your vaginal fluids turn more clear and viscous. Like egg whites!
[Image: vaginaldischarge.jpg]

You can buy it at Search for pueraria on this site and you'll find the Breast cream generation II. It's quite expensive but worth the money.

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