I want to experiment with a program that costs under € 2 a month. It would be based on foods, rather than herbs or supplements. I have already proven that fenugreek swells as well as goat's rue, and I want to check swelling from black seed too, so I have two ways to increase prolactin. Both fenugreek and black seed are also waist slimmers. Fenugreek would still be the only herb that increases progesterone. If I ditch the hops, I don't need the maca to improve my mood either. OK, I'll miss the butt herb, but I still have soy and flax left as phyto-estrogens.
There is also an anti-androgen in flax, secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG). If that's not enough, I can add azelaic acid from rye bread or other whole grain cereals. Or spearmint tea. My current teas are teabags, but I'm sure I can get a bag of dried spearmint leaves for less at
Flax increases Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). Age too. The trick is to use more oats than flax. Oats decreases SHBG. Oats is also a source of zinc and vitamin B6, so I can stop the multivitamin as long as I eat meat for vitamin B12, or drink fortified soy milk, and veggies for folic acid: spinach, broccoli, lettuce, garden beans, rucola. Postmenopausal women wo are educated in health foods eat all of this. There's probably a lot to learn from their web sites and magazines.
Another advantage of a foods based program is that I wouldn't have any suspicious looking herbs in the kitchen. Only the jars for fenugreek and black seed would be a bit big.
Doses: price: g: cost per month in €
07400 09.75 300 07.32 Goat's rue
03400 15.25 300 05.26 Maca
01800 07.40 200 02.03 Hops
01500 01.29 030 01.96 Licorice mint tea bags
02000 01.29 040 01.96 Licorice tea bags
03600 01.98 400 00.54 Flax
02400 01.75 250 00.51 Black seed
02500 00.95 250 00.29 Fenugreek
08400 00.38 500 00.19 Oats
01000 01.50 500 00.09 Soy
Dose: price: caps cost per month in €
00001 09.49 120 02.41 Multivitamin