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Re:lazensa bra size


I just wanted to make a quick response to the lazensa bra sizes thread.

Their sizing is whack. I’m a 36D/DD in there no way am I that in any other shop M&S told me 36C or 38B which is far more on the right track. I guess that’s why our admin thought to post about it, it is a bit out there.

I wouldn't say that it is whack, but more relative to their brand. Bra sizes vary A LOT based on style and brand, so that chart more than likely just pertains to their styles and brands and the way that their company makes the bras.

Bra sizes do vary a lot by brand and style. I have a mesh 36B bra, and it would fit me perfectly. Then I also had a very lightly padded one, and I always felt like even when my boobs were swollen and coming out the top, there was some space in the bottom where they expect me to have saggy tatas... :/

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