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LET'S GO!!! MY NBE-routine and BEFORE-PICS


An update: My boobs are very, very sore since yesterday (today: day 31 of the cycle, my mens starting slowly since Saturday) and have reached the biggest size ever! So, I can resume that I'm growing constantly with every cycle. I experience a shrinking in the middle of the cycle but at the end I grow about 0,5 cm every month.

And a tip: The most important thing, on my opinion, is to eat loads of protein. Especially in the morning and before bed. At the minimum 65 g of pure protein each day, about 30g for breakfast and 20 for dinner. Since I eat so much protein (I never did so before) I experience a growth-boost.
So, plant protein like chickpeas, sweet lupins, mulberries and protein combined with fat = nuts and seeds.

Thank you Portia! could you give us like an example of your daily menu like breakfast, lunch and dinner? also some more protein foods you eat...I can't find chickpeas where I live, but there are tons of mulberries and I really like wallnuts Shy

Wow Portia, I hadn't seen your before-pictures... now I'm impressed, how is that possible Big Grin... and you think that mostly comes from the cream and a lot of proteins?
I can imagine that it feels great to have grown and makes one confident. Hope the cream will help me, too.

As for proteins, does cheese and milk count, too? I read it's better to take capsules with milk but never understood actually why.
Or what about meat?

Hi Portia!
Wow, your growth is amazing!!! Congrats and thanks for your tips. I'll keep them in mind

(19-06-2012, 13:51)adrianna23 Wrote:  Thank you Portia! could you give us like an example of your daily menu like breakfast, lunch and dinner? also some more protein foods you eat...I can't find chickpeas where I live, but there are tons of mulberries and I really like wallnuts Shy

Okay, I start with breakfast (always the same but fruits vary). Lunch, snacks and dinner will follow soon.

A smoothie made from 3 very ripe bananas, 300 g strawberries, 600ml mineral-water, 1 tbs. tahini (sesame paste) or almond butter and 60g sweet lupine flour.
Plus (a bit later, second breakfast) 100g dried mulberries, 4-8 medjool dates and about 20g of dark chocolate (70% or more)

A load of dates and bananas and a bit of chocolate in the morning make me happy (increase the serotonin level) and I somehow have the feeling that happiness has a positive influence on my hormones and makes my boobs get fuller :-)

Walnuts are great! A very good protein source! I love them too for a snack in between meals.
And you can replace chickpeas by white beans. I buy my chickpeas canned. I'm sure one of your supermarkets carries them too.


(19-06-2012, 15:19)Xeny Wrote:  Wow Portia, I hadn't seen your before-pictures... now I'm impressed, how is that possible Big Grin... and you think that mostly comes from the cream and a lot of proteins?
I can imagine that it feels great to have grown and makes one confident. Hope the cream will help me, too.

As for proteins, does cheese and milk count, too? I read it's better to take capsules with milk but never understood actually why.
Or what about meat?

Thank you :-)
It's recommended to take the capsules with milk because it contains calcium. And calcium helps the body to absorb PM.
As a vegan, when I was taking the capsules in the beginning, I took them with a calcium/Vit D supplement.

I don't know much about the effects of milk, cheese and meat on NBE because I'm vegan and the last time I had some animal protein is sooo long ago...

But if you are interested which effects animal protein has on a human body, generally, I recommend reading the book "China Study" by Colin Campbell and Thomas Campbell. Very, very interesting and the most significant study about nutrition ever made.


Xeny, to be honest, before I started NBE I didn't believe in it.
I thought, let's give it a try, but I was almost sure that this wouldn't work for me.
I don't know how this is possible too Smile but I'm SOOO happy.
I think it's the combination of cream and my diet.
I was vegan before too but I had a protein defficiency, I think. I got hair loss and then I read somewhere that vegans can get hair loss because they don't eat enough protein. And then I started eating tons of protein and my hair started growing like it never did before and my boobs started doing the same Smile

I didn't know this before but even when you're not a vegan or vegetarian and eat meat you can have a protein defficiency. For example when you do a lot of workout or have a hard, stressfull job. Protein seems to be very, very important for the body. Actually, we are made from protein so: Not enough protein, no boobs.

(20-06-2012, 14:14)Portia74 Wrote:  Xeny, to be honest, before I started NBE I didn't believe in it.
I thought, let's give it a try, but I was almost sure that this wouldn't work for me.
I don't know how this is possible too Smile but I'm SOOO happy.
I think it's the combination of cream and my diet.
I was vegan before too but I had a protein defficiency, I think. I got hair loss and then I read somewhere that vegans can get hair loss because they don't eat enough protein. And then I started eating tons of protein and my hair started growing like it never did before and my boobs started doing the same Smile

Actually I don't believe quite much that will help me as well... but now your success gives me more hope and I'll just give it a go. But maybe you're right and I should eat more proteins too... I don't eat that much of meat or drink milk, maybe once or 2 times in a month. Are there even enough food that contains a lot of proteins?! I really don't know about that stuff ... But thanks for the hint. I'll try to eat more proteins or maybe it's best to take some kind of protein capsules?


Quote: I'll try to eat more proteins or maybe it's best to take some kind of protein capsules?

You can take whey protein powder...I'm going to start drinking a whey protein shake before bed

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