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Candida and underdeveloped breasts?


I am wondering if any of you girls with underdeveloped breasts f.ex. tuberous breasts has had a history of candida or yeast infection? I got diagnosed with it when I was 18 years old and I am pretty sure I had it for a while before that. My diet at that time was high sugar, I drank every weekend and didn't eat very healthy. I am wondering if that could be the cause of my condition. Mine is NOT heriditary, I am the only one in my family with tubies. I am still researching this but candida can cause a hormonal imbalance. I am looking at this in the context that I only grow when I eliminate all sugar and alcahol from my diet which had not happened very often. I also read that candida can cause melasma and acne, a problem I am having. I started eating 2 garlic cloves before I went to bed because of their anti fungal properties and increased my dosaged of probiotics and my skin has improved so much in one week. Especially the acne. Don't really know about the melasma since I don't live in a very sunny place.

So my plan for the summer holiday, after 2 weeks, is to do the candida diet full on and check if my breasts will grow from that and my other symptoms (melasma, acne) will improve.

Do you girls have any theory on this? What do you think? Oh yeah, and there can be a connection between adrenal fatigue and candida.

I am a studying herbalist, and I have found candida albicans to have a tremendous effect on hormonal balance and I can see that it would also interupt normal hormonal development. Have you tried taking Grapefruit seed extract to combat the candida? If that doesn't get it under control enough, I highly recommend Guna brand GF- Candida homeopathic, it will have candida under control within a day or two, but make sure to balance all of that out with a high quality probiotic. Drinking Kombucha tea on a regular basis can provide probiotics and help with candida also, but just as maintainence, not as a cure. And you are right, acne, rashes, weight gain, and other not so favorable side effects all come from candida over growth. As a rule of thumb to know if you need to increase you suppliments, take a look at your tongue, and if it is white, you need to increase what you are doing to control the candida. Hope this helps.

Thank you so much for your reply =) It was very helpful. I haven't tried the grapefruit seed extract yet but have read that it could be helpful. I will try to find it tomorrow.

Do you think following the candida diet is necessary? (the cleanse, the strict diet etc.) Or do you think taking these supplements would be enough and just minimize the sugar and alchohol? I think the candida diet is very extreme and hard to do but I am ready to do it if it is necessary.

Hi CousinRose! I'm also trying to attack my case of Candida. It just won't go away and it's been so many years! I'm experimenting with a combination of Olive Leaf extract and Cayenne pepper. I researched these 2 methods and found that they have worked for some other people. I did initially think of trying Grape Seed Extract but a few of the search results say that you have to be careful which one you pick. Have a google first before you try. Good Luck and let us know how you go! Smile

Hey boobielove
Have you tried the candida cleanse followed by the strict diet etc.?
I have never been as stright with my diet as I have been latly but I need a little more willpower. I just realized I had a massive dose of antibiotics last year because I had a life threatening infection so this could be the reason my candida got worse and my melasma just came out of nowhere.

At least something is happening boob-wise =) I started using cerazette, progesterone only pill, with the PM and improved diet (almost candida diet, will do the cleanse this week) and my breasts haven't been this big since Brava swelling. I HOPE this is the answer to my problems but of course it is too soon to tell but my B-cup's are finally getting really tight again. JEY =)

Also let me know how it goes for you =)


Hey CousinRose,

I started a full-on Candida diet about 2 or 3 weeks ago. It's hard to say exactly when because I slowly reduced the foods that they warn against. (Even so, it's hard to say how closely I am sticking to it because the information on the internet and in books seem to contradict each other - some ingredients.)

I ran out of Olive Leaf Extract so on browsing through the internet and my local Vitamin Store, I found Pau D'Arco (Nature's Sunshine Brand). It says to take 2 for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is "a traditional South American herb used for its antifungal activity"). Each night and morning, I check my tongue and there is always still little white buds on my tongue. I wonder when it will be gone for good... I brush my tongue a lot towards the back where I can see the bumps and there is some sort of coating on it as my brush turns a bit yellow each time. Then I rinse and the brush becomes white again.

Is there a Candida cleanse? How do we do that? Is that by taking Milk Thistle?

Ufff the candida cleanse is a killer!!! I gave up on it and went straight to phase 2. It is like a detox diet, the website I used gave two options, either a kind of a juice fast or eating raw vegetables. I gave up after 2 days.

Ok, I know this is not a scientific article and I need to look for some but I came across this while gathering information about candida and breast development. It said that candida can cause "small breast development in young women". Yeah I know this website is selling a product but the other symptoms I have heard about before. Also I trust the words of someone studying herbalism, like wantbigboobs.
I am so angry that I don't have the breasts I should have had because my family is very lucky in that department. I surely am the black boobless sheep of the family.
However, my breasts have grown 1,5 cm since starting the diet and PM and progesterone only bcp. That is like 2/3 of an inch or so. I am dropping the PM now for at least a month since I am going to replace my milk with soy milk and I don't want to waste my PM in the competition with a weaker phytoestrogen. I also just started fenugreek, I read it has an antifungal properties and it gives me an amazing swelling. I am trying not to loose weight and on this diet it is so difficult but I haven't lost much.
Still no difference on my tongue after 10 days on the diet.

After searching some more, I have seen woman speaking about the connection between candida and small breast development. So boobielove ... maybe we can grow our breasts just by killing the candida!!! YES PLEASE!!!! Wink

I had a very high candida overgrowth, I did get rid of candida, but my breasts didn't grow since I am in my 20s, so now I am using PM, and PM Breast cream.


Being on the diet, I have noticed at times that my breasts will ache. I'm not sure if it's due to the temperature rising from the Candida dying off or not. Would love to think so! I tried Oil Pulling for 10 days and my tongue did look better - almost like the bumps in the middle were about to leave but then I had a day off the diet and it came back! So I've started actually having the Coconut oil with hot water to see if my system feels any different. They say start off with 1/4 teaspoon and I started off with 1/2 and 1 teaspoon. No side effects for me.

Have you tried the Oil Pulling?
Hun, don't be angry about things you can't change. We've just got to accept it and work towards it Smile I understand your feelings though. I struggled through my teen/young adult years in this way...

Any luck with progress??


How did you get rid of the High Candida overgrowth?

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